
Premier-Designate Doug Ford will build Memorial to Honour Canadian Heroes of the War in Afghanistan

Premier-Designate Doug Ford today committed to building Ontario’s first provincial public memorial to honour Canadian heroes of the war in Afghanistan. Ford made this announcement while addressing a joint Federal-Provincial-Territorial meeting with the Department of National Defence and Canadian Armed Forces. “A new generation of heroes, who fought bravely against the terrorists of Al Qaeda and the Taliban, walk among us,” ...

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Félicitations de la FMNO à Doug Ford, nouveau premier ministre de l’Ontario

Jun 22, 2018 @ 12:00 À la Fédération des municipalités du Nord de l’Ontario (FMNO), on profite de l’occasion pour féliciter le premier ministre désigné, M. Doug Ford et le Parti progressiste conservateur de l’Ontario pour leur récente victoire majoritaire aux élections provinciales. On a bon espoir que les quatre prochaines années seront porteuses de croissance et de confiance pour ...

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FONOM Congratulates Doug Ford on Being Elected Premier 

Jun 22, 2018 @ 11:45 The Federation of Northern Ontario Municipalities (FONOM) would like to take the opportunity to congratulate Premier-designate Doug Ford and the Ontario Progressive Party with a majority win in the recent Ontario election. We are optimistic that the next four years will bring growth and confidence to our economy in Northern Ontario and across the Province. ...

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NDP says Ford’s anti-environment move comes with costs

Jun 18, 2018 @ 15:10 Doug Ford’s anti-environment crusade will put Ontario’s air, water and land at risk – and cost people and the province billions. Ford announced Friday he’ll remove the cap on how much industrial operations are allowed to pollute, despite having no plan for a replacement climate change strategy. “Does Doug Ford not believe in climate change, ...

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Premier-Designate Doug Ford Meets with Federal Counterparts & Commits to Protecting Ontario Jobs

Premier-designate Doug Ford met today with Chrystia Freeland, Minister of Foreign Affairs, and David MacNaughton, Canada’s Ambassador to the United States, to discuss the ongoing NAFTA negotiations and how Canada and Ontario will work together to protect jobs, including the steel, aluminum and automotive jobs currently at risk. “I want to thank the Minister and the Ambassador for the productive ...

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Premier-Designate Doug Ford announces Transition Team

Today, Premier-designate Doug Ford announced his team that will oversee the transition into government. “We have a team that has already hit the ground running as we prepare to form government and deliver on our commitments to the people,” said Ford, in announcing the leadership of his transition organization. “This team has the judgement and experience necessary to ensure we ...

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Doug Ford to Become Ontario’s 26th Premier

Earlier today, the Honourable Elizabeth Dowdeswell met with Doug Ford and invited him to officially assume the position of Premier of Ontario and form a government. Premier-designate Doug Ford has selected a transition team and has already begun briefings on government activities and the decisions necessary to choose his Cabinet. The Premier and the Premier-designate have agreed that the transition ...

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Safe Boating Awareness Week (May 19th-25th, 2018)

May 16, 2018 @ 11:14   This Friday is the beginning of Safe Boating Awareness Week (May 19th-25th, 2018). Safe Boating Awareness Week provides boaters key reminders as they prepare to embark on another boating season. Wear Your Lifejacket – Legally you must carry one on board, appropriately sized for each passenger. But don’t just carry it, WEAR IT. Boat Sober ...

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Restricted Fire Zone – Northwest Region

May 16, 2018 @ 08:05 The Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry has issued a Restricted Fire Zone notice for the Northwest Region of Ontario. A Restricted Fire Zone is in effect when outdoor conditions are extremely dry, and/or when the number of fires occurring has stretched firefighting resources to capacity   A Restricted Fire Zone is a temporary ...

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OPP endorse Visor Program to enhance Communications with Deaf Persons

May 10, 2018 @ 09:55   The Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) is committed to continuous improvement and finding new ways to deliver services to meet the diverse needs of our communities. In partnership with the Ontario Association of the Deaf (OAD), the OPP has endorsed a visor card to assist a Deaf person to communicate with a police officer during ...

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FONOM Announces Leaders Debate Friday, May 11th in Parry Sound

May 5, 2018 @ 15:30 The Federation of Northern Ontario Municipalities (FONOM) and the Northwestern Ontario Municipal Association (NOMA) are pleased to announce that Premier Kathleen Wynne, PC Leader Doug Ford and NDP Leader Andrea Horwath will take part in a debate on Friday, May 11th at 11:30 am at the Charles W. Stockey Centre in the Town of Parry ...

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Doug Ford Announces that he will scrap ‘Cap & Trade Slush Fund’

Doug Ford announced yesterday, April 23rd that he would scrap the ‘Cap & Trade Slush Fund’. He had visited a gas station in Caledon. “There is a whole industry of special interests and lobbyists coming up with new names, and schemes to try to fool people into paying this new tax,” said Ford. “But the people will not be fooled, ...

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Andrea Horwath on Monday’s Deaths in Toronto

NDP Leader Andrea Horwath released the following statement on Monday:   “Toronto, all of Ontario and the world has been rocked by devastating images of a massacre on Yonge St., and the horrific accounts of witnesses. Our hearts are with the nine who lost their lives, the survivors, and the loved ones that are left devastated, worried, and with troubling ...

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