
Ontario Liberal Party under investigation for campaigning on taxpayers’ dime

The Ontario Liberal Party is officially under investigation from Elections Ontario following allegations they’re campaigning on the taxpayers’ dime. Last week, the Ontario PC Party filed a formal complaint to Elections Ontario detailing how the Liberals have been holding campaign style announcements with government resources. On Friday, April 20th, Elections Ontario replied to the Ontario PC Party’s complaint in a ...

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Statement from NDP Leader Andrea Horwath on Hydro One executive salaries

“Skyrocketing bills and outrageous executive salaries are a direct result of the privatization of Hydro One – which Doug Ford strongly supports. Firing every executive at Hydro One just creates a bunch of openings for more million-dollar executives to take their place, as long as it’s a private corporation.   The Wynne Liberals knew this would happen, and they privatized Hydro One ...

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Doug Ford has sent the following letter to the Premier ‘Liberal Hydro Mess’

Thursday, April 19, 2018 Dear Premier Kathleen Wynne, While you have been holding campaign-style media availabilities on the taxpayer dime, I have been criss-crossing the province and meeting directly with the people. I sit down with young families, small-business owners, and seniors, and I ask them, “what’s the biggest thing the government could do to make your life easier.” The ...

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15 years of damage to health care: NDP

NDP Health Care critic and Nickel Belt MPP France Gélinas issued the following statement: “As premier, Kathleen Wynne has done real damage to the health care that people count on. Today, Wynne held a media event at a hospital to try to convince Ontarians that wait times for health care are fine. They’re not. For years, she has chosen to ...

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Doug Ford Pledges to Bring Jobs Back to Ontario

Doug Ford today visited a small manufacturing facility in Cobourg, Ontario where he announced the fourth of his five priorities in his Plan For the People of Ontario. Ford committed that an Ontario PC Government will take immediate action to Create Good Jobs, including bringing manufacturing jobs back to Ontario. “There is no secret to creating good jobs in Ontario,” ...

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NDP releases fully costed election platform

Apr 16, 2018 @ 13:40 With Andrea Horwath as premier, all Ontarians will have better health care and a more affordable life with pharmacare, dental care, more affordable education and free or low-cost childcare.   Horwath released her vision for Ontario on Monday with a fully costed platform in advance of the June election. “Now is the time for change for ...

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Former Ontario premier Dalton McGuinty’s chief of staff Sentenced

Apr 11, 2018 @ 12:07 Former Ontario premier Dalton McGuinty’s chief of staff, David Livingston has been sentenced to four months in jail, one year of probation and 100 hours of community service for his role in the gas-plant scandal. Ontario court Judge Timothy Lipson who heard the case commented that Livingston’s illegal destruction of emails related to the cancellation of two ...

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FONOM – Comments on the 2018 Ontario Budget

The Federation of Northern Ontario Municipalities (FONOM) has reviewed the 2018 Ontario Budget which was released by the Minister of Finance, Honourable Charles Sousa, in the Ontario Legislature on March 28, 2018.   “While the Budget listed significant investments to be made that are greatly needed, we are concerned about the government running deficits until 2024-2025, particularly at a time ...

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FMNO – Observations de la FMNO sur le budget 2018 de l’Ontario

Apr 9, 2018 @ 08:29 À la Fédération des municipalités du Nord de l’Ontario (FMNO), on a étudié le budget 2018 de l’Ontario, déposé en chambre le 28 mars 2018 par M. Charles Sousa, ministre des Finances de la province.   « Alors que ce budget dresse la liste d’investissements importants grandement nécessaires, nous nous préoccupons du fait que le gouvernement sera ...

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Ontario Chamber of Small Businesses Want Small Business Tax Hikes Cancelled

Apr 5, 2018 @ 21:35 The Ontario Chamber of Commerce is calling on the Wynne Liberals to cancel two massive tax hikes buried in the most recent budget on small businesses. “Kathleen Wynne’s fairy tale budget is funded on the backs of struggling small businesses and job-creators. The Ontario PCs will ensure these tax hikes never happen,” said Ontario PC Finance Critic ...

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Premier’s Statement on New York State’s “Buy American” Law Coming into Effect and Ontario’s Decision to Respond in Kind

Premier Kathleen Wynne released the following statement today on the introduction of an Ontario regulation to level the playing field in response to New York State’s “Buy American” legislation: “I have consistently supported open and competitive procurement because it helps create good jobs on both sides of the border, but it has to be a two-way street. When Ontario workers ...

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MPP France Gélinas introduces two bills in memory of Peter Kormos

Mar 30, 2018 @ 12:08 On March 29, MPP France Gélinas introduced the Peter Kormos Memorial Act (Trillium Gift of Life Network Amendment) and An Act to amend the Labour Relations Act, 1995 to commemorate the fifth anniversary of Kormos’ passing.   An ardent supporter of organ donation, Kormos made many speeches and introduced numerous pieces of legislation to expand organ collection in Ontario. The Peter Kormos ...

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