Other News

Déclaration du premier ministre à l’occasion de la Journée internationale des femmes

Le 8 mars 2022 Ottawa (Ontario) Le premier ministre Justin Trudeau a fait aujourd’hui la déclaration suivante pour souligner la Journée internationale des femmes : « Ici au Canada et dans le monde entier, les femmes, les filles et les personnes de diverses identités de genre jouent un rôle inestimable dans l’édification d’un avenir plus juste et plus inclusif offrant des chances ...

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Statement by the Prime Minister on International Women’s Day

March 8, 2022 Ottawa, Ontario The Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, today issued the following statement on International Women’s Day: “Women, girls, and gender diverse people play an invaluable role in building a fairer and more inclusive future with equal opportunity for everyone, here in Canada and around the world. “Today, on International Women’s Day, we celebrate the achievements of women ...

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Proof of Vaccinations Required for Remaining TBSO Concerts

The Thunder Bay Symphony Orchestra is gearing up for their return to in-person concerts starting next week. Out of an abundance of caution to the health and safety of its patrons, musicians, and volunteers, the TBSO is requiring proof of vaccinations to attend these concerts.   “We are glad to see capacity limits being lifted in the province”, says TBSO ...

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Canada’s first independent medical university proclaimed: NOSM University

The Northern Ontario School of Medicine (NOSM) becomes NOSM University—the first independent medical university in Canada—effective April 1, 2022. “This is a profound and historic moment for the NOSM community, and its impact will be felt across Northern Ontario and beyond,” says Dr. Sarita Verma, President, Vice Chancellor and Dean of NOSM University. “We are grateful to Minister Dunlop and ...

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Prime Minister to travel to the United Kingdom, Latvia, Germany, and Poland

March 4, 2022 Ottawa, Ontario The Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, today announced he will travel to Europe from March 6 to 11, 2022, to further strengthen Canada’s solidarity with our European partners and allies in the face of Russia’s unwarranted invasion of Ukraine. Canada stands united with our partners and allies in support of Ukraine. During the visit, the Prime ...

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Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaks with President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy

March 3, 2022 Ottawa, Ontario Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland spoke with the President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, to discuss the fire and damages at the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant in Ukraine caused by Russian attacks. President Zelenskyy expressed deep concern with the potential for devastating consequences for the health and safety of Ukrainians and all Europeans without an immediate cease-fire at and around ...

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Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaks with President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau spoke with the President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, to express solidarity and extend further support to the people in Ukraine. Prime Minister Trudeau commended President Zelenskyy’s outstanding bravery and front-line leadership, calling it inspirational for Canadians and people around the world. President Zelenskyy thanked Prime Minister Trudeau for announcing meaningful and punitive sanctions against Russian banks and ...

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New leader for Canada’s Conservatives to be announced September 10

Canada’s Conservatives will have their new leader elected by Saturday, September 10. The Leadership Election Organizing Committee (LEOC) adopted the rules and procedures for the Leadership election Wednesday. The complete set of rules, in both official languages, will be released publicly later this week. The key dates and candidate requirements agreed to by LEOC are as follows: Prospective candidates will ...

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Ontario Hosts Summit on Food Security


Today, Lisa Thompson, Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, met with over 125 leaders in the food supply chain to discuss food security and to collaborate on strategies that will help Ontario’s food supply chain remain one of the strongest, safest and stable in the world. The Ontario Food Summit builds on the province’s continued actions to support the ...

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L’Ontario tient un sommet sur la sécurité alimentaire


Aujourd’hui, Lisa Thompson, ministre de l’Agriculture, de l’Alimentation et des Affaires rurales, a rencontré plus de 125 chefs de file de la chaîne d’approvisionnement alimentaire afin de discuter de la sécurité alimentaire et de collaborer à des stratégies qui aideront la chaîne d’approvisionnement alimentaire de l’Ontario à demeurer l’une des plus solide, sécuritaire et stable au monde. Le Sommet ontarien ...

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PM Justin Trudeau and Deputy PM & Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland speak with Ukraine’s PM Denys Shymal

February 26, 2022 Ottawa, Ontario Today, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau joined a call between Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance Chrystia Freeland and the Prime Minister of Ukraine, Denys Shymal, to offer support and express solidarity to the people in Ukraine. Prime Minister Trudeau and Deputy Prime Minister Freeland strongly condemned the large-scale military aggression by Russia against the ...

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Statement by the Prime Minister on Ukraine’s Day of Resistance

February 26, 2022 Ottawa, Ontario The Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, today issued the following statement on Ukraine’s Day of Resistance: “Today, we mark Ukraine’s Day of Resistance as the Ukrainian people once again fight to defend their homes and freedom from Russia’s further unwarranted and unprovoked invasion of their country. “The Day of Resistance now serves as a call to ...

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L’Ontario offre son soutien au peuple ukrainien


Le gouvernement de l’Ontario soutient le peuple ukrainien en offrant 300 000 $ en aide humanitaire en cette période difficile et éprouvante. « Hier soir, nous avons été témoins d’une violente attaque envers une nation souveraine à la suite du déclenchement d’une guerre d’agression contre l’Ukraine par Vladimir Putin, a déclaré le premier ministre Doug Ford. Le Canada et l’Ukraine ...

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Ontario Government Providing Humanitarian Aid for Ukraine


The Ontario government is assisting the people of Ukraine by providing $300,000 in humanitarian aid during this difficult and challenging time. “Last night we witnessed a violent attack on a sovereign nation as Vladimir Putin launched a war of aggression against Ukraine,” said Premier Doug Ford. “The bonds between Canada and Ukraine run deep, and generations of Ukrainian-Canadians have helped ...

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