On Thursday, New Democrats delivered a framework for the next steps of universal pharmacare for Canadians. As a first step, the NDP has forced the government to cover contraception and diabetes medications and devices free-of-charge for everyone who needs it. These measures can save women around $200 a year for contraception and around $1,500 per year for those impacted by ...
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Le NPD obtient la gratuité des contraceptifs et des médicaments contre le diabète, première étape vers la couverture complète pour les gens du Nord de l’Ontario
Plus tard cette semaine, les néo-démocrates présenteront un cadre pour les prochaines étapes de l’assurance-médicaments universelle pour les Canadiennes et Canadiens. Dans un premier temps, le NPD a forcé le gouvernement à couvrir gratuitement les médicaments contraceptifs, les médicaments et les appareils pour le traitement du diabète pour toutes les personnes qui en ont besoin. Ces mesures peuvent permettre aux ...
Read More »“Northern Hospitals are poised for catastrophe” says MPP Michael Mantha
Today during Question Period in the legislature, Algoma-Manitoulin MPP Michael Mantha pressed the Premier on the financial pressures facing public hospitals in the North. Following a worrying report by Ontario’s Auditor General in the fall and a letter sent by the CEOs of 25 Northern Hospitals, MPP Mantha said it is beyond time for the government to act on hospital’s ...
Read More »Shutting Down Wellness Together Canada Bad Mental Health & Substance Use Health Policy says CAMIMH
On February 8, 2024 the federal government announced it would stop funding and close the Wellness Together Canada (WTC) portal on April 3, 2024. WTC was originally created by the government in response to the COVID-19 health crisis. This decision puts an end to a low barrier, universal point of access to mental health and substance use health services. ...
Read More »Lady Dunn’s Nursing Staffing Shortage
Ontario is experiencing a sustained, system-wide pressure on hospital staffing levels and while care settings at the Lady Dunn Heath Centre continues to remain open, we have been navigating the pressures as well. For today, February 10th, 2024 we are experiencing a staffing shortage in our Registered Nurse group. The Emergency Department (ED) will remain open; however, we ask that ...
Read More »Cutting Wait Times, Delivering Better Health Care in Ontario
Universal public health care is a core part of what it means to be Canadian. It is the idea that no matter where you live or what you earn, you will always be able to get the care you need. Unfortunately, our health care system has not been living up to expectations. From overwhelmed emergency rooms to surgery backlogs to ...
Read More »Nomination de la Dre Catherine Zahn à la présidence de Santé Ontario
Sylvia Jones, vice-première ministre et ministre de la Santé, a souligné le travail remarquable de Bill Hatanaka, qui a occupé pendant cinq ans le poste de président de Santé Ontario, en plus d’annoncer la nomination de la Dre Catherine Zahn à la présidence de Santé Ontario, l’organisme provincial qui a pour mandat de relier, de coordonner et de moderniser la ...
Read More »Dr. Catherine Zahn is Being Appointed the New Chair of Ontario Health
Sylvia Jones, Deputy Premier and Minister of Health, has recognized Bill Hatanaka’s tremendous 5-year term as chair of Ontario Health and announced that Dr. Catherine Zahn is being appointed as the new chair of Ontario Health, the province’s agency that connects, coordinates and modernizes the delivery of health care. “I’m thrilled that someone of Dr. Zahn’s experience and skillset has ...
Read More »Ontario investing $110 million to connect Over 300,000 People to Primary Care Teams
The Ontario government is investing $110 million to connect up to 328,000 people to primary care teams, bringing the province one step closer to connecting everyone in Ontario to primary care. “Our government is making record investments to ensure that everyone that wants to have a primary care provider can connect to one,” said Sylvia Jones, Deputy Premier and Minister ...
Read More »L’Ontario investit 110 millions de dollars pour connecter plus de 300 000 personnes aux équipes de soins primaires
Le gouvernement de l’Ontario investit 110 millions de dollars pour donner à 328 000 personnes l’accès à des équipes de soins primaires, ce qui rapproche la province de son objectif d’accès aux soins primaires pour l’ensemble de la population. « Notre gouvernement fait des investissements records pour faire en sorte que toutes les personnes qui souhaitent avoir un fournisseur de ...
Read More »Join NOSM University for the President’s Lecture Series celebrating of the joy of family medicine
On February 1, the NOSM University President’s Lecture Series celebrates an unsung aspect of family medicine: joy! Open to Canadian medical students, as well as anyone considering a career in medicine, the 2024 virtual event is themed Reviving the Heart of Health Care: The Joy of Practising Family Medicine. Eight physicians will come together to discuss the opportunities family medicine presents as ...
Read More »Joignez-vous à l’Université de l’EMNO pour la Série de conférences de la rectrice célébrant la joie de la médecine familiale
Le 1er février, la Série de conférences de la rectrice de l’Université de l’EMNO célébrera un aspect méconnu de la médecine familiale : la joie! Cet événement virtuel, ouvert à la population étudiante canadienne en médecine et à toute personne qui envisage une carrière dans ce domaine, a pour thème Reviving the Heart of Health Care: The Joy of Practising Family Medicine (Revivifier le ...
Read More »L’Ontario forme des milliers de nouveaux membres du personnel de soins de longue durée
Le gouvernement de l’Ontario investit plus de 100 millions de dollars dans deux programmes qui, au cours des trois prochaines années, formeront plus de 32 000 nouveaux préposés aux services de soutien à la personne et membres du personnel infirmier dans le secteur des soins de longue durée. Cet investissement s’inscrit dans le cadre du plan gouvernemental Votre santé, qui ...
Read More »Ontario Training Thousands of New Long-Term Care Staff
The Ontario government is investing more than $100 million in two programs that will train more than 32,000 new personal support workers (PSWs) and nurses in long-term care over the next three years. The investments are part of the government’s Your Health plan to recruit and retain tens of thousands of long-term care staff over the coming years. “Our government ...
Read More »MPP Michael Mantha calls on Ontario government to address worsening healthcare crisis in Northern Ontario
Michael Mantha, MPP for Algoma-Manitoulin, released the following statement in light of the news that the Group Health Centre in Sault Ste. Marie will need to cut loose 10,000 patients at the end of May. “I am extremely troubled to hear that the Group Health Centre has been forced to explore last-resort options to cope with the ongoing healthcare crisis ...
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