Author Archives: Ontario NDP

MPP Jamie West urges removal of cost-prohibitive barriers to accessing Northern health care

In the final Question Period of the legislative session (June 8, 2023), NDP MPP for Sudbury, Jamie West, called on the Ford Government to remove the cost-prohibitive barriers blocking Northern Ontarians from accessing proper care through the Northern Health Travel Grant. The current system places an undue burden on individuals who must travel long distances to receive specialized health care, ...

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NDP: Miners deserve better safety from harmful particulates at work

Jamie West (Sudbury), the NDP Critic for Labour, and Health Critic France Gélinas (Nickel Belt) issued the following statement in response to the government’s announcement today that underground Diesel Particulate Matter (DPM) in mines will be lowered from 400 to 120 mcg/mg. United Steelworkers (USW) has been asking Ford’s Conservatives to reduce this number to 20 mcg/g for years, as ...

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NDP, Truckers for Safer Highways Unify in Call for Action

NDP MPP Lise Vaugeois (Thunder Bay-Superior North) and strong advocate for safer roads in Northern Ontario, is once again urging the Ford government to take immediate action following another week of tragic accidents involving truckers in Northern Ontario. This week, a 47-year-old woman lost her life after a crash with a tanker on MR55 in the Greater Sudbury community. Vaugeois ...

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MPP Taylor keeps up fight to create new emergency alert for vulnerable persons

Monique Taylor (Hamilton Mountain), NDP critic for Children, Community, and Social Services, is fighting to pass a bill that would create a new alert for missing vulnerable persons. “This bill is an important, common-sense way to fill a gap in our existing system,” said Taylor. “In an emergency situation, when a family is frantically looking for a vulnerable loved one, ...

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MPP Gates disappointed government refuses to support OHIP coverage for life saving prostate cancer test

NDP MPP Wayne Gates (Niagara Falls) has been a long-time champion of a solution to provide OHIP coverage for prostate specific antigen (PSA) testing for prostate cancer when referred by a healthcare provider. Today his important legislation failed to move forward after conservative members voted against it. “Frankly I’m disappointed, but not surprised—this has consistently been the tone of this ...

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Fiscal update shows deliberate underspending on vital services

Ontario’s third quarter fiscal update shows that Ford is deliberately starving health care and education of critical resources. NDP Finance critic, MPP Catherine Fife (Waterloo), released the following statement: “Budgets are about priorities. It’s clear from today’s fiscal update that the government has the resources and ability to invest in Ontarians and is deliberately and callously choosing not to. Over ...

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Northern Ontario NDP MPs are disappointed with changes to electoral boundaries

The Ontario Federal Electoral Boundary Commission has submitted their final report on electoral boundaries today to the House of Commons which reduces representation in Northern Ontario, according to Carol Hughes, MP for Algoma-Manitoulin-Kapuskasing, and Charlie Angus, MP for Timmins-James Bay. “With the final report, the number of ridings representing Northern Ontario are being reduced from ten to nine,” said Hughes. ...

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Empty nursing jobs in Ontario surge to 9,230

The number of vacant nursing jobs in Ontario has skyrocketed to 9,230. In the midst of health funding negotiations, NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh says that’s evidence that Prime Minister Justin Trudeau must build up the public health care system — not make it worse by letting Doug Ford poach nurses and doctors to work in for-profit clinics. According to Statistics ...

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Stiles welcomes new Chief of Staff, Transition Advisors

Ontario NDP Leader Marit Stiles has announced new members of her senior leadership team, starting with Greg Denton as her Chief of Staff. Denton has served as Stiles’ Executive Assistant since her election to Queen’s Park in 2018 and has been working for New Democrat politicians since 2007, starting at the NDP’s federal caucus during Jack Layton’s leadership. Denton has ...

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Ontario NDP calls on Ford to protect access to justice in Ontario

NDP MPPs Kristyn Wong-Tam (Toronto Centre) and Jessica Bell (University–Rosedale) called on Doug Ford to protect Ontarians’ access to justice by implementing reforms before the Ombudsman Report into Landlord Tenant Board (LTB) delays is released. “Ontarians need to be ready to fight like hell for access to justice. The LTB has been plagued by delays for years, with a backlog ...

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Le NPD définit ses priorités pour le budget afin d’aider les familles du Nord de l’Ontario

Lundi, le député néo-démocrate Charlie Angus (Timmins–Baie James) dit qu’il s’attend à ce que le prochain budget aide les familles du Nord de l’Ontario qui en arrachent pour avoir accès à des services de santé de qualité, gérer le coût élevé de la vie et avoir de bons emplois durables. « Les familles de tout le Nord de l’Ontario ont besoin de l’assurance ...

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NDP MP Charlie Angus lays out his party’s priorities for the budget

On Monday, NDP MP Charlie Angus (Timmins – James Bay) says he expects to see help for families in Northern Ontario struggling to access quality health-care services, manage the high cost of living and have good, sustainable jobs in the upcoming budget. “Families all over Northern Ontario need some assurances that the government is going to help them meet the ...

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MPP Lise Vaugeois stands opposed to Doug Ford’s health care privatization plan

Thunder Bay – Superior North MPP Lise Vaugeois joins her NDP colleagues in the Ontario legislature in decrying Doug Ford’s move to privatize 50 per cent of the province’s health care system by moving patients to private, for-profit clinics. This move will result in a decline in the quality of care as for-profit enterprises poach health care workers from the ...

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