Author Archives: Ontario Government

Ontario Offering Free Admission to Provincial Parks over Weekend

The Ontario government is making it easier to explore provincial parks and experience the benefits of spending time in nature by offering free day-use access on Friday, July 19, to mark Healthy Parks Healthy People Day. This annual celebration is part of a global movement to promote the incredible health benefits of getting outside in nature. “I invite all Ontarians ...

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L’Ontario sonne l’alerte concernant un rappel de produits en raison d’une contamination par Listeria

Aujourd’hui, le Dr Kieran Moore, médecin hygiéniste en chef, a publié la déclaration suivante pour aviser la population ontarienne de ne pas consommer certaines boissons végétales réfrigérées de marque Silk® et Great Value faisant l’objet d’un rappel, puisqu’ils peuvent être contaminés par la bactérie Listeria monocytogenes : « Le 8 juillet 2024, l’Agence canadienne d’inspection des aliments (ACIA) a annoncé ...

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Ontarians Warned About Product Recall Due to Listeria Contamination

Today, Dr. Kieran Moore, Chief Medical Officer of Health, issued the following statement warning Ontarians not to consume certain recalled Silk® and Great Value brand plant-based refrigerated beverages as they may be contaminated with Listeria monocytogenes: “On July 8, 2024, the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) announced a recall that affects certain Silk® and Great Value brand plant-based refrigerated beverages ...

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New Hospital Project for James Bay Region


As part of the 2017 Budget, Ontario plans to provide $9 billion in capital grants to support the construction of new hospital projects across the province. This will bring Ontario’s total planned investment in hospital infrastructure to more than $20 billion over the next 10 years. Premier Kathleen Wynne was at the Weeneebayko General Hospital today to announce that Ontario ...

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Le nouveau projet d’hôpital de la baie James


Dans le cadre du budget 2017, l’Ontario prévoit affecter 9 milliards de dollars en subventions d’immobilisations afin de soutenir la réalisation de nouveaux projets hospitaliers aux quatre coins de la province. Cela portera le total des investissements qu’il prévoit effectuer dans l’infrastructure hospitalière à plus de 20 milliards de dollars au cours des dix prochaines années. La première ministre Kathleen Wynne ...

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Ontario Investing in Conservation Projects to Protect Caribou

The Ontario government is now accepting applications for the 2024-2025 Caribou Conservation Stewardship Program. This year’s program will provide up to $8 million to fund conservation initiatives such as habitat restoration and protection, monitoring, science and research. “I am pleased to announce that after successfully supporting 19 projects, we are once again inviting non-profit organizations, Indigenous communities and other groups ...

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Premier Ford Renews Team that is Rebuilding Ontario’s Economy


Today, Premier Doug Ford unveiled his renewed team that will keep rebuilding Ontario’s economy and deliver on the government’s core commitments, including building Highway 413 and the Bradford Bypass, keeping costs down by fighting the carbon tax and training more people for rewarding careers in the skilled trades. “As our province and economy continue to grow, this is the team ...

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Ontario Awards Contracts to Advance Northeastern Passenger Rail

The Ontario government is delivering on its promise to bring back northeastern passenger rail service by awarding three contracts to design and manufacture nine new station shelters, enhance rail safety and complete warning system upgrades. The contracts mark a significant milestone in reinstating train service between Timmins and Toronto, providing a safe and reliable transportation option for northern and central ...

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Déclaration conjointe de l’honorable Sean Fraser, ministre du Logement, de l’Infrastructure et des Collectivités, et de l’honorable Paul Calandra, ministre des Affaires municipales et du Logement de l’Ontario


Aujourd’hui, Sean Fraser, ministre du Logement, de l’Infrastructure et des Collectivités, et Paul Calandra, ministre des Affaires municipales et du Logement de l’Ontario, ont publié la déclaration suivante : « Le Canada et l’Ontario reconnaissent qu’il est impératif de collaborer pour résoudre la crise du logement. C’est pourquoi nous sommes heureux d’annoncer qu’un accord a été conclu sur un plan ...

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Canada and Ontario Joint Statement on the National Housing Strategy


Today, Sean Fraser, Canada’s Minister of Housing, Infrastructure and Communities, and Paul Calandra, Ontario’s Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing, released a joint statement: “Canada and Ontario recognize that our collaboration is imperative to solving the housing crisis. That is why we are pleased to share that an agreement has been reached on a revised action plan from Ontario that ...

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Matachewan First Nation Reaches Historic Settlement on Treaty Land Entitlement Claim


Chief Alex ‘Sonny’ Batisse of the Matachewan First Nation, Will Bouma, Parliamentary Assistant to the Ontario Minister of Indigenous Affairs on behalf of the Honourable Greg Rickford and the Honourable Gary Anandasangaree, Canada’s Minister of Crown–Indigenous Relations, announced the settlement of a treaty land entitlement (TLE) claim under Treaty #9, also known as the James Bay Treaty, signed in 1906. ...

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La Première Nation de Matachewan parvient à un règlement historique sur sa revendication de droits fonciers issus de traités


Le chef Alex « Sonny » Batisse de la Première Nation de Matachewan, Will Bouma, adjoint parlementaire du ministre des Affaires autochtones de l’Ontario, au nom de l’honorable Greg Rickford, et l’honorable Gary Anandasangaree, ministre des Relations Couronne-Autochtones du Canada, ont annoncé le règlement d’une revendication de droits fonciers issus des traités (DFIT) en vertu du traité no 9, également ...

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L’Ontario marque la cinquième Journée d’action contre les détritus

Andrea Khạnjin, ministre de l’Environnement, de la Protection de la nature et des Parcs, a publié la déclaration suivante pour la Journée d’action contre les détritus de l’Ontario : « C’est aujourd’hui la cinquième Journée provinciale d’action contre les détritus : c’est une étape importante dans le cadre des efforts que déploie le gouvernement pour réduire les détritus et préserver ...

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Ontario Marks Fifth Annual Day of Action on Litter

Andrea Khạnjin, Minister of the Environment, Conservation and Parks, issued the following statement on Ontario’s Day of Action on Litter: “Today is the fifth annual Provincial Day of Action on Litter: a significant milestone in our government’s ongoing efforts to tackle litter and preserve the natural beauty of our province. Over the last five years, we have seen students, community ...

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