Author Archives: Ontario NDP

Stiles: Just repair the existing Science Centre!

Ontario NDP leader Marit Stiles responded to Infrastructure Ontario posting a “Request for Proposal” for an interim Science Centre: “No one is buying Ford’s excuses for permanently closing our Science Centre; we all know it’s about sweetening the deal for his luxury spa at Ontario Place. Now we see the government planning to build an interim Science Centre for a ...

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NDP pushes Trudeau to commit to James Bay hospital

On Tuesday, NDP MP Charlie Angus (Timmins-James Bay) called on the Liberal government respect their promise to fund the Weeneebayko Health Authority project in Moosonee. In response Minister Hajdu stated that the prime minister is confirming funding for the project, despite seeming to walk away from it earlier this spring. “After weeks of pushing, the NDP secured a commitment from ...

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Le NPD fait pression sur Trudeau pour qu’il s’engage à financer l’hôpital de la Baie James

Mardi, le député néo-démocrate Charlie Angus (Timmins–Baie James) a exhorté le gouvernement libéral à tenir sa promesse de financer le projet de l’Autorité sanitaire de la région de Weeneebayko à Moosonee. La ministre Hajdu a répondu que le premier ministre confirmait le financement du projet, bien qu’il ait semblé s’en éloigner plus tôt ce printemps. « Après des semaines de pression, ...

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Charlie Angus interpelle le gouvernement libéral sur la crise de l’itinérance dans le Nord de l’Ontario

Le député néo-démocrate Charlie Angus (Timmins–Baie James) demande aux libéraux de s’expliquer au sujet de leurs coupes sombres dans le financement de la lutte contre l’itinérance dans le Nord de l’Ontario. M. Angus a fait une déclaration au Parlement pour demander pourquoi le gouvernement dit aux municipalités de se préparer à des coupes sombres dans le programme Vers un chez-soi. En même temps, ...

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NDP, Forest Firefighters Celebrate Long-Awaited WSIB Coverage

Official Opposition NDP Natural Resources and Forestry critic Guy Bourgouin (Mushkegowuk—James Bay) and critic for WSIB and Injured Workers Lise Vaugeois (Thunder Bay-Superior North) released the following statement after it was announced that forest firefighters would finally receive WSIB coverage, a long-awaited victory that they, along with the Ontario NDP, have been advocating for years. “After years of being denied ...

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“This is a crisis point”: Ontario NDP’s Monique Taylor calls for action to address the 60k waitlist for Ontario Autism Program

MPP Monique Taylor (Hamilton Mountain) joined the Ontario Autism Coalition (OAC) at Queen’s Park this morning as they called for urgent solutions to address the skyrocketing waitlist for the Ontario Autism Program (OAP), which now has over 60,000 children waiting for core autism services. “In 2018, the Premier told families that they would never have to protest to get their ...

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Le NPD obtient une augmentation du crédit d’impôt pour les pompiers volontaires

Les néo-démocrates ont annoncé qu’après avoir passé des années à pousser les libéraux à agir, le NPD a obtenu une augmentation du crédit d’impôt pour les pompiers volontaires et le personnel de recherche et de sauvetage. Cette augmentation du crédit d’impôt apporte une aide financière indispensable aux bénévoles qui défendent nos communautés. “Nous avons tant de héros méconnus dans le ...

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NDP secures an increase to the volunteer firefighter tax credit

New Democrats announced that, after years of pushing the Liberals to act, the NDP secured an increase to the tax credit for volunteer firefighters and search and rescue personnel. This increase to the tax credit provides much-needed financial help for the volunteers who defend our communities. “We have so many unsung heroes in Northern Ontario who give their time doing ...

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From Right to Luxury: Ford’s Policies Destroying Rural Ontario’s Healthcare

Official Opposition NDP Health critic France Gélinas (Nickel Belt) released the following statement highlighting the horrendous state of healthcare in rural and Northern Ontario under the leadership of Premier Ford: “After six years, Premier Ford’s neglect has plunged Northern Ontario’s healthcare into a crisis state with no signs of improvement. In Sault Ste. Marie, 10,000 people will lose access to ...

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NDP Calls Out Ford Government for Turning Back on Hundreds of Terrace Bay Workers

Thunder Bay—Superior North MPP Lise Vaugeois called out the Ford Conservatives for abandoning the people of Terrace Bay and Schreiber after the Premier suggested the recently closed Terrace Bay Mill was “unlikely to open.” “Premier Ford’s failure to intervene in the closure of the Terrace Bay Mill is a betrayal to the hardworking people of northern Ontario,” stated Vaugeois. “Despite ...

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NDP: If you’re looking for change, Ford’s budget is not for you

Marit Stiles, Leader of the Official Opposition NDP, says Ford’s 2024 Provincial Budget is a missed opportunity for much-needed change. “If you’re looking for change, Ford’s budget is not for you,” said Stiles. “People are looking for better health care and homes they can afford. Instead, they got an uninspired statement from a government that is out of touch and ...

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