Author Archives: Ontario NDP

Vaugeois calls for support to end AV Terrace Bay Kraft Pulp Mill shutdown

NDP MPP Lise Vaugeois (Thunder Bay — Superior North) released the following statement following the announcement of a temporary shutdown at the AV Terrace Bay Kraft Pulp Mill: “This is devastating news. The mill employs hundreds of workers and has been an anchor employer for communities along the North Shore as well as communities along Highway 11 for many years. ...

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New Democrats urge Liberals to push back CEBA deadline for Northern Ontario’s small businesses

With the Canada Emergency Business Account (CEBA) loan repayment deadline less than a month away, Canada’s NDP is urging, once again, Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland and Minister for Small Business Rechie Valdez to extend the repayment deadline and loan forgiveness. While the Liberals are pushing small businesses to repay their loans, they’re handing out $21.6 billion in contracts to ...

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MPP Sol Mamakwa offers condolences to the family of missing Neskantaga youth

MPP Sol Mamakwa (Kiiwetinoong), Deputy Leader of the Ontario NDP and Official Opposition critic for Indigenous and Treaty Relations issued the following statement in condolence to the family of missing youth Mackenzie Moonias: “Our thoughts and hearts are with Mackenzie’s family members, their friends, leadership, and the community during this sad time. I send my condolences to everyone impacted by ...

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NDP: Beer Store transition shouldn’t come at the expense of good jobs

NDP MPPs are calling for workers to be put first as the provincial government moves to phase out the Beer Store’s Master Agreement – a move set to impact thousands of unionized workers. “With the jobs of thousands of unionized workers on the line, we need to ensure the transition is done in a way that doesn’t leave anyone behind,” ...

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Dental care is on its way – NDP promise is becoming a reality

Details of the long-awaited national dental care were announced in Ottawa. Over the course of this coming year senior citizens will be able to get their teeth fixed. The program exists for children and will soon include all working-class individuals, families and people on disability. New Democrats ran in the 2021 election on making this program possible. New Democrats say ...

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Mamakwa responds to First Nations water legislation

Sol Mamakwa (Kiiwetinoong), Deputy Leader of the Ontario NDP and Official Opposition Critic for Indigenous and Treaty Relations issued the following statement in response to the tabling of federal First Nations water legislation: “Yesterday, the federal government tabled the First Nations Clean Water Act respecting water, source water, drinking water, wastewater, and related infrastructure on First Nations lands. Kiiwetinoong has ...

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Face à la hausse du recours des travailleurs aux banques alimentaires, le NPD exhorte le fédéral à lutter sérieusement contre la cupidité des entreprises qui fait grimper les prix des aliments pour les gens du Nord de l’Ontario

Lundi, après des mois de retard de la part des libéraux pour « stabiliser » les prix des aliments, les néo-démocrates ont forcé les PDG de Sobeys et de Loblaws à retourner devant le comité pour s’expliquer sur les prix exorbitants. Cela coïncide avec la publication du rapport de Feed Ontario, qui indique que le recours aux banques alimentaires de l’Ontario a ...

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With a rise in working people visiting food banks, NDP MPs Angus and Hughes urge the feds to get serious about corporate greed jacking up food prices for Northern Ontarians

On Monday, after months of delay from the Liberals to ‘stabilize’ grocery prices, New Democrats forced the CEO of Sobeys and Loblaws back to committee to answer for sky-high prices. This coincides with the release of the Feed Ontario report saying Ontario food bank use increased by 38 per cent last year. There has been a 37 per cent increase in ...

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NDP: Ford’s Conservatives denying vaccines to Ontario’s seniors

Today, Official Opposition NDP Seniors Critic, Lise Vaugeois (Thunder Bay—Superior North) called on Ford’s Conservatives to end discriminatory practices that deny OHIP coverage to individuals over 60 who need access to the Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) vaccine, and to end the denial of coverage for the shingles vaccine (Shingrix) for anyone over 70 years old. “My mother, who turns 96 ...

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NDP: Ontarians with disabilities need ODSP to be doubled—not reduced

MPP Monique Taylor (Hamilton Mountain), NDP critic for Children, Community and Social Services, released a statement following reports that the Ford Conservatives are looking for ways to implement cuts to lower costs in the Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP): “It’s extremely alarming to hear that Minister Parsa is looking for ways to cut costs, when he should be doubling ODSP ...

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NDP, Truckers for Safer Highways unite for improved safety ahead of winter season

In a joint effort to address the need for improved highway safety in Ontario, NDP MPPs Lise Vaugeois (Thunder Bay—Superior North) and Guy Bourgouin (Mushkegowuk—James Bay), along with Travis McDougall, co-founder of Truckers for Safer Highways, shed light on the severe issues affecting Northern communities. “These issues are not new to the Ministry of Transportation,” said Vaugeois. “For years, we’ve ...

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Liberals economic update fails to put shovels in the ground to build affordable homes for Northern Ontarians

On Tuesday, the Liberal government unveiled its fall economic statement (FES) during a national housing crisis, one that Northern Ontarians feel acutely as the homelessness rate is double than it is in big southern Ontario cities. New Democrats MP Charlie Angus (Timmins-James Bay) and MP Carol Hughes (Algoma—Manitoulin—Kapuskasing) say the Liberals failed to meet the moment to address the housing and ...

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PM Trudeau keeps costs high for Northern Ontarians

As Prime Minister Trudeau makes the rounds in Sault Ste. Marie, he continues to ignore the elephant in the room – that the cost of everything still remains sky-high in Northern Ontario and that he’s continually voted to make life harder for everyday Canadians while the ultra-rich sees record profits. Just this week, he teamed up with the Conservatives to ...

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NDP: ‘Ambulance not available’

During Question Period (November 2, 2023), Official Opposition Health critic France Gélinas (Nickel Belt) questioned Minister of Health Sylvia Jones about what long waits for emergency medical services will mean for patient care: “On Monday, the Toronto Paramedics Union issued a code red to indicate that no ambulances were available to respond to emergency calls. That was the second code ...

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