The Ontario government is calling on the federal government to urgently amend the Criminal Code by introducing concrete changes that will tighten bail legislation to protect public safety and keep repeat and violent offenders off the streets. “The federal government’s failure to restrict bail access and get tough on crime is making Ontario communities less safe,” said Graham McGregor, Associate ...
Read More »Author Archives: Ontario Government
Ontario Supports Grieving Families of Stillborn Children with commemorative document
Ontario parents who have experienced a stillbirth now can receive a commemorative document in remembrance of their child. The Ontario government is also removing the associated cost and simplifying the process of obtaining a certified copy of stillbirth registration. “A stillbirth is a heartbreaking experience for any family. Our government understands the importance of honouring the memory of a lost ...
Read More »Ontario Supports Continued Safe Operation of Pickering Nuclear Generating Station
Stephen Lecce, Ontario’s Minister of Energy and Electrification, issued the following statement in response to the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission’s approval for the continued safe operation of the Pickering Nuclear Generating Station’s “B” units through December 2026. “The data is clear, Ontario needs more power to meet growing energy demands. We have long believed that the Pickering Nuclear Generating Station ...
Read More »L’Ontario apporte sa caution à la poursuite de l’exploitation sûre de la centrale nucléaire de Pickering
Stephen Lecce, ministre de l’Énergie et de l’Électrification de l’Ontario, a prononcé la déclaration suivante en réponse à l’approbation par la Commission canadienne de sûreté nucléaire de la poursuite de l’exploitation sûre des tranches « B » de la centrale nucléaire de Pickering jusqu’en décembre 2026. « Les données sont sans équivoque : l’Ontario a besoin de plus d’électricité pour ...
Read More »Ontario’s Minimum Wage Increase Now in Effect to Support Workers
David Piccini, Minister of Labour, Immigration, Training and Skills Development, issued the following statement on increasing the province’s minimum wage: “Today, the general minimum wage in Ontario increases from $16.55 per hour to $17.20, helping nearly one million workers earn more money for themselves and their families. Ontario’s minimum wage is one of the highest in the country. This 3.9 ...
Read More »Joint Statement by Premier Ford and Minister Mulroney to Commemorate Franco-Ontarian Day
As Ontario marks Franco-Ontarian Day, Premier Doug Ford and the Honourable Caroline Mulroney, Minister of Francophone Affairs, issued the following statement: “Franco-Ontarian Day is an opportunity to reflect upon and celebrate our province’s thriving Francophone community, whose rich cultural heritage has helped shape Ontario’s history. Building on this strong foundation, Francophones continue to make significant contributions to our province’s diversity ...
Read More »Gender Equality Week
Charmaine Williams, Associate Minister of Women’s Social and Economic Opportunity, issued the following statement to mark Gender Equality Week: “Gender Equality Week is an opportunity to celebrate the achievements and leadership of women and their contributions to the economy, culture and history of our province. It is also an opportunity to acknowledge that women and girls continue to face barriers ...
Read More »Ontario Supporting Northern Workers in Terrace Bay with new action centre
The Ontario government is investing nearly $280,000 in a new action centre to help the over 330 workers impacted by layoffs at AV Terrace Bay. The new action centre will connect the Northern Ontarian workers with services and training they need to find new jobs in the same sector or further their careers in others. “Our government stands with the ...
Read More »Ontario Releases 2023-24 Public Accounts
The Ontario government released the 2023-24 Public Accounts, which provide the final audited financial results of the province for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2024. The Ontario government recorded a $0.6 billion deficit for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2024, compared to a forecasted deficit of $1.3 billion in the 2023 Budget. This nearly $700 million improvement resulted ...
Read More »L’Ontario soutient les travailleurs du nord à Terrace Bay avec un nouveau centre d’action
Le gouvernement de l’Ontario investit près de 280 000 dollars dans un nouveau centre d’action pour aider les plus de 330 travailleurs, touchés par les mises à pied chez AV Terrace Bay. Ce centre reliera les travailleurs du nord de l’Ontario aux services et formations dont ils ont besoin pour retrouver un emploi dans le même secteur ou faire progresser ...
Read More »La province renomme la Médaille du mérite civique de l’Ontario
Aujourd’hui, à l’occasion du deuxième anniversaire du décès de feu Sa Majesté la reine Elizabeth II, le gouvernement provincial renomme la Médaille du mérite civique de l’Ontario en Médaille du mérite civique de l’Ontario de la Reine Elizabeth II. Le changement de nom de cette médaille provinciale du mérite célèbre le lien entre les personnes qui se voient décerner cet ...
Read More »Province Renames Ontario Medal for Good Citizenship
Today, on the second anniversary of the passing of Her Late Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, the provincial government is renaming the Ontario Medal for Good Citizenship (OMGC) to the Queen Elizabeth II Ontario Medal for Good Citizenship (QEIIOMGC). The renaming of this provincial medal of merit celebrates the connection between those who are bestowed this honour and Her Late Majesty’s ...
Read More »Déclaration du médecin hygiéniste en chef
Aujourd’hui, le Dr Kieran Moore, médecin hygiéniste en chef, a émis la déclaration suivante : « Le bureau de santé du comté de Brant a reçu la confirmation en laboratoire d’un cas humain de rage chez un résident de Brantford-Brant. On soupçonne que la maladie a été acquise à partir d’un contact direct avec une chauve-souris en Ontario. Afin de ...
Read More »Statement from the Chief Medical Officer of Health
Today, Dr. Kieran Moore, Chief Medical Officer of Health, issued the following statement: “Brant County Health Unit has received laboratory confirmation of a human case of rabies in a resident of Brantford-Brant. The illness is suspected to have been acquired from direct contact with a bat in Ontario. To ensure privacy for the family, no further information about the individual will ...
Read More »Des dépanneurs partout en Ontario peuvent maintenant vendre de la bière, du vin, du cidre et des boissons alcoolisées prêtes à boire
À compter d’aujourd’hui, tous les dépanneurs titulaires d’un permis en Ontario peuvent vendre de la bière, du cidre, du vin et des boissons alcoolisées prêtes à boire. Il s’agit de la plus importante amélioration du choix et de la commodité pour les consommateurs dans le secteur de la vente d’alcool dans la province depuis la fin de la prohibition, il ...
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