
L’Ontario propose un congé de maladie payé lié à la COVID-19


Alors que le gouvernement de l’Ontario continue de travailler avec le gouvernement fédéral pour soutenir davantage les travailleurs vulnérables en doublant les paiements effectués dans le cadre du programme de la Prestation canadienne de maladie pour la relance économique (PCMRE), la province déposera une loi qui, si elle est adoptée, offrira jusqu’à trois jours de maladie payés par employé. Le ...

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Ontario to Introduce Paid COVID-19 Leave


While Ontario government continues to work with the federal government to further support vulnerable workers by doubling payments made through the Canada Recovery Sickness Benefit (CRSB) program, the province will introduce legislation that, if passed, will offer up to three paid sick days per employee. On Thursday, April 29, 2021, Monte McNaughton, Minister of Labour, Training and Skills Development, will ...

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Happenings at Wawa First United Church – Fifth Sunday of Easter

Although we cannot meet for Worship together you may like to read the Scriptures for 02 May  2021 – Fifth Sunday of Easter Acts 8: 26-40      Philip and the Ethiopian eunuch. Psalm 22:25-31   Praise God who has heard our call. 1 John 4: 7-21     Everyone who loves is born of God. John 15: 1-8       Jesus is the true vine. To ...

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Between the Covers – April 28

The library is open for curbside pickup only. Patrons are not permitted in the library at this time. Please place your book holds by calling the Circulation Desk at 705-856-2244 ext. 290, emailing us at [email protected] or by accessing the Online Catalogue on our website at We are more than happy to help you with your reading needs.   ...

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Fraudes Ciblant les Contribuables

Le Bureau du Canada à publier « The Little Black Book of Scams » 2nd edition et est maintenant disponible en ligne à L’information est très importante et devrait attirer l’intérêt de tous le monde. Dans les prochains mois ils y auras autres publications de escroqueries (une par semaine).  L’information sera retrouver dans le livre « The Little Black ...

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Tax Scams

The Competition Bureau of Canada has published the The Little Black Book of Scams 2nd Edition and it is available online at The information is invaluable and should be of interest to virtually everyone.  Over the next few months we will be publishing the information from the The Little Black Book of Scams 2nd Edition, one scam at a ...

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Le NPD présentera une motion pour étudier l’impact des coupures dans le programme de formation des sages-femmes à l’Université Laurentienne

Au cours de la réunion de ce matin du Comité permanent de la condition féminine, la porte-parole du NPD pour les femmes et l’égalité des sexes, Lindsay Mathyssen, présentera une motion demandant une étude sur l’impact des coupures faites au programme de sages-femmes de l’Université Laurentienne. La perte de ce programme aura des effets dévastateurs sur la santé des femmes ...

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1 new confirmed case of COVID-19 (#320)

Algoma Public Health (APH) has reported 1 new case of COVID-19 from close contact who was tested today, and is self-isolating. This case is from Sault Ste. Marie and area, and APH notifies all close contacts directly.  

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Wawa Walkers – Join the IG Wealth Management Walk for Alzheimer’s in May!

People living with dementia and their caregivers count on our community for support as they navigate the disease. And this year, the Wawa Alzheimer Society satellite office invites you to join them for the first IG Wealth Management Walk for Alzheimer’s in Wawa on Sunday, May 30th, to raise awareness and funds needed to support local services. To keep everyone ...

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Ontario Government Introduces Moving Ontarians More Safely Act, 2021

The Ontario government is taking strong action to protect road users against unsafe and aggressive driving with the introduction of the Moving Ontarians More Safely Act, 2021, also known as the MOMS Act. The proposed legislation will introduce new measures to combat high-risk driving and improve road safety, including longer driver’s licence suspensions and longer vehicle impoundment periods for drivers ...

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NDP bill would help fight food insecurity and support farmers

Today, NDP agriculture critic Alistair MacGregor (Cowichan-Malahat-Langford) introduced legislation to create a National Soil Health Strategy. With the increasing impacts of climate change and global food insecurity, a national strategy will help to maintain, enhance, and rebuild the capacity to produce food and fuel for years to come. “Healthy soils are the foundation of sustainable food production, enhanced biodiversity and ...

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News from the Park – “A little knowledge can be a dangerous thing”

I enjoyed a recent opportunity to connect with an old friend of mine who is a retired special education teacher.  We were sharing some experiences about occasions where we have come across questionable decisions being made. My friend shared with me a story that occurred early in his career in which he met with the parent of one of his ...

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News from the Park – « Un peu de connaissances peut être une chose dangereuse »

J’ai récemment apprécié l’occasion de reconnecter avec un vieil ami, qui est enseignant en éducation spécialisée à la retraite. Nous partagions des expériences sur des occasions où nous sommes tombés sur des décisions douteuses que d’autres prenaient. Mon ami m’a raconté une histoire survenue au début de sa carrière dans laquelle il a rencontré le parent d’un de ses élèves, ...

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