Business Cards & Public Services

Advertise your business here for $25 monthly, and have it rotate on the front page in the Business Card Section!

Click on the banners below for more information.


Batteries can be recycled at the Wawa Public Library.

Wawa Metal Recycling on Tremblay Flats takes old propane tanks, BBQs, all appliances, automobiles, steel, tin, aluminum, copper, brass, all types of batteries, boats, bicycles, mine and Quarry scrap metal, computers, TVs, rims, rotors, microwaves, barrels, drums, and oil tanks. There is also 2 bins outside the gate for after hours drop off.

Wawa First United Church accepts donations for their thrift sale. Please leave all donations inside the building at the back door. Please note that they cannot accept TV’s or furniture. During COVID there is no drop off, please keep your donations until they reopen.

Every fall during the Wawa Fall Festival the Municipality sponsors a hazardous waste collection.



Wawa Community Food Bank is located at 96 Broadway Avenue. It is open Wednesday’s 2 p.m. – 4 p.m.  Contact us at (705) 852-14144 or via email [email protected],  or mail: Box 2001, Wawa, On P0S1K0

Wawa gardeners! If you have any excess produce in your gardens, the food bank would be happy to accept any donations to distribute to our clients. Due to limited storage space, we would prefer drop off Tuesday afternoon or Wednesday prior to 1:30 p.m.


Wawa Community Outreach Program – Call/text (705) 914-0421 to speak to someone that will help in finding the support programs or services in Wawa that may help. This service is available for residents of Wawa & the Algoma Catchment Area.


ALGOMA FAMILY SERVICES is a confidential child, adolescent and family counselling service that is available to residents of Wawa, Missanabie, Dubreuilville, White River and Hornepayne on a voluntary basis and free of charge. The counsellors offer individual, family and group counselling to children, teens and their families who may be experiencing difficulties with discipline, feelings and behaviour. Counsellors travel weekly to White River, Dubreuilville and as needed to Missinabie. For more information, please call collect at 1-705-856-2252 or drop into the Wawa Office at 26 Ste. Marie Street.


SCARED? FEELING ALONE? Do you need help? Sault Area Hospital offers a free and confidential crisis hotline 1-800-721-0077, 24 hours/day, 7 days/week. This service is provided for those 16 years and older, and consists of a team of crisis intervention workers and a mobile crisis response team. They provide assistance for those in crisis and their family members.


CHADWIC HOME: Please call 1-800-461-2242 anytime, day or night.

• We are able to offer emergency shelter to women fleeing abuse and their children. Please contact the shelter to determine availability.
• All essential visitors to the shelter will be screened for COVID-19 symptoms prior to entry and will be required to wear a mask.
• Our Outreach Services continue to be offered to the outlying communities by telephone support only.


THE ADULT LEARNING CENTRE provides free help to improve reading, writing, math and basic computer skills. Students can work towards their own goals for employment, further education/training or personal independence through their individual training plans. For more information, or to have your current skills assessed, call The Adult Learning Place, North Algoma Literacy Coalition, 705-856-4394 or drop by 50B Broadway Avenue.


ALGOMA DISTRICT SERVICES ADMINISTRATION BOARD: Public Access is restricted. Please email [email protected] for assistance or come to the office and pick up the intercom phone outside the front door for assistance. All clients will be screened and asked to wear a mask before entering.

  • Emergency Assistance: apply online or by calling the office, (705-856-2303)
  • Algoma Shelter Assistance Program and Social Services Relief Funding
  • Ontario Works- Employment and Income Supports, Child Care fee subsidy, Housing Subsidies are available


DRUG REHAB RESOURCE – Problems with drug or alcohol addiction in a loved one? Don’t know where to turn to for help? Contact Drug Rehab Resource for a free confidential consultation to find the help you need. Call Today 1-866-649-1594 or find out more at Don’t wait.


DIRECT FUNDING SELF-MANAGED CARE PROGRAM – If you have a disability and need attendant care, the Direct Funding Self-Managed Care Program can offer up to 6 hours/day for seven days/week. Pick and schedule your own attendants. Take control. Contact Patricia a the Disability Resource Centre at 1-800-236-7417.


North East Mental Wellness & Crisis Team – The North East Mental Wellness and Crisis Team (WCT) is a team that responds to crisis situations and provides ongoing mental health services to individuals, groups, and families that are affiliated with Biigtigong Nishnaabeg, Pic Mobert First Nation, Michipicoten First Nation and Pays Plat First Nation. 1-866-209-9582

Dilico Mental Health and Addictions
807-629-7554 | Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays 9:00 am – 4:30 pm
807-624-7908| Tuesdays and Thursdays 12:00 pm – 7:30 pm


Church Services

First United Church – The congregation welcomes everyone to Worship at First United Church.  Services are held on Sunday at 11:00 a.m. If anyone has a question or concern please leave a message on the answering machine at the Church 705-856-2926.

Wawa Baptist Church – Sunday Worship Service – In person or online at our WawaBaptist Church YouTube Channel at 10:00 a.m. on Sundays. Meetings/Life Groups/Family Ministries – Online through Zoom or Facebook Live. Contact Wawa Baptist Church for schedule.

St. Monica’s Roman Catholic Church, 78 Broadway Avenue, Wawa

Mass Times
Tuesday to Thursday at 7:00 p.m. (Note: Masses at Rectory, January 1 to April 30)
Friday at 11:00 a.m. at Extended Care L.D.H.C.
Saturday at 7:00 p.m.
Sunday at 9:00 a.m. (bilingual)

Rev. Fr. Duolomane (Joe) Okamba, Parish Pastor & Rev. Mr. Peter Chalykoff, Permanent Deacon

Email: [email protected] or  Phone:705-856-2032


Calvary Pentecostal Church invites you to great children and youth services as well as our Sunday morning services at 10:30 a.m. For more information, call 705-856-1068