
L’Ontario investit 110 millions de dollars pour connecter plus de 300 000 personnes aux équipes de soins primaires


Le gouvernement de l’Ontario investit 110 millions de dollars pour donner à 328 000 personnes l’accès à des équipes de soins primaires, ce qui rapproche la province de son objectif d’accès aux soins primaires pour l’ensemble de la population. « Notre gouvernement fait des investissements records pour faire en sorte que toutes les personnes qui souhaitent avoir un fournisseur de ...

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Join NOSM University for the President’s Lecture Series celebrating of the joy of family medicine

On February 1, the NOSM University President’s Lecture Series celebrates an unsung aspect of family medicine: joy! Open to Canadian medical students, as well as anyone considering a career in medicine, the 2024 virtual event is themed Reviving the Heart of Health Care: The Joy of Practising Family Medicine. Eight physicians will come together to discuss the opportunities family medicine presents as ...

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Joignez-vous à l’Université de l’EMNO pour la Série de conférences de la rectrice célébrant la joie de la médecine familiale

Le 1er février, la Série de conférences de la rectrice de l’Université de l’EMNO célébrera un aspect méconnu de la médecine familiale : la joie! Cet événement virtuel, ouvert à la population étudiante canadienne en médecine et à toute personne qui envisage une carrière dans ce domaine, a pour thème Reviving the Heart of Health Care: The Joy of Practising Family Medicine (Revivifier le ...

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Ontario Training Thousands of New Long-Term Care Staff


The Ontario government is investing more than $100 million in two programs that will train more than 32,000 new personal support workers (PSWs) and nurses in long-term care over the next three years. The investments are part of the government’s Your Health plan to recruit and retain tens of thousands of long-term care staff over the coming years. “Our government ...

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LDHCF Reaches 1 Million in Donations

How many times does the Lady Dunn Health Centre Foundation have to say thank you to the communities serviced by the Lady Dunn Health Centre? As of December 2023, we need to say it over a MILLION times! During our Wish and GivingTuesday campaigns, the Foundation hit $1,003,000.00. We are absolutely blown away. In 2008, a dedicated group of volunteers ...

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The Wawa Family Health Team Welcomes Dr. Matt Breton

Welcome to Dr. Matt Breton who joined the Wawa Family Health Team as of January 1, 2024. Matt obtained his medical degree and completed his family medicine residency at the University of Toronto. He first visited Wawa in 2020 after completing the LSPP Coastal Trail with his partner Janna. Enamored with the landscape, he returned as a resident in 2021 ...

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Algoma Public Health Cuts Nurses Even as Health Unit Lags Far Behind in Child Immunizations

The Ontario Nurses’ Association (ONA) is dumbfounded at the decision of Algoma Public Health to issue layoff notices to registered nurses (RNs) when thousands of area children are behind in their immunizations. “Public health nurses immunize and ensure children are safe to attend school, yet this public health unit has eliminated eight RN positions. Nurses in the immunization program are ...

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L’Ontario aiguille plus de jeunes vers des services de santé mentale dans le district d’Algoma


Le gouvernement de l’Ontario accélère et facilite l’aiguillage des jeunes vers du soutien en santé mentale et en toxicomanie en lançant un nouveau carrefour bien-être pour les jeunes à Sault Ste. Marie afin de desservir le district d’Algoma et les régions avoisinantes. Il s’agit d’un des huit nouveaux carrefours que le gouvernement ajoute aux 14 qu’il a déjà créés depuis ...

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LDHC Reports COVID-19 Outbreak

The Lady Dunn Health Centre has reported that the Long Term Care side is now in an COVID-19 outbreak. The social media post reports, “Residents will continue to be supported by two essential caregivers with morning visitation from 10 a.m. – 12 Noon or in the afternoon from 1 pm to 3 pm. General visitors are not permitted at this ...

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It was Giving Tuesday and Wawa YOU GAVE!

The LDHC Foundation was overwhelmed by the generosity of businesses, organizations and individuals last Tuesday. We are still sorting donations and organizing thank yous. Over $15,000 was raised to support the purchase of capital equipment. We are well on our way to purchasing the items on the “Wish List”. The need for maintenance, updates and new equipment never ends and ...

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Algoma Youth Wellness Hub launches virtual services in the Algoma District

The Algoma Youth Wellness Hub in coordination with Youth Wellness Hubs Ontario (YWHO), a leading provider of mental health and wellness solutions for youth is pleased to announce the launch of its virtual services. In response to the changing landscape of our fast-paced world, the Algoma Youth Wellness Hub is committed to delivering accessible and convenient mental health support through ...

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