
Canada Road Safety Week – increase in road fatalities

As the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) looks toward Canada Road Safety Week, it is reporting an increase in road fatalities as well as the leading behaviours linked to the deaths, which are the very focus of the national campaign. As of May 4, 2020, 71 people have died in fatal collisions on OPP-patrolled roads. This time last year, there were ...

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Garbologist’s Report – Cindy

A phone call came every spring around this time from Cindy: “When are we going to start? The snow is gone on one side of Hwy 17…” and immediately plans were made and additional help was contacted. No call this year from Cindy, she has left us and with her the whole garbologist movement. She joined us many years ago, ...

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Garbologist’s Report – In the Starter Blocks!

Every year about this time (actually, for the last 27 years), I sit in my proverbial starter blocks, ready to take on “SPRING CLEANING”. NO, not in my house! I keep that up to date with the seasons. But our outdoors… this year although has a road block in the form of a virus. You cannot see nor feel, and ...

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From the Branch – May 6

Yes now it is the week we were waiting for 75 years since the Liberation of Holland and VE Day, and looking back at the happenings in the last weeks of the war I found something I did not know. At the battle for Otterloo which our late Comrade Jack Myers was involved with when a Group of Hitler Youth attacked ...

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Helping to Protect Canadians – One DIY Mask at a Time

Army of Masks is a volunteer movement with a vital mission: to protect lives during COVID-19. Its goal – a DIY mask for every Canadian and American. Army of Masks has amplified awareness of protective masks for all and coordinated delivery of free, homemade, non-medical cotton masks within Canada and the USA. “We cannot put a price on a life,” says Tonya Dickenson, a ...

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News from the Park – Stay home – stay strong – and stay safe

I’m certain that regular readers of News from the Park have not been surprised that I have not posted the column since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. Needless-to-say, my team and I have been beyond swamped with calls and letters from individuals, groups and businesses posing questions, asking for clarification and direction, and offering thoughts and observations on the ...

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Between the Covers – April 29

Please remember that the Wawa Public Library Board Meetings are canceled until further notice. The Wawa Public Library is closed due to the Covid-19 pandemic. At this time the Wawa Public Library is offering, a library card to anyone who does not have one. With the library card you can access an amazing selection of e-books and audio books through the ...

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From the Branch – April 29

At this time we are waiting for news every day about the threat which we face with COVID-19. 75 years ago, so did people in Holland; and just like today it was Canadians in the front line who faced the enemy face to face without regard of their own life. At this time in 1945 they were moving North from ...

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North Algoma Wellness Challenge a la COVID-19

I think we can all agree that the Walking Challenge this year has to look a little different due to COVID-19. We continue to encourage everyone to continue to use proper hand hygiene, STAY HOME, STAY SAFE and STAY HEALTHY and if you need to leave your home for essentials then continue to physically distance. Enough about that though, this ...

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Every Day is Mother Earth Day

April 22nd, 2020 marks the 50th Anniversary of Earth Day. Every day is Earth Day for Indigenous Women, who remind us that the Earth is our Mother; she gives us life and now more than ever we as a society see our connection and impact. As the COVID-19 pandemic forces the world to pause, now is our opportunity to respect ...

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Ontario Northland Reduces Bus Service Effective April 26th

The safety and health of passengers, employees and the communities we serve is our top priority. As more Ontarians are staying home and limiting travel due to COVID-19, Ontario Northland is balancing its service with current passenger demand. As of April 26, the frequency of motorcoach service on select routes will change, impacting trips to Toronto, Ottawa, North Bay, Sudbury, ...

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Déclaration d’Andrea Horwath à l’occasion du Jour de la Terre

En ce 22 avril, à l’occasion du Jour de la Terre, la chef de l’Opposition officielle formée par le NPD, Mme Andrea Horwath, a fait la déclaration suivante : « Aujourd’hui marque le 30ème Jour de la Terre, où les Ontarien·nes se joignent à des gens de partout à travers le monde pour célébrer cette planète que nous partageons toutes ...

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Andrea Horwath marking Earth Day

NDP Official Opposition Leader Andrea Horwath released the following statement to mark Earth Day: “Today marks the 30th annual Earth Day, where Ontarians join people across the globe in celebrating this planet we all share and re-dedicating ourselves to tackling the climate crisis. Ontario is blessed with more than 250,000 lakes, which contain a third of the fresh water in ...

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From the Branch – April 22

So now we are in April, 75 years ago a lot was going on with our WW2 veterans some were in Apeldoorn and north of Zutphen. Jack Myers and his tank regiment went North of Arnhem and liberated Otterloo after a fierce battle. He then went to Putten were they were thanked and hugged as in October 1944, the town ...

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Thank you

The family of the late Cindy Ann Szekely wishes to thank all those who expressed feelings of sympathy, sent cards, and made generous donations to the Wawa Community Food Bank, the Lady Dunn Health Centre Foundation and the Humane Society in memory of Cindy.

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