
8 régions passent à de nouveaux niveaux de restriction à compter du lundi 22 mars

Sur les conseils du médecin hygiéniste en chef, le gouvernement de l’Ontario place huit circonscriptions sanitaires d’Ottawa dans de nouveaux paliers du Cadre d’intervention pour la COVID-19 : Garder l’Ontario en sécurité et ouvert. Les décisions ont été prises en consultation avec les médecins hygiénistes locaux et se fondent sur les tendances des indicateurs de la santé publique et sur le ...

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8 Regions moving to new levels of restriction effective Monday, March 22

On the advice of the Chief Medical Officer of Health, the Ontario government is moving eight public health regions to new levels in the COVID-19 Response Framework: Keeping Ontario Safe and Open. Decisions were made in consultation with the local medical officers of health and are based on the trends in public health indicators and local context and conditions. “With ...

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L’Ontario élargit l’aide financière aux microcertifications


Le gouvernement de l’Ontario élargit le Régime d’aide financière aux étudiantes et étudiants de l’Ontario (RAFEO) pour y inclure près de 600 programmes de microcertification. Par cette initiative, la province s’assure que les prêts, bourses et subventions seront accessibles par un plus grand nombre d’apprenants cherchant à compléter leurs compétences et à se recycler rapidement pour occuper des emplois en ...

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Ontario Expands Financial Assistance to Include Micro-credentials


The Ontario government is expanding the Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP) to include nearly 600 micro-credential programs. Through this initiative, the province is ensuring loans and grants will be available to more learners looking to rapidly upskill and reskill for the in-demand jobs of today and tomorrow. “Ontario is the first province in Canada to financially support students taking micro-credential ...

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Ottawa Public Health Region Moves to Red (Friday, March 19, 2021 at 12:01 a.m.)

Ottawa goes red - control

In consultation with the Chief Medical Officer of Health, the Ontario Government is moving the Ottawa Public Health region to the Red-Control level in the Keeping Ontario Safe and Open Framework. The decision was made at the request of the local medical officer of health due to the concerning trends in public health indicators in the region. “Our government is ...

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Humber College Launches Its First Independent Nursing Degree

Humber College has launched its independent nursing degree, one of the first in the Ontario college sector. Premier Doug Ford and Ross Romano, Minister of Colleges and Universities, along with Minister Kinga Surma and MPPs Christine Hogarth and Natalia Kusendova, visited Humber’s North Campus today to tour the College’s simulated patient care suites and make the announcement of Humber’s nursing ...

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Police Hope Video leads to resolution for Quebec Family

  Members of the North Bay Police Service, the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) and a Québec family are marking a grim anniversary but remain committed to resolving the suspicious disappearance of a young resident. On March 4, 2011, 20-year-old Luke JOLY-DUROCHER of Témiscaming was in North Bay to visit with friends and was staying on Sherbrooke Street. They consumed alcohol ...

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Les circonscriptions sanitaires de Toronto, de Peel et de North Bay-Parry Sound réintègrent le Cadre d’intervention renforcé pour la COVID-19

Le gouvernement de l’Ontario, en consultation avec le médecin hygiéniste en chef, réintègre la Circonscription sanitaire de la région de Toronto, la Circonscription sanitaire de la région de Peel et la Circonscription sanitaire du district de North Bay-Parry Sound dans le Cadre d’intervention révisé et renforcé pour la COVID-19 : Garder l’Ontario ouvert (le « Cadre d’intervention »), et met un terme au décret ...

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Toronto, Peel and North Bay-Parry Sound Returning to Strengthened COVID-19 Response Framework

The Ontario Government, in consultation with the Chief Medical Officer of Health, is transitioning Toronto, Peel, and North Bay Parry Sound District public health regions out of the shutdown and into the revised and strengthened COVID-19 Response Framework: Keeping Ontario Safe and Open (the “Framework”), with the Stay-at-Home order no longer in effect. In addition, seven other public health regions are being moved to ...

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Colleges to offer fully funded PSW program starting in April 2021

The Ontario government is investing over $115 million to train up to 8,200 new personal support workers (PSWs) for high-demand jobs in Ontario’s health and long-term care sectors. In collaboration with Colleges Ontario, all 24 publicly assisted colleges will offer this innovative, fully funded program starting in April 2021. This is part of the government’s Long-Term Care Staffing Plan, one ...

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Premier Ford Marks Lunar New Year with Hope for the Future

Today, Premier Doug Ford issued the following statement to usher in the Lunar New Year: “Starting today, the Chinese, Vietnamese, and Korean communities in Ontario and around the world will celebrate the Lunar New Year and welcome the Year of the Ox. Like the ox, may we all find the strength, resilience and determination to embrace life’s blessings this new ...

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L’Ontario élargit les soutiens aux familles ayant des enfants atteints d’autisme


Le gouvernement de l’Ontario offre des mesures de soutien additionnelles aux familles d’enfants atteints de troubles du spectre de l’autisme. Dès le mois de mars, le gouvernement commencera à offrir des services cliniques de base en fonction des besoins particuliers des enfants, un élément clé du nouveau Programme ontarien des services en matière d’autisme. Ces services comprennent l’analyse comportementale appliquée, ...

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Ontario Expanding Supports for Families of Children with Autism


The Ontario government is providing additional supports for families of children on the autism spectrum. Starting in March, the province will begin offering core clinical services based on a child’s individual needs, a key element of the new Ontario Autism Program. These services include applied behaviour analysis, speech language pathology, occupational therapy and mental health supports. Recognizing the challenges and ...

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L’Ontario s’oppose au nouveau décret des États-Unis favorisant l’achat de produits américains

Aujourd’hui, Vic Fedeli, ministre du Développement économique, de la Création d’emplois et du Commerce, a émis la déclaration suivante concernant le décret des États-Unis favorisant l’achat de produits américains : « Le gouvernement de l’Ontario est déçu que l’administration américaine ait décidé d’aller de l’avant avec un nouveau décret favorisant l’achat de produits américains qui restreindra l’accès aux appels d’offres ...

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Ontario Opposes New U.S. Executive Order on Buy American

Today, Vic Fedeli, Minister of Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade issued the following statement on the U.S. Executive Order on Buy American: “The Ontario government is disappointed that the U.S. Administration has chosen to move ahead with a new Executive Order on Buy American which would restrict access to the U.S. government procurement. We are concerned with what these ...

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