John passed away at the Toronto General Hospital on Friday, November 3, 2023 at the age of 65. He was born in Wawa and lived most of his life there. John was the son of the late Mamie (Mary) Houston and the late Archie Docherty. He is survived by his sister Dorothy (Chris), their three children Alex (Jasmine), Beth and ...
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MILLETTE, Alfreda “Freda”
(1935-2023) Passed away peacefully at the Sault Area Hospital on Sunday, November 5, 2023 at the age of 88 years. She is now reunited with her beloved husband Alphege. Cherished mother of Jean-Guy (Rachelle), Nicole Imbeault (Réginald), Lise Kiddle (late Andrée Sauvé), Eddie, Daniel and Donald. Proud grandmother, great-grandmother, and great-great grandmother of many. At Freda’s request, cremation has ...
Read More »Robinson Huron First Nations to argue that Ontario has a fiduciary duty to increase annuities
The Government of Ontario is appealing the decision made by the Ontario Court of Appeal in 2021 in the Robinson Huron Annuities Case to the Supreme Court of Canada on November 7 and 8, 2023. Robinson Huron Treaty Litigation Fund (RHTLF) members and the legal team will be at the hearing to argue that the Ontario Court of Appeal’s ...
Read More »L’Ontario observe la Semaine de reconnaissance des traités 2023
Aujourd’hui, Greg Rickford, ministre des Affaires autochtones, a fait la déclaration suivante pour marquer le début de la Semaine de reconnaissance des traités : « Cette semaine, l’Ontario célèbre la Semaine de reconnaissance des traités, une occasion annuelle de réfléchir à l’importance des plus de 40 traités et autres accords couvrant cette province, lesquels définissent les droits et les responsabilités ...
Read More »Ontario Observes Treaties Recognition Week 2023
Today, Greg Rickford, Minister of Indigenous Affairs, issued the following statement to mark the beginning of Treaties Recognition Week: “This week, Ontario recognizes Treaties Recognition Week, an annual opportunity to reflect on the importance of the more than 40 treaties and other agreements covering this province, outlining the rights, responsibilities and relationships between Indigenous peoples and the provincial and federal ...
Read More »Ontario Partnering with First Nation Community to Protect Caribou in the North
The Ontario government has finalized an agreement with Biigtigong Nishnaabeg First Nation to help revive caribou in the North. This investment of nearly $1 million will support a multi-year initiative to recover the local boreal caribou population, as well as restore an important cultural, historical and ecological feature to Biigtigong Nishnaabeg. “This agreement is a significant milestone in our province’s ...
Read More »L’Ontario fait équipe avec une Première Nation pour protéger le caribou dans le Nord
Le gouvernement de l’Ontario a achevé une entente avec la Première Nation anichinabée de Biigtigong afin d’aider à rétablir la population de caribous dans le Nord. Cet investissement d’environ un million de dollars appuiera une initiative pluriannuelle qui vise à rétablir la population boréale locale de caribous et à restaurer une importante caractéristique culturelle, historique et écologique pour la Première ...
Read More »Sous Ford, les dollars des soins de santé seront centralisés dans les poches profondes des entreprises à but lucratif
La citation « au milieu de chaque crise se trouve une opportunité » est souvent attribuée à Albert Einstein. Il y a eu des moments où j’ai fait face à des périodes difficiles et j’ai pensé à cela pour garder ma pensée constructive et concentrée sur le bon côté. C’est bien d’être un optimiste en politique, je pense. À mon avis, les ...
Read More »Under Ford, healthcare dollars will be funnelled into the deep pockets of for-profit businesses
The quote “In the midst of every crisis lies an opportunity” is often attributed to Albert Einstein. There have been times when I’ve faced down difficult times, and I thought of this to keep my thinking constructive and focused on finding the silver lining to take away. It’s good to be an optimist in politics, I think. The way I ...
Read More »Les vétérans canadiens méritent un meilleur soutien de la part du gouvernement
À l’approche de la Journée des vétérans autochtones et du jour du Souvenir, il est essentiel que nous prenions le temps de réfléchir à notre histoire commune et de manifester notre gratitude à l’égard des sacrifices consentis par les anciens combattants. Certes, les cérémonies organisées aux cénotaphes les 8 et 11 novembre pour rendre hommage à ceux et celles qui ont ...
Read More »Government Needs to Better Support Canadian Veterans
As Indigenous Veterans Day and Remembrance Day quickly approach, it’s vital that we take the time to focused on our shared history and show gratitude for the sacrifices made by our veterans. While many will be attending ceremonies at cenotaphs on November 8th and 11th to pay tribute to those who have sacrificed so much, and many of us will ...
Read More »MAILLOUX, Justin
Passed away unexpectedly at the young age of 34 years. Loving son of Richard Mailloux (Debbie) and Cathy Skouris (Brian). Little brother of Vanessa Skouris. Proud dad of Raevyn and Brantly. Special nephew of Denis Mailloux. He also leaves behind numerous family and friends. A Celebration of his life will be held at the Hawk Junction Community Hall on Saturday ...
Read More »Bringing Broadway Back to Beautiful – Downtown Improvement Plan (CIP)
The Municipality of Wawa has received funding from the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs under the Rural Economic Development Program (RED), to support the development of a new Downtown Wawa Community Improvement Plan (CIP). A Downtown Wawa Community Improvement Plan encourages physical improvements to both public infrastructure and private properties through a variety of ways including ...
Read More »OPP Recover Remains of Missing Nipigon Woman – Two remain before the court
The Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) has recovered the remains of a Nipigon woman who went missing over three years ago. Alyssa TURNBULL was last seen in Nipigon between March 23 and 25, 2020. She was 26 years old when she disappeared. Her remains were located October 25, 2023 in a remote area of Kaministiquia which is located west of Kakabeka ...
Read More »OPP Investigate Multiple Bomb Threats across Northern Ontario
Members of the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) are investigating multiple bomb threats across Northern Ontario. The threats targeted multiple schools under multiple school boards across North East and North West Regions, demanding payment. As a precaution the majority of the targeted schools have been closed while the investigation continues. Parents are encouraged to contact their schools or school boards for ...
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