
Premier Ford Renews Team that is Rebuilding Ontario’s Economy


Today, Premier Doug Ford unveiled his renewed team that will keep rebuilding Ontario’s economy and deliver on the government’s core commitments, including building Highway 413 and the Bradford Bypass, keeping costs down by fighting the carbon tax and training more people for rewarding careers in the skilled trades. “As our province and economy continue to grow, this is the team ...

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Matachewan First Nation Reaches Historic Settlement on Treaty Land Entitlement Claim


Chief Alex ‘Sonny’ Batisse of the Matachewan First Nation, Will Bouma, Parliamentary Assistant to the Ontario Minister of Indigenous Affairs on behalf of the Honourable Greg Rickford and the Honourable Gary Anandasangaree, Canada’s Minister of Crown–Indigenous Relations, announced the settlement of a treaty land entitlement (TLE) claim under Treaty #9, also known as the James Bay Treaty, signed in 1906. ...

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La Première Nation de Matachewan parvient à un règlement historique sur sa revendication de droits fonciers issus de traités


Le chef Alex « Sonny » Batisse de la Première Nation de Matachewan, Will Bouma, adjoint parlementaire du ministre des Affaires autochtones de l’Ontario, au nom de l’honorable Greg Rickford, et l’honorable Gary Anandasangaree, ministre des Relations Couronne-Autochtones du Canada, ont annoncé le règlement d’une revendication de droits fonciers issus des traités (DFIT) en vertu du traité no 9, également ...

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Inquest into the Death of Jordan Paim Announced

Dr. Harry Mikael Voogjarv, Regional Supervising Coroner for North Region, Sudbury Office, announced today that an inquest will be held into the death of Jordan Paim. Mr. Paim, 30, died on July 20, 2021, while in custody at the Algoma Treatment and Remand Centre in Sault Ste Marie. An inquest into his death is mandatory under the Coroners Act. The ...

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Government of Ontario is hosting Exercise Heatwave today in 6 Municipalities

As part of Emergency Preparedness Week, the Government of Ontario is hosting Exercise Heatwave, a large-scale simulated exercise which will reinforce provincial procedures and response to heat-related emergencies. “Exercise Heatwave is a valuable opportunity to practise and plan for our response to potential extreme heat emergencies,” said Caroline Mulroney, President of the Treasury Board and Minister responsible for Emergency Management. ...

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L’Ontario réagit au budget fédéral de 2024


Aujourd’hui, Peter Bethlenfalvy, ministre des Finances de l’Ontario, a fait la déclaration suivante en réaction au budget fédéral de 2024 : « Le budget déposé aujourd’hui a été une occasion manquée d’éliminer la coûteuse taxe fédérale sur le carbone qui augmente le coût de tout, de l’essence au panier d’épicerie. Notre gouvernement continue d’exhorter le gouvernement fédéral à remettre plus ...

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Ontario Responds to the 2024 Federal Budget


Today, Peter Bethlenfalvy, Ontario’s Minister of Finance, issued the following statement in response to the 2024 federal budget: “Today’s budget was a missed opportunity to scrap the costly federal carbon tax, which is making everything from gasoline to groceries more expensive. Our government continues to urge the federal government to put more money back into peoples’ pockets by eliminating the ...

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Ontario Launches Grid Innovation Fund

The Ontario government is building the grid of the future by launching a new round of the Grid Innovation Fund which will invest $9.5 million to support projects that will make the province’s electricity system more efficient. This year’s funding will be focused on transportation and heating and cooling, two sectors that are driving significant electricity demand increases. “As the ...

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US Coast Guard to rename Sectors Buffalo, Sault Ste. Marie

Coast Guard Sectors Buffalo and Sault Ste. Marie are scheduled to change names to Sectors Eastern Great Lakes and Northern Great Lakes, respectively, on Dec. 1, 2023. The sector names are changing from their city name locations to their geographic areas of responsibility. The physical site locations of the Coast Guard facilities and the missions performed by these operational commands ...

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Ontario Boosting Its Electricity Grid with Hydrogen


The Ontario government is investing $5.9 million in nine new projects that will integrate hydrogen into the province’s electricity grid. This funding is through the Hydrogen Innovation Fund which supports projects that pave the way for the production of reliable, affordable and clean electricity from hydrogen to help power the province’s growth. “Our government is building new electricity generation and ...

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Ontario Responds to 2023 Federal Fall Economic Statement

Peter Bethlenfalvy, Minister of Finance, issued the following statement in response to the federal government’s 2023 Fall Economic Statement: “Ontario stands ready to work with our federal partners on shared priorities such as building homes and critical infrastructure while making life easier and more affordable for Ontario families. While several of the measures contained in today’s federal Fall Economic Statement ...

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Provincial Wetland Policy Dries up Northern Economic Opportunities

Wetlands play an essential role in water filtering, flood prevention, and serve as a habitat for many species. Currently, provincial policies are in place to preserve wetlands, but at what cost? In Northern Policy Institute’s latest report, authors Don and Laura McConnell set out to examine if the current province-wide rules protecting wetlands disproportionately affect Northern Ontario’s economic growth. The ...

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Edith Dumont to be Installed as Ontario’s 30th Lieutenant Governor

The installation ceremony of Madame Edith Dumont as Ontario’s 30th Lieutenant Governor will take place on Tuesday, November 14, 2023 in the Queen’s Park Legislative Chamber. Further and more detailed information about the installation will be released at a later date. The Honourable Elizabeth Dowdeswell continues in office as Lieutenant Governor until the installation of Madame Dumont.

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Cérémonie d’installation d’Edith Dumont à titre de 30e lieutenante-gouverneure

La cérémonie d’installation de madame Edith Dumont à titre de 30e lieutenante-gouverneure de l’Ontario aura lieu le mardi 14 novembre 2023 dans l’enceinte de l’Assemblée législative à Queen’s Park. De plus amples renseignements sur cette installation seront communiqués ultérieurement. L’honorable Elizabeth Dowdeswell continuera d’exercer ses fonctions de lieutenante-gouverneure jusqu’à l’installation de madame Dumont.

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Premier Makes Changes to his Cabinet

Premier Doug Ford announced changes to his Cabinet yesterday, September 22, 2023: David Piccini becomes Minister of Labour, Immigration, Training and Skills Development; Andrea Khanjin becomes Minister of the Environment, Conservation and Parks; Todd McCarthy becomes Minister of Public and Business Service Delivery; and Vijay Thanigasalam becomes Associate Minister of Transportation. Andrea Khanjin will retain additional responsibilities as Deputy Government ...

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