Author Archives: Mike Mantha

We need someone who won’t turn their back

Nov 27, 2017 @ 14:58 Recently a constituent who regularly reads this column called my constituency office to offer an opinion on why the Liberals are working so hard and spending so much on media advertising to get Kathleen Wynne’s face in the public eye lately.  She said that it’s probably because they are afraid no one recognizes her face.  ...

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New Math

Nov 20, 2017 @ 08:18 Those of you who read this column regularly may remember a few weeks ago I indicated that I am so thankful that I didn’t study from the same math textbook or attend the same schools as Premier Wynne and Conservative Leader Patrick Brown. I made this observation in reference to how those two leaders were ...

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The potential loss of Huron Central Railway (HCR)

Nov 8, 2017 @ 12:36 Whether you know me or just read what I say and do as MPP for the Algoma-Manitoulin, the pride I have having been born and raised as a Northerner is pretty evident. I was born in and raised Gogama and raised my own family in Gogama, Wawa, and Elliot Lake. While Algoma-Manitoulin is by no ...

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News from the Park – October 30

Oct 30, 2017 @ 08:12 In the Legislature and on the news you continually hear politicians referring to their “strategies.” Ask the average person what a strategy is and chances are they’ll tell you it just means a plan to do something.  In fact, however, a strategy is more complex than that. Strategy development is the art and science of ...

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News from the Park – October 23rd

Oct 23, 2017 @ 08:15 Well, clearly I did not go to the same elementary and secondary schools that Kathleen Wynne and Energy Minister Glen Thibeault went to. For that matter, it’s clear that Auditor General Bonnie Lysyk didn’t go to the same school as Wynne and Thibeault either. And I get the funny feeling that, while Conservative Leader Patrick ...

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News from the Park – October 18

Oct 18, 2017 @ 09:50 Even though I talk or write very frequently about all the things that make Algoma-Manitoulin such an outstanding place to live and work, I truly believe in my heart that our region has been more than blessed with many outstanding individuals who make a difference in our communities. Be they community service or interest group ...

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News from the Park – October 10

Oct 10, 2017 @ 08:12 If you follow what’s happening in Queen’s Park each week, you could not have missed the dramatic finger-pointing and caterwauling that went on between the Conservatives and Liberals last week over a matter that was of little meaningful consequence to the people of this province. In a nutshell, some of the Northern Conservative members took ...

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End of Summer, Back to Work

And so … it begins again… Despite the fact that Labour Day marks the “unofficial” end of summer, I am truly excited about going back to Queen’s Park soon. This coming week I’ll be joining NDP Leader Andrea Horwath and my NDP colleagues for our annual caucus retreat in which we plan and prepare for the fall session of the ...

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News from the Park – August 28

Aug 28, 2017 @ 08:08 Well folks, in the last few days I have found some parents looking longingly at the calendar and I know I hear faint whispers of, “Yes! We’re almost there…” You can see them tasting the anticipated freedom on their lips. We all know what freedom they are dreaming of. The kids head back to school ...

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News from the Park – August 16

Aug 16, 2017 @ 08:15 Even though the Legislature is not currently sitting in Queen’s Park, I am proud to say that my NDP colleagues and I continue to work hard for all Ontarians. Just a quick look at the headlines will show you that summer recess is not all about festivals, fairs and other events. Those are just a ...

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News from the Park – August 9

It certainly has been an outstanding summer here in Algoma-Manitoulin. I have truly enjoyed getting out to so many events all across the riding and meeting up with constituents, many of whom I look forward to seeing frequently and lots of new faces as well. One series of events that I have been a part of that I am extremely ...

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News from the Park – July 7

Jul 7, 2017 @ 18:42 I’ve always believed that some of the most crucial rules that we must learn in our lives primarily emanate from our Moms and Dads. The thing is, sometimes we hear them so casually and frequently such as when we are walking out the door doing our “thing”, we don’t truly understand the sage nature of ...

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News from the Park – June 26

Jun 26, 2017 @ 09:48 I’m pretty sure that I would be safe in saying most of us would agree with author Augusten Burroughs quote, “When you have your health, you have everything. When you do not have your health, nothing else matters at all.” Our public healthcare system has long been the pride of Canadians. Tommy Douglas, noted to ...

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From the Park – Sgt. Charles Byce Monument in Chapleau & Bears

  There is no shortage of news coming out of Queen’s Park in the last couple of weeks. Watching the evening news is akin to watching a province wide convention of illusionists trying to amuse and mystify the masses. Recently it seems that every time you turn around another minister is behind a podium announcing some new program or grant ...

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