Le gouvernement de l’Ontario investit plus de 32 millions de dollars pour assurer que les premiers intervenants et le personnel de la sécurité publique ont accès à des services de soutien en santé mentale. Le nouveau Programme pour la santé mentale du personnel de la sécurité publique (Programme pour la SMPSP) mettra des services spécialisés à la disposition des policiers, ...
Read More »Provincial
Ontario Expanding Mental Health Supports for Public Safety Personnel
The Ontario government is investing more than $32 million to ensure first responders and public safety personnel have access to mental health supports. The new Mental Health Supports for Public Safety Personnel program (MHS4PSP) will provide specialized services for police officers, firefighters, correctional workers, paramedics and others who support Ontario’s public safety system. “First responders and public safety personnel have ...
Read More »Premier Ford Issues Statement on Remembrance Day
Today, Premier Doug Ford issued the following statement to mark Remembrance Day: “On this day of remembrance, I ask everyone in Ontario to join me in paying tribute to the Canadian heroes whose bravery and sacrifice are the foundation of our country’s freedom. During our shared moment of silence, let us honour the brave women and men who serve and ...
Read More »Ontario Recognizes Treaties Recognition Week 2024
Today, Greg Rickford, Minister of Indigenous Affairs and First Nations Economic Reconciliation, issued the following statement to mark the beginning of Treaties Recognition Week: “This week is Treaties Recognition Week, an annual opportunity to learn about the more than 40 Treaties and agreements that define the rights, responsibilities and relationships between First Nations and the federal and provincial governments. Strengthening ...
Read More »L’Ontario marque le Mois de la prévention de la violence faite aux femmes
Michael Parsa, ministre des Services à l’enfance et des Services sociaux et communautaires, et Charmaine Williams, ministre associée des Perspectives sociales et économiques pour les femmes, ont publié la déclaration suivante : « Novembre est le Mois de la prévention de la violence faite aux femmes. C’est l’occasion de sensibiliser la population à la violence sexiste et de prendre position contre ce ...
Read More »Ontario Marks Woman Abuse Prevention Month
Michael Parsa, Minister of Children, Community and Social Services and Charmaine Williams, Associate Minister of Women’s Social and Economic Opportunity, issued the following statement: “November is Woman Abuse Prevention Month, an opportunity to raise awareness of gender-based violence and to take a stand against this heinous crime in all its forms. Sadly, one in three Canadian women will experience at ...
Read More »Toutes les épiceries et les grandes surfaces en Ontario peuvent désormais vendre des boissons alcoolisées
Dans le cadre de la dernière étape du plan du gouvernement visant à offrir aux Ontariens plus de choix et de commodité, toutes les épiceries titulaires de permis et les grandes surfaces peuvent désormais vendre de la bière, du vin, du cidre et des prêts-à-boire, y compris en grands formats d’emballages. « Nous avons promis aux Ontariens de leur offrir ...
Read More »All Ontario Grocery and Big-Box Stores Now Able to Sell Alcoholic Beverages
As the final step in the government’s plan to give people in Ontario more choice and convenience, all licensed grocery stores and big-box grocery stores are now able to sell beer, wine, cider and ready-to-drink beverages, including in large pack sizes. “We promised to give the people of Ontario choice and convenience when buying and selling alcoholic beverages and with ...
Read More »L’Ontario appelle à des mesures fédérales immédiates pour réformer le processus de mise en liberté sous caution
Le gouvernement de l’Ontario exhorte Ottawa à modifier urgemment le Code criminel en y apportant des changements concrets qui durciront la législation en matière de mise en liberté sous caution dans l’objectif de protéger la sécurité publique et de garder les délinquants violents et les récidivistes derrière les barreaux. « Le gouvernement fédéral n’a pas su limiter l’accès à la ...
Read More »Ontario Calls for Immediate Federal Action on Bail Reform
The Ontario government is calling on the federal government to urgently amend the Criminal Code by introducing concrete changes that will tighten bail legislation to protect public safety and keep repeat and violent offenders off the streets. “The federal government’s failure to restrict bail access and get tough on crime is making Ontario communities less safe,” said Graham McGregor, Associate ...
Read More »Robinson Huron Treaty – Go Forward Initiative Update
The Chiefs and Trustees of the Robinson Huron Treaty Litigation Fund (RHTLF) met for two days on October 16 and 17, 2024, to formulate a plan for the implementation of the Treaty Augmentation Promise going forward. The 21 Chiefs and Trustees entered into a Settlement Agreement with the Crown in January 2024, for $10.0 B, but that was only for ...
Read More »L’Ontario apporte sa caution à la poursuite de l’exploitation sûre de la centrale nucléaire de Pickering
Stephen Lecce, ministre de l’Énergie et de l’Électrification de l’Ontario, a prononcé la déclaration suivante en réponse à l’approbation par la Commission canadienne de sûreté nucléaire de la poursuite de l’exploitation sûre des tranches « B » de la centrale nucléaire de Pickering jusqu’en décembre 2026. « Les données sont sans équivoque : l’Ontario a besoin de plus d’électricité pour ...
Read More »Ontario Supports Continued Safe Operation of Pickering Nuclear Generating Station
Stephen Lecce, Ontario’s Minister of Energy and Electrification, issued the following statement in response to the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission’s approval for the continued safe operation of the Pickering Nuclear Generating Station’s “B” units through December 2026. “The data is clear, Ontario needs more power to meet growing energy demands. We have long believed that the Pickering Nuclear Generating Station ...
Read More »Dr. David Suzuki tells Teeswater Ontario audience: “Don’t trust corporations with nuclear waste”
At a public event hosted by Protect Our Waterways, Dr. David Suzuki urged over 150 attendees to question corporate and governments’ assurances regarding nuclear waste safety. He emphasized, “Science is not equipped to confidently store radioactive waste for 10,000 years. If it’s so safe, why not place these repositories near major cities where electricity demand is highest?” Dr. Gordon Edwards, ...
Read More »Joint Statement by Premier Ford and Minister Mulroney to Commemorate Franco-Ontarian Day
As Ontario marks Franco-Ontarian Day, Premier Doug Ford and the Honourable Caroline Mulroney, Minister of Francophone Affairs, issued the following statement: “Franco-Ontarian Day is an opportunity to reflect upon and celebrate our province’s thriving Francophone community, whose rich cultural heritage has helped shape Ontario’s history. Building on this strong foundation, Francophones continue to make significant contributions to our province’s diversity ...
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