Author Archives: Ontario NDP

Mantha calls for immediate action on northern winter road maintenance

NDP MPP Michael Mantha (Algoma-Manitoulin) called out Doug Ford for failing to clear northern highways, putting the safety of northern drivers at risk and leaving people stranded, after snowfalls forced the closure of sections of Highways 17 and 11. For the residents of Dubreuilville, lack of road closure notices meant they drove in dangerous conditions only to be forced back. ...

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Hughes reprend son poste de vice-présidente adjointe du Parlement

Avec la rentrée parlementaire cette semaine, la députée d’Algoma-Manitoulin-Kapuskasing, Carol Hughes, a été invitée à reprendre ses fonctions de vice-présidente adjointe du Parlement et de vice-présidente des comités pléniers, un poste qu’elle a occupé au cours des deux législatures précédentes. “Je suis honorée d’avoir été choisie encore une fois pour remplir ce poste à la Chambre des Communes”, a déclaré ...

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Hughes taking another turn as Assistant Deputy Speaker

With parliament starting up this week, Algoma-Manitoulin-Kapuskasing MP, Carol Hughes has been asked to serve again in the capacity of Assistant Deputy Speaker and Deputy Chair of the Committees of the Whole, a position she has held in the previous two parliaments. “Naturally, I am honoured to be chosen to perform this role in the House of Commons,” said Hughes. ...

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L’apparition de la blastomycose à Constance Lake est triste et préoccupante : Hughes

La députée d’Algoma-Manitoulin-Kapuskasing, Carol Hughes, a livré un message de soutien aux membres de la Première nation de Constance Lake à la Chambre des communes aujourd’hui, alors que cette communauté est aux prises avec de multiples cas et cas présumés de blastomycose – une infection rare causée par l’interaction avec des spores fongiques d’origine naturelle. “Je tiens à envoyer un ...

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Outbreak of blastomycosis in Constance Lake sad and concerning: Hughes

Algoma-Manitoulin-Kapuskasing MP, Carol Hughes delivered a message of support for people in Constance Lake First Nation in the House of Commons today as that community deals with multiple cases and suspected cases of blastomycosis – a rare infection caused by interaction with naturally occurring fungal spores. “I want to send a message of condolences and healing thoughts to the community ...

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NDP MPs in Northern Ontario urge Liberal government to stop hurting families with clawback on Canada Child Benefit

Northern Ontario New Democrats are fighting for families dealing with lost Canada Child Benefits (CCB) based on their acceptance of pandemic supports.  According to local NDP MPs Carol Hughes (Algoma—Manitoulin—Kapuskasing) and Charlie Angus (Timmins – James Bay) accepting the supports temporarily raised many household incomes enough to affect their regular CCB payments.  Now that the CERB and CRB have expired ...

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Les député·es néo-démocrates du Nord de l’Ontario exhortent le gouvernement libéral à cesser de priver les familles de l’Allocation canadienne pour enfants

Les néo-démocrates du Nord de l’Ontario se battent pour les familles aux prises avec la perte de l’Allocation canadienne pour enfants (ACE) au motif qu’elles ont perçu des soutiens pandémiques. Selon les député·es néo-démocrates de la région, Carol Hughes (Algoma–Manitoulin–Kapuskasing) et Charlie Angus (Timmins–Baie James), recevoir ces soutiens a temporairement augmenté les revenus de nombreux ménages au point d’affecter leurs ...

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NDP MPs in Northern Ontario urge Liberals to help local seniors

Seniors across the country were shocked to learn that benefits they rely on such as the Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS) have been cut because they received pandemic supports like the CERB. New Democrats are calling on the Liberal government to fix this devastating situation that has left many seniors worried they won’t be able to afford their rent, food and ...

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Northern Ontario MPs call on Liberals to reverse cuts to help for people

The NDP MPs in Northern Ontario, Carol Hughes (Algoma—Manitoulin—Kapuskasing) and Charlie Angus (Timmins – James Bay) are calling on Justin Trudeau to get back to work before November 22 and to reverse his decision to take away help for Canadians to get through the pandemic in the middle of the fourth wave. “Now more than ever, people need a federal ...

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Ford fails to stop gas price gouging in Northern Ontario: NDP

As gasoline prices soar across Northern Ontario, northern NDP MPPs are calling out Doug Ford for failing to act after three years in government despite having an NDP bill that would put an end to gas price gouging in Northern Ontario. The following statement was released by MPPs Gilles Bisson (Timmins), John Vanthof (Timiskaming-Cochrane), France Gélinas (Nickel Belt), Jamie West ...

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Mamakwa responds to Indigenous curriculum announcement

NDP critic for Indigenous and Treaty Relations, Sol Mamakwa, released the following statement in response to a Ford government announcement Wednesday on the inclusion of Indigenous material in Grade 1 to 3 curriculum: “The NDP still supports the addition of mandatory and Elder and knowledge-keeper written Indigenous curricula. Our thanks goes to Elders and Knowledge Keepers who have given their ...

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NDP statement on marking National Day for Truth and Reconciliation

Ontario NDP Leader Andrea Horwath and Kiiwetinoong MPP Sol Mamakwa, NDP critic for Indigenous and Treaty Relations, will mark Thursday’s first National Day for Truth and Reconciliation and Orange Shirt Day with solemn reflection of Canada’s shameful mistreatment of Indigenous Peoples, and commemoration of the thousands of Indigenous children who never came home from Canada’s Indian Residential Schools. “Tomorrow, Canadians ...

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Les néo-démocrates lancent leur plateforme pour le Nord

Les néo-démocrates ont présenté aujourd’hui leur plan afin d’améliorer la qualité de vie des familles du Nord de l’Ontario. Le NPD s’est engagé à créer et soutenir de bons emplois, protéger les collectivités des effets des changements climatiques, et à poser des gestes concrets en faveur de la réconciliation. Les candidates et candidats du NPD Charlie Angus (Timmins–Baie James), Carol ...

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New Democrats launch Northern Ontario platform

Committing to create and support good jobs, protect communities from the effects of climate change, and put reconciliation into action, New Democrats shared their commitments today, to make life better and more affordable for families across Northern Ontario.  NDP candidates Charlie Angus (Timmins-James Bay), Carol Hughes (Algoma-Manitoulin-Kapuskasing), Nadia Verrelli (Sudbury) and Andréane Chénier (Nickel Belt) launched the NDP’s Northern platform in Sudbury ...

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