Congratulations to JAMIE KIRK, winner of Week 16 of the Foundation’s Catch the Ace Lottery! The Foundation is happy to announce that the progressive jackpot continues to grow; it sits at $11,322 as Week 17 begins. Here are the final numbers for week #16: Weekly Pot: $1,101, Progressive Pot: $11,322 Winner: JAMIE KIRK with envelope #44 revealing the NINE OF ...
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Ontario’s Ethical Framework for COVID-19 Vaccine Distribution Released
The Ontario government has released an Ethical Framework for COVID-19 vaccine distribution which was developed in partnership with the COVID-19 Vaccine Distribution Task Force to guide further vaccine prioritization and distribution across the province. The province continues to vaccinate vulnerable populations and those who care for them through Phase One of its three-phase implementation plan as additional vaccines become available. ...
Read More »Publication du cadre éthique de l’Ontario pour la distribution du vaccin COVID-19
Le gouvernement de l’Ontario a rendu public un Cadre éthique pour la distribution des vaccins contre la COVID-19, qui a été élaboré en collaboration avec le Groupe d’étude sur la distribution des vaccins contre la COVID-19. Ce cadre orientera l’établissement des priorités et la distribution des vaccins à l’échelle de la province. La province continue de vacciner les groupes de ...
Read More »Wawa Community Food Bank – Holiday Gratitude
The Wawa Community Food Bank has continued to receive more amazing donations and we wish to thank the many individuals, organizations, and businesses for their support during these past few months. We wish to thank Unifor Local 1359 for their incredibly generous $4,000 cheque raised by their workers locally at the Lady Dunn Health Centre, in Sault Ste. Marie, and ...
Read More »Chuck Labelle offers a much-appreciated Christmas concert at École Saint-Joseph!
For over 25 years, students and staff at École Saint-Joseph (Wawa) have welcomed artist Jean-Guy “Chuck” Labelle for their traditional Christmas concert! In order to keep this beautiful Christmas tradition alive, the students this year watched his show broadcast on YouTube. It was as if Chuck was present at school among the students! The students sang, danced, and had ...
Read More »Chuck Labelle offre un spectacle de Noël animé à l’école Saint-Joseph!
Depuis plus de 25 ans, les élèves et le personnel de l’école Saint-Joseph (Wawa) accueillent l’artiste Jean-Guy « Chuck » Labelle pour leur concert de Noël! Afin de continuer cette belle tradition de Noël, les élèves ont visionné cette année son spectacle diffusé sur YouTube. C’était comme si Chuck était présent parmi les élèves dans l’école! Les élèves ont chanté, dansé ...
Read More »Helpful students assist Mme Brigitte!
After a good dinner and while waiting to be able to go play outside, grade 2 students at École Saint-Joseph (Wawa) take pleasure in assisting Mme Brigitte, the school janitor. Each day and each taking their turn, one student picks up the broom while another takes care of the dustpan. Together, the students cheerfully clean the school under the ...
Read More »Des élèves serviables qui appuient Mme Brigitte!
Après un bon dîner et en attendant de pouvoir sortir pour jouer dehors, les élèves de la 2e année de l’école Saint-Joseph (Wawa) prennent plaisir d’appuyer Mme Brigitte, la concierge de l’école. À chaque jour et à tour de rôle, un élève prend le balai alors qu’un autre s’occupe du porte-poussière. Ensemble, les élèves nettoient l’école avec bonne humeur ...
Read More »L’Ontario confirme qu’il y a des premiers cas en Ontario du variant de la COVID-19 détecté au R.-U.
La Dre Barbara Yaffe, médecin hygiéniste en chef adjointe de l’Ontario, a annoncé aujourd’hui qu’il y a deux cas confirmés en Ontario du variant de la COVID-19 qui a été détecté pour la première fois au Royaume-Uni. Ce variant a été depuis signalé dans de nombreux pays, dont le Danemark, la Belgique, l’Australie et les Pays-Bas. Avec l’arrivée de vols ...
Read More »Ontario Confirms First Cases of COVID-19 UK Variant in Ontario
Today, Dr. Barbara Yaffe, Ontario’s Associate Chief Medical Officer of Health, announced the first two confirmed cases in Ontario of the COVID-19 variant first identified in the UK. This variant has now been detected in multiple countries beyond the UK, including Denmark, Belgium, Australia and the Netherlands. With inbound international travel, it is not unexpected to have identified the new ...
Read More »Déclaration du premier ministre à l’occasion de Noël
Le premier ministre Justin Trudeau a fait aujourd’hui la déclaration suivante à l’occasion de Noël : « Joyeux Noël à tous! Aujourd’hui, notre famille se joint aux chrétiens à travers le pays et partout dans le monde pour célébrer la naissance du Christ. « Cette période de l’année est remplie de joie, de lumière et de traditions. En tant que familles, nous nous ...
Read More »Statement by the Prime Minister on Christmas
The Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, today issued the following statement on Christmas: “Merry Christmas, Canada! Today, our family joins Christians across the country and around the world to celebrate the birth of Christ. “This time of year is full of joy, light, and traditions. As a family, we usually get together to eat too much food, share laughs and stories, ...
Read More »Merry Christmas from St. Monica’s Parish
Here is the Updated – Restrictions due to COVID-19 Scheduled Christmas Eve and Christmas Day masses will be conducted as planned and remain restricted to parishioners and guests who have pre-registered for the services. Beginning Boxing Day, and for 14 days, all masses will be restricted to ten (10) parishioners who must pre-register. Enjoy the Christmas season – and just ...
Read More »Ontario Thanks Essential Workers for Going Above and Beyond During COVID-19
Today, Premier Doug Ford and Christine Elliott, Deputy Premier and Minister of Health, issued the following statement recognizing the tremendous efforts and sacrifices made by all essential workers during the COVID-19 outbreak in Ontario: “The people of Ontario have faced many extraordinary challenges since COVID-19 swept across the province this past March. We want to take this opportunity to ...
Read More »Winner of Week 15 LDHCF ‘Catch the Ace’ Announced
Congratulations to Neil Jones, winner of Week 15 of the Foundation’s Catch the Ace Lottery! The Foundation is happy to announce that the progressive jackpot continues to grow; it sits at $9,810 as Week 16 begins. Here are the final numbers for week #15: Weekly Pot: $1,048 and Progressive Pot: $9,810. The Winner is Neil Jones, his envelope #11 had ...
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