
The NWMO completes successful engineering demonstration

  The Nuclear Waste Management Organization (NWMO) has successfully completed a full-scale demonstration of the engineered barriers that will safely contain and isolate Canada’s used nuclear fuel in a deep geological repository. This important safety and technical achievement was the culmination of more than eight years of preparation, including the design and fabrication of specialized prototype equipment and components by ...

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Premier Doug Ford Honours the Memory of the Afzaal Family

Today, Premier Doug Ford released the following statement: “One year ago today, a horrific act of hate-motivated terrorism claimed the lives of four innocent people and left a young boy without his family. Today, as we continue to grieve this tragic and senseless loss, I join all Ontarians in honouring the memory of the Afzaal family. Racism, hate and discrimination ...

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L’ACCP célèbre la Semaine de la santé mentale de l’ACSM

Cette semaine marque la Semaine de la santé mentale de l’Association canadienne pour la santé mentale (ACSM), qui encourage les Canadiens à #GetReal sur la façon d’aider soi-même ainsi que les autres. L’Association canadienne de counseling et de psychothérapie (ACCP) appuie cette initiative et encourage les Canadiens à réfléchir à la façon dont ils peuvent utiliser l’empathie pour se soutenir ...

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CCPA Celebrates CMHA Mental Health Week

This week marks the Canadian Mental Health Association’s (CMHA) Mental Health Week, encouraging Canadians to #GetReal about how to help yourself and others. The Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association (CCPA) supports this initiative and encourages Canadians to consider how they can use empathy to support themselves as well as their family, friends and community. “As counsellors, counselling therapists and psychotherapists, ...

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Budget 2022 – Le plan de l’Ontario pour bâtir

Le ministre des Finances Peter Bethlenfalvy a publié le budget 2022. Le Plan to Build de l’Ontario repose sur cinq piliers : Reconstruire l’économie de l’Ontario Œuvrer pour les travailleurs Construire les routes et des infrastructures essentielles Garder les coûts bas Le Plan pour rester ouvert Le plan du gouvernement nous permettra de saisir les occasions que présentent les minéraux ...

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2022 Budget – Ontario’s Plan to Build

The Minister of Finance Peter Bethlenfalvy has released the 2022 Budget. Ontario’s Plan to Build has five pillars: Rebuilding Ontario’s Economy Working for Workers Building Highways and Key Infrastructure Keeping Costs Down A Plan to Stay Open The government’s plan will seize the opportunities in critical minerals, batteries and electric and hybrid vehicle manufacturing, help deliver better jobs and bigger ...

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La saison des feux de forêt a commencé – Se préparer

Le gouvernement de l’Ontario est prêt intervenir pendant la saison des incendies de végétation qui s’étend entre le 1er avril et le 31 octobre. « Il n’y a rien de plus important que de protéger la population et les collectivités de toute la province, y compris notre personnel, » a dit Greg Rickford, ministre du Développement du Nord, des Mines, ...

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Forest Fire Season Has Begun – Getting Ready

The Ontario government is ready to respond to this year’s wildland fire season, which goes from April 1 until October 31. “There is nothing more important than protecting the safety of people and communities across the province, including our staff,” said Greg Rickford, Minister of Northern Development, Mines, Natural Resources and Forestry. “Last year’s wildland fire season was exceptionally busy, ...

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Did you know this man?

The Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) have released a clay facial reconstruction in the hope of identifying human remains first recovered west of Kingston in October 1989. At a virtual media conference today, the OPP, in partnership with the Ontario Forensic Pathology Service and the Office of the Chief Coroner, unveiled a three-dimensional model of what is believed to be a ...

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Premier Ford Welcomes Governor General Mary Simon to Ontario

Premier Doug Ford welcomed Their Excellencies the Right Honourable Mary Simon, Governor General of Canada and Mr. Whit Fraser, on their first official visit to Ontario. “On behalf of the Ontario government, I am honoured to welcome Her Excellency the Right Honourable Mary Simon on her first official visit to our province,” said Premier Doug Ford. “As Canada’s first Indigenous ...

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Premier Ford and Vic Fedeli, Minister of Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade heading to D.C.


Premier Doug Ford and Vic Fedeli, Minister of Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade, will travel to Washington, D.C. on March 21 to meet with top officials and business leaders south of the border. At a time when the government is building Ontario and attracting more skilled workers, Premier Ford will underscore the province’s important trading relationship with key U.S. ...

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Ontario Hosts Summit on Food Security


Today, Lisa Thompson, Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, met with over 125 leaders in the food supply chain to discuss food security and to collaborate on strategies that will help Ontario’s food supply chain remain one of the strongest, safest and stable in the world. The Ontario Food Summit builds on the province’s continued actions to support the ...

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L’Ontario tient un sommet sur la sécurité alimentaire


Aujourd’hui, Lisa Thompson, ministre de l’Agriculture, de l’Alimentation et des Affaires rurales, a rencontré plus de 125 chefs de file de la chaîne d’approvisionnement alimentaire afin de discuter de la sécurité alimentaire et de collaborer à des stratégies qui aideront la chaîne d’approvisionnement alimentaire de l’Ontario à demeurer l’une des plus solide, sécuritaire et stable au monde. Le Sommet ontarien ...

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L’Ontario offre son soutien au peuple ukrainien


Le gouvernement de l’Ontario soutient le peuple ukrainien en offrant 300 000 $ en aide humanitaire en cette période difficile et éprouvante. « Hier soir, nous avons été témoins d’une violente attaque envers une nation souveraine à la suite du déclenchement d’une guerre d’agression contre l’Ukraine par Vladimir Putin, a déclaré le premier ministre Doug Ford. Le Canada et l’Ukraine ...

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Ontario Government Providing Humanitarian Aid for Ukraine


The Ontario government is assisting the people of Ukraine by providing $300,000 in humanitarian aid during this difficult and challenging time. “Last night we witnessed a violent attack on a sovereign nation as Vladimir Putin launched a war of aggression against Ukraine,” said Premier Doug Ford. “The bonds between Canada and Ukraine run deep, and generations of Ukrainian-Canadians have helped ...

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