Other News

The More Homes Built Faster Act has been given Royal Assent


The More Homes Built Faster Act has been given Royal Assent, supporting the government’s efforts to tackle the housing supply crisis and get 1.5 million homes built over the next 10 years. More Homes Built Faster removes unnecessary costs and cuts through red tape and other bottlenecks that stand in the way of new homes being built. “More Homes Built ...

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The Grow Ontario Strategy has been released


The Grow Ontario Strategy has been released. The strategy outlines the province’s plan to strengthen the agri-food sector, ensure an efficient, reliable, and responsive food supply and address ongoing vulnerabilities through new innovations. The sector’s vulnerabilities include labour shortages, outdated supply chain infrastructure and declining processing capacity. “The Grow Ontario Strategy is our government’s plan to make sure the province’s ...

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La stratégie Cultiver l’Ontario a été publiée


La stratégie Cultiver l’Ontario a été publiéeLa stratégie décrit le plan de la province pour renforcer le secteur agroalimentaire, assurer un approvisionnement alimentaire efficace, fiable et réactif et aborder ses faiblesses constantes grâce à des innovations. Les vulnérabilités du secteur comprennent les pénuries de main-d’œuvre, l’infrastructure désuète de la chaîne d’approvisionnement et le déclin de la capacité de transformation. « ...

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Schreiber OPP – Charges laid in Drug Trafficking Investigation

As a result of public complaints, officers from the Schreiber Detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) began an investigation into drug trafficking in the town of Terrace Bay. As a result of this investigation a warrant was issued for the arrest of Shane MAYCOCK, 35 years old, of Terrace Bay, Ontario. On 15 November 2022 the accused was arrested ...

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L’Ontario se joint au peuple métis pour commémorer l’héritage de Louis Riel

Aujourd’hui, Greg Rickford, ministre des Affaires autochtones, a fait la déclaration suivante : « Aujourd’hui, la population ontarienne se joint au peuple métis pour honorer le jour de Louis Riel, une journée de réflexion sur les efforts inlassables de Louis Riel pour protéger l’histoire, la culture et l’identité diverses du peuple métis. À cette date, en 1885, Louis Riel a ...

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Ontario Joins the Métis People Commemorating the Legacy of Louis Riel

Today, Greg Rickford, Minister of Indigenous Affairs, issued the following statement: “Today, Ontarians join with the Métis people to honour Louis Riel Day, a day to reflect on Louis Riel’s tireless efforts to protect the diverse history, culture, and identity of the Métis people. On this date in 1885, Louis Riel was executed for leading the Northwest Resistance in defence ...

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Premier Doug Ford issues statement on Remembrance Day

Today, Premier Doug Ford issued the following statement to mark Remembrance Day: “Today, I ask all Ontarians to join me in a moment of silence to honour our brave Canadian heroes who have sacrificed so much to defend our freedom, our rights, and our democracy. Remembrance Day is an opportunity for us to acknowledge the debt of gratitude every Canadian ...

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Nipigon OPP – Charges laid after Series of Break & Enters

Several charges have been laid after a series of break and enters. Members of the Nipigon Detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) began investigating several break and enters that had taken place in the Nipigon area in August 2022. As a result of the ongoing investigation, Devon NEMES, 30-years-old, of Nipigon, has been charged contrary to the Criminal Code ...

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Broken promises mar unique history of Métis experience in treaty making

The Halfbreed Adhesion to Treaty No. 3 is the only instance of a Métis community collectively adhering to one of the historic treaties negotiated with First Nations across Canada. As a part of Treaties Recognition Week, the Northwestern Ontario Métis Community is raising awareness about the “Halfbreeds of Rainy Lake and Rainy River.” In the 1870s, Métis pressed their land ...

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Ontario Recognizes Seventh Annual Treaties Recognition Week

Greg Rickford, Minister of Indigenous Affairs, issued the following statement on Treaties Recognition Week: “This week, Ontario is marking the seventh annual Treaties Recognition Week by encouraging students and the public to learn more about treaties and how they form the basis of the relationship between Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples in this province. Treaties Recognition Week was introduced by the ...

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L’Ontario souligne la septième Semaine annuelle de reconnaissance des traités

Greg Rickford, ministre des Affaires autochtones, a fait la déclaration suivante au sujet de la Semaine de reconnaissance des traités : « Cette semaine, l’Ontario souligne la septième Semaine annuelle de reconnaissance des traités en encourageant les élèves et le public à en apprendre davantage sur les traités et sur la façon dont ils constituent la base des relations entre ...

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L’Ontario réagit à l’Énoncé économique de l’automne fédéral


Peter Bethlenfalvy, ministre des Finances, a fait la déclaration suivante aujourd’hui en réaction à l’Énoncé économique de l’automne de 2022 du gouvernement fédéral : « Notre gouvernement se réjouit d’un grand nombre des initiatives annoncées dans l’Énoncé économique de l’automne rendu public aujourd’hui, mais nous ne pouvons nous empêcher de remarquer l’absence de soutien pour mettre de l’avant des projets ...

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Ontario Responds to Federal Fall Economic Statement


Peter Bethlenfalvy, Minister of Finance, issued the following statement in response to the federal government’s 2022 Fall Economic Statement: “While our government welcomes many of the initiatives included in today’s Fall Economic Statement, we can’t help but notice the absence of support to move transformational projects forward that are critical to Ontario and Canada’s economic success. Although we welcome funding ...

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Northern Ontario Black Economic Empowerment Program (NOBEEP) receives $1.15 million in funding from FedNor

Through the Afro-Heritage Association of Sudbury (AHA), the Northern Ontario Black Economic Empowerment Program (NOBEEP), received $1.15 million in funding from FedNor. This fund is to aid NOBEEP in supporting Black-owned businesses in Northern Ontario in their efforts to start up and scale up as well as to create jobs to contribute to the overall economic development of the North. ...

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Provincial plaque commemorating Shingwauk Hall updated

on National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, the Ontario Heritage Trust, in partnership with the Children of Shingwauk Alumni Association (CSAA) and Algoma University, unveiled a new provincial plaque commemorating the former Shingwauk Indian Residential School in Sault Ste. Marie. The new plaque replaces an outdated 1977 version that excluded facts about the true purpose of the residential school and ...

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