
L’Ontario accélère l’accès à la justice en déplaçant davantage de services en ligne


Le gouvernement de l’Ontario propose une nouvelle solution de justice numérique qui transformera la façon dont les gens gèrent leurs affaires juridiques devant la Cour supérieure de l’Ontario et la Cour de justice de l’Ontario. L’Initiative d’optimisation relative au numérique pour les tribunaux représente le plus grand pas en avant dans l’évolution numérique de la justice au Canada, remplaçant des ...

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Ontario accelerating access to justice by moving more services online


The Ontario government is delivering a new digital justice solution that will transform how people handle their legal matters at the Superior and Ontario Courts of Justice. The Courts Digital Transformation initiative will be the most significant single step forward in the digital evolution of justice in Canada, replacing outdated paper-based procedures with an online platform to manage cases, documents ...

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Ontario Supporting Indigenous and Emerging Artists


The Ontario government is increasing support for the province’s arts sector with a $5-million grant program administered through the Ontario Arts Council. The funding will create more opportunities for Indigenous artists and arts organizations to reconnect with their audiences and recover from the impacts of COVID-19 and help new emerging artists across all disciplines during a pivotal stage in their ...

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Ontario to Raise Minimum Wage to $15 an Hour


As part of the 2021 Fall Economic Statement, the Ontario government will introduce legislation that, if passed, would raise the general minimum wage from $14.35 to $15.00 per hour effective January 1, 2022. Under the proposed changes, the special minimum wage rate for liquor servers would be eliminated and they would be entitled to the general minimum wage. Students under ...

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L’Ontario fera passer le salaire minimum à 15 dollars l’heure


Dans le cadre de sa mise à jour économique de l’automne 2021, le gouvernement de l’Ontario proposera un projet de loi qui, s’il est adopté, fera passer le salaire minimum général de 14,35 $ à 15,00 $ à compter du 1er janvier 2022. En vertu des modifications proposées, le salaire minimum des serveurs de boissons alcoolisées serait éliminé et ces ...

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Ontario Helping Protect Communities Against Racism and Hate


The Ontario government is helping protect communities against racism and hate through the province’s new $1.6 million Anti-Racism Anti-Hate Grant Program. Eligible organizations, including community-based, not-for-profit organizations, can apply for grants of $40,000 over two years for independent projects, or $100,000 over two years for partnerships between two or more organizations. “Recent events, such as the horrific Islamophobic attack in ...

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OPP Pathway of Memories – 105 Memory Stones Donated in 2021

The Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) and the OPP Youth Foundation recognized this year’s Pathway of Memories recipients who had an inscribed memory stone dedicated in their honour, as well as those who donated a stone. A total of 105 memory stones have been donated this year, bringing the number of stones in the Pathway of Memories to 426. The Pathway ...

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Ontario’s Teacher Unions Support Mandatory Vaccinations in Schools

The Association des enseignantes et des enseignants franco-ontariens (AEFO), Elementary Teachers’ Federation of Ontario (ETFO), Ontario English Catholic Teachers’ Association (OECTA), and Ontario Secondary School Teachers’ Federation (OSSTF/FEESO) issued the following statement Wednesday, August 18, 2021 in support of mandatory vaccinations in schools: “Ontario’s education unions representing teachers, education support workers, and other school staff support mandatory vaccinations in schools. ...

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Ontario and Michigan Partnering on Cross-Border Transportation Technologies


Ontario and Michigan are expanding their longstanding collaboration through a new partnership to advance automotive, transportation and mobility technologies to help people and goods move safely and efficiently across the border by land, air and water. The Ontario government, through Ontario’s Autonomous Vehicle Innovation Network (AVIN), and the State of Michigan, through the Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT), have signed ...

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L’Ontario et le Michigan s’associent afin de faire progresser les technologies pour le transport transfrontalier


L’Ontario et le Michigan élargissent leur collaboration de longue date grâce à un nouveau partenariat visant à faire progresser les technologies automobiles, de transport et de la mobilité afin de permettre aux particuliers et aux biens de franchir la frontière en toute sécurité et de manière efficace par voie terrestre, aérienne et maritime. Le gouvernement de l’Ontario, par l’entremise du ...

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FONOM had a productive meeting with members of Premier Ford’s Cabinet during AMO Conference

This is the second year that the Annual AMO Municipal Conference has been held virtually. Members of the Federation of Northern Ontario Municipalities Board shared three policy positions with Minister Clark, Rickford, Romano, Elliott, Bethlenfalvy, Fullerton, Associate Minister Stan Cho, Parliamentary Assistant Christine Hogarth, and over 60 ministry staff were on the call. We discuss planned topics, including creating Mutual ...

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Ontario Invests in Hamilton Manufacturer of Components for COVID-19 Tests

The Ontario government is investing nearly $860,000 in Coreprint Patterns through the Ontario Together Fund. The investment will mean that there is now a made-in-Ontario source for manufacturing critical components for COVID-19 polymerase chain reaction (PCR) tests for hospitals and labs across the province. “Through the Ontario Together Fund, our government is making targeted investments in domestic businesses with the ...

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Premier Doug Ford announces changes to Ontario’s cabinet

Premier Doug Ford announced changes to Ontario’s cabinet. “With 21 per cent of adults now fully vaccinated as Team Ontario sets new records in daily shots, we can be confident that the worst of the pandemic is behind us,” said Premier Ford. “As we continue our work to rebuild and support Ontario’s health system, our renewed team is well positioned ...

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Ontario Adding Mental Health Beds for Northern York Region and Southern Simcoe County (6.5 Million Investment)


As part of its comprehensive plan to build a connected mental health and addictions system centred around the needs of patients, the Ontario government is investing over $6.5 million to support the expansion of Southlake Regional Health Centre’s Adult Inpatient Mental Health Unit. The expansion will add 12 new mental health beds and support spaces, increasing the total inpatient mental ...

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