The Ontario government is providing additional supports for families of children on the autism spectrum. Starting in March, the province will begin offering core clinical services based on a child’s individual needs, a key element of the new Ontario Autism Program. These services include applied behaviour analysis, speech language pathology, occupational therapy and mental health supports. Recognizing the challenges and ...
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L’Ontario s’oppose au nouveau décret des États-Unis favorisant l’achat de produits américains
Aujourd’hui, Vic Fedeli, ministre du Développement économique, de la Création d’emplois et du Commerce, a émis la déclaration suivante concernant le décret des États-Unis favorisant l’achat de produits américains : « Le gouvernement de l’Ontario est déçu que l’administration américaine ait décidé d’aller de l’avant avec un nouveau décret favorisant l’achat de produits américains qui restreindra l’accès aux appels d’offres ...
Read More »Ontario Opposes New U.S. Executive Order on Buy American
Today, Vic Fedeli, Minister of Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade issued the following statement on the U.S. Executive Order on Buy American: “The Ontario government is disappointed that the U.S. Administration has chosen to move ahead with a new Executive Order on Buy American which would restrict access to the U.S. government procurement. We are concerned with what these ...
Read More »Premier Ford Reflects on a Lasting Legacy during Lincoln Alexander Day
Premier Doug Ford issued the following statement to commemorate the legacy of The Honourable Lincoln M. Alexander: “Today, we pay tribute to a true trailblazer and inspiration to the next generation of leaders and all Ontarians, Lincoln Alexander. Lincoln broke new ground as Canada’s first Black Member of Parliament, first Black federal cabinet minister, and Ontario’s first Black Lieutenant Governor. ...
Read More »Le premier ministre Ford évoque un héritage durable à l’occasion de la Journée Lincoln Alexander
Le premier ministre, Doug Ford, a émis la déclaration suivante pour commémorer l’héritage de l’honorable Lincoln M. Alexander. « Aujourd’hui, nous rendons hommage à un véritable pionnier et à une source d’inspiration pour la prochaine génération de dirigeants et tous les Ontariens et Ontariennes, Lincoln Alexander. M. Alexander a ouvert de nouveaux horizons en tant que premier membre noir ...
Read More »Statement from Premier Doug Ford on the Anniversary of the Fatal Plane Crash in Iran
Premier Doug Ford issued the following statement on the anniversary of the fatal plane crash in Iran: “One year ago, Ukraine International Airlines Flight 752 was shot down minutes after takeoff from Tehran, Iran. 55 Canadian citizens and 30 permanent residents were among the 176 people killed. They came from all walks of life — families with children, professionals, newlyweds, ...
Read More »L’Ontario ouvre un Centre de soins spécialisés dans la région du Grand Toronto
Le gouvernement de l’Ontario ouvre un nouveau Centre de soins spécialisés pour fournir des soins aux résidents de la région du Grand Toronto que l’on doit temporairement déménager en raison de la situation difficile dans leur foyer de soins de longue durée. Le nouveau Centre de soins spécialisés fonctionnera comme un agrandissement temporaire du Centre de santé Grace de l’Armée ...
Read More »Ontario Opening Specialized Care Centre in Greater Toronto Area
The Ontario government is opening a new Specialized Care Centre to provide care for long-term care residents in the Greater Toronto Area who must be temporarily relocated due to the challenging situation in their long-term care home. The new Specialized Care Centre will operate as a temporary extension of Toronto Grace Health Centre to offer surge capacity for long-term care ...
Read More »Tourism – Travel and Eco-Adventure Program Soon Turning 50 with Hope for the Future
The Tourism – Travel and Eco-Adventure program at Confederation College is getting ready to celebrate a milestone birthday, turning 50 years old in 2021. Since being established in 1971, the program has supported over 1,050 graduates and launched several successful careers in the industry. “We are so proud to see our Tourism alumni succeeding in careers across the globe,” ...
Read More »L’Ontario déclare que le Père Noël est un fournisseur de services essentiels
Le premier ministre Doug Ford a fait la déclaration suivante concernant la livraison annuelle de cadeaux par le Père Noël : « Alors que les enfants des quatre coins de l’Ontario comptent les jours avant Noël avec fébrilité, je tiens à rassurer tous les garçons et toutes les filles que le Père Noël viendra toujours cette année malgré la pandémie ...
Read More »Ontario Declares Santa Claus an Essential Service
Premier Doug Ford issued the following statement on Santa Claus’ annual delivery of gifts: “As children across Ontario count down the days to Christmas with excitement, I want to reassure all the boys and girls out there that Santa is still coming this year despite the COVID-19 pandemic. As Premier, I have requested that the Lieutenant Governor issue a ...
Read More »L’Ontario dévoile un nouveau plan global de lutte contre la pauvreté
Le gouvernement de l’Ontario a publié aujourd’hui sa nouvelle Stratégie de réduction de la pauvreté, qui aidera un plus grand nombre de personnes à retourner au travail et à participer à la reprise économique de la province suite à la COVID-19. La stratégie quinquennale décrit les initiatives clés qui aideront à rapprocher les personnes vivant dans la pauvreté des possibilités ...
Read More »Ontario Unveils New Comprehensive Plan to Combat Poverty
The Ontario government released its new Poverty Reduction Strategy today which will help more people get back to work and participate in the province’s economic recovery from COVID-19. The five-year strategy outlines key initiatives that will help connect people experiencing poverty with education, skills training, health and other supports, while helping people keep more of their hard-earned money. “While COVID-19 ...
Read More »Made-In-Ontario Respirators and Masks – Production of PPE will create jobs and protect frontline workers
The Ontario government is investing more than $5 million through the Ontario Together Fund to help three companies: O2 Canada (Kitchener), RONCO (Concord), and Swenco Ltd. (Kitchener-Waterloo) create jobs by designing and producing respirators and surgical masks for frontline and healthcare workers. Ontario is investing more than $1.8 million in Kitchener-based O2 Canada to design double-filtered, soft-sealed, and reusable respirators ...
Read More »Province Expanding Online Renewal Options for Drivers
The Ontario government is temporarily waiving multiple driver’s licence renewal requirements so that all Class G and M drivers can now safely renew their licences online at To ensure continued access to critical services, these changes will also help people travelling outside Ontario for essential travel to renew their licences. “The unfortunate reality is that the COVID-19 pandemic has made ...
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