
Catholic Education Week 2019 – “Living as Joyful Disciples

  Students and staff of the Huron-Superior Catholic District School Board (HSCDSB) are preparing for Catholic Education Week 2019 which takes place next week from Sunday, May 5 to Friday, May 10. This year the main theme for Catholic Education Week is ‘Living as Joyful Disciples’. “This is a special week for all of our school communities. It provides an ...

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Ensemencement du Lac « Blackington » par des élèves de l’ÉS Saint-Joseph

  Pour une sixième année consécutive, les élèves des cours d’éducation physique 9e et 10e années de l’École secondaire Saint-Joseph, Wawa, ont ensemencé un lac. En collaboration avec le ministère des Richesses naturelles et des Forêts, le groupe a ensemencé 1 700 petites truites moulacs dans le lac Blackington le 5 mars dernier. Les élèves, accompagnés de Mme Carole Bouffard, M. ...

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ÉS Saint-Joseph students stocking Blackington Lake

  For the sixth year in a row, Grade 9 and 10 students from École secondaire Saint-Joseph (Wawa)’s physical education classes, have stocked a local lake. In collaboration with the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry, the group placed 1,700 small trout in Blackington Lake on March 5. The students, accompanied by Mrs. Carole Bouffard, Mr. Michel Lemoyne, Mr. Mark ...

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Soirée peinture à l’école Saint-Joseph (Wawa)

  L’École Saint-Joseph, Wawa, a tenu, à la fin mars, quatre soirées peintures pour les élèves de la maternelle à la 8e année et leurs parents. Plus de 200 participants ont profité de ces séances menées par Mme Carole Bouffard. Les artistes ont tous quitté l’activité avec de beaux œuvres d’art!

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Paint night at École Saint-Joseph (Wawa)

  École Saint-Joseph (Wawa) held for Paint Nights at the end of march for kindergarten to grade 8 students and their parents. More than 200 people took part in these wonderful sessions offered by Ms. Carole Bouffard. Each participant, turned artist, left with a beautiful work of art for their home!

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École Saint-Joseph (Wawa) annual chess tournament bigger than ever!

  École Saint-Joseph (Wawa) welcomed 156 young chess masters on Thursday, April 11, for their sixth annual Franco-Nord-Ouest Chess Tournament. Grade 3 to 12 students from eight French-language Catholic and Public schools gathered in Wawa for the competition. It was a great day for all the participants who successfully applied the often complex tactics and strategies of the game. 3rd ...

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MHS Walkout – #Studentssayno

  On Thursday, April 4th, students from Michipicoten High School joined students throughout Ontario in an afternoon walkout to protest the Ontario Government’s changes to the education system. Some of the changes include: increasing class sizes for students in Grades 4 to 12, mandatory online courses for high school students, a ban on cellphones in class except for instructional purposes. ...

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On IMPROvise” Tournament at École secondaire Saint-Joseph (Wawa)

Over 35 Grade 7 to 12 students from three CSCNO schools competed in the “On IMPROvise” (We IMPROvise) tournament at École secondaire Saint-Joseph (Wawa) on April 2. Teams from école secondaire catholique Trillium (Chapleau) and École Notre-Dame-du-Sault (Sault Ste. Marie) joined up with the teams from the host school to take part in workshop presented by Stef Paquette who also ...

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MHS Students to Walk out This afternoon

Since his election in June 2018, Doug Ford’s government has anounced a number of cuts to public education. On March 15th, the most recent cuts were announced. These include: An overall loss of $1.4 billion for public education Loss of $986.8 million in education jobs funding Loss of an estimated 18,000 Grade 4-12 teaching jobs 27% increase to class sizes: ...

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Une visite avec les aînés

  Le jeudi 21 mars, les élèves du cours d’enseignement religieux 9e année de l’École secondaire Saint-Joseph, Wawa, sont allés visiter les aînés à l’hôpital Lady Dunn. Les élèves accompagnés de Mme Stephanie McGregor, ont eu l’occasion d’échanger avec les aînés et chacun a parlé de leur vécu personnel. Une deuxième visite est prévue pour le mois d’avril. Merci à ...

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Saison de curling à l’école Saint-Joseph

Plus de 20 élèves de l’école Saint-Joseph (Wawa) ont joui de la saison de curling cette année grâce aux entraineurs Ashley Hunt-Robinson, enseignante, et Alison Gendron, parent. La saison, qui a débuté le 17 janvier, s’est terminée le 6 mars avec une joute amicale entre les élèves et leurs parents. Des prix pour le glisser le plus loin furent remis ...

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Curling season at École Saint-Joseph

More than 20 École Saint-Joseph (Wawa) students got to enjoy the curing season this year thanks to teacher Ashley Hunt-Ronbison, and parent-volunteer Alison Gendron who offered their time to coach them. The season, which began on January 17, ended on March 6 with a game between students and their parents. Prizes for best slide were awarded to Sylvain Humphries (grades ...

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Concours oratoire de la Légion

Plusieurs élèves de l’École Saint-Joseph, Wawa, ont participé au concours oratoire de la Légion. Les participants ont tous présenté de très beau discours ce qui a rendu la décision très difficile pour les juges. Bravo à Tanner Robinson qui a obtenu la 1re place dans la division 1 à 3 et à Brayden Tremblay qui a obtenu la 1re place ...

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Legion’s Public Speaking Contest

Several students at École Saint-Joseph (Wawa) took part in the Legion’s public speaking contest. Each participant presented their well-prepared speech leaving the judges with some very difficult decisions.   The school would like to congratulate Tanner Robinson who got a 1st place in the grade 1 to 3 division and Brayden Tremblay who placed 1st in the grade 4 to ...

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Thank You – SJFICS

  The Grade 6 & 7 class from St. Joseph French Immersion Catholic School would like to thank everyone who supported our Annual Bake Sale and the Bottle Drive.  We are overwhelmed by the generosity of our town! All of the proceeds will go towards our 2020 trip to Québec. We would also like to thank the amazing volunteers who ...

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