Author Archives: Ontario Government

L’Ontario prend des mesures pour lutter contre le vol d’automobiles


Le gouvernement de l’Ontario investit 18 millions de dollars sur trois ans pour aider les services de police à prévenir les vols de voitures et à enquêter sur ces crimes, mais aussi pour protéger les collectivités et assurer la sécurité des gens et de leurs biens. La subvention pour la prévention des vols automobiles (PVA) financera 21 initiatives qui soutiennent ...

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Ontario Taking Action to Combat Auto Theft


The Ontario government is investing $18 million over three years to help police services combat and prevent auto theft, while protecting communities and keeping people and their property safe. The Preventing Auto Thefts (PAT) grant will provide funding for 21 projects that feature new and enhanced crime-fighting measures focused on prevention, detection, analysis and enforcement. “This investment will help our ...

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Ontario Expanding Rapid Training Programs


The Ontario government is investing $5 million through the Micro-credentials Challenge Fund, to help more Ontarians quickly upgrade their skills for good-paying jobs in health care, auto, advanced manufacturing and other in-demand sectors. “Our government is bridging the gap between postsecondary education and the labour market to equip learners with the specific skills employers are looking for,” said Jill Dunlop, ...

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Ontario Boosting Its Electricity Grid with Hydrogen


The Ontario government is investing $5.9 million in nine new projects that will integrate hydrogen into the province’s electricity grid. This funding is through the Hydrogen Innovation Fund which supports projects that pave the way for the production of reliable, affordable and clean electricity from hydrogen to help power the province’s growth. “Our government is building new electricity generation and ...

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Ontario Responds to 2023 Federal Fall Economic Statement

Peter Bethlenfalvy, Minister of Finance, issued the following statement in response to the federal government’s 2023 Fall Economic Statement: “Ontario stands ready to work with our federal partners on shared priorities such as building homes and critical infrastructure while making life easier and more affordable for Ontario families. While several of the measures contained in today’s federal Fall Economic Statement ...

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Le ministre Calandra dépose la Loi de 2023 modifiant des lois en ce qui concerne l’aménagement du territoire

Paul Calandra, ministre des Affaires municipales et du Logement, a publié la déclaration suivante : « Le mois dernier, j’ai annoncé que nous allions annuler certaines décisions concernant des plans officiels et des modifications de plans officiels parce que je n’étais pas convaincu qu’elles avaient été prises de façon à appuyer la réalisation de notre but de bâtir au moins ...

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Minister Calandra Introduces Planning Statute Law Amendment Act, 2023

Paul Calandra, Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing, released the following statement: “Last month, I announced that we would reverse certain decisions related to official plans and official plan amendments because I did not have confidence that decisions were made in a way that supported our goal of building at least 1.5 million homes in a way that maintains and ...

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Supporting Child Care in Ontario

The Ontario government is launching a multipronged Child Care Workforce Strategy to address existing workforce shortages in the licensed child care sector and provide more affordable and accessible child care to families. Increased Wages As of January 2024, starting wages for Registered Early Childhood Educators (RECEs) within the Canada-wide Early Learning and Child Care (CWELCC) system will be raised to ...

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Ontario Honours the Legacy of Louis Riel

Greg Rickford, Minister of Indigenous Affairs released the following statement on Louis Riel Day: “On this day in 1885, Louis Riel, an elected Métis leader and founder of Manitoba, was executed for treason. Looking back, we now recognize him as a highly skilled and visionary politician, a capable negotiator, and a committed advocate for the Métis Nation. Notably, he also ...

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Ontario Receives Report to Support Financial Sustainability of Postsecondary Education System

Today, Jill Dunlop, Minister of Colleges and Universities, issued the following statement in response to receipt of the blue-ribbon panel’s report: “Our government created the blue-ribbon panel of experts to provide advice and recommendations for keeping the postsecondary education sector financially stable and focused on providing the best student experience possible. Over the past few months, the panel conducted research ...

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Réception par l’Ontario d’un rapport visant à favoriser la viabilité financière du système d’éducation postsecondaire

Aujourd’hui, la ministre des Collèges et Universités, Jill Dunlop, a publié la déclaration suivante après avoir reçu le rapport du Groupe d’experts : « Notre gouvernement a créé un Groupe d’experts chargé de fournir des conseils et de formuler des recommandations pour assurer la stabilité financière du secteur de l’enseignement postsecondaire et faire en sorte que ce dernier offre la ...

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Déclaration du premier ministre à l’occasion de la Journée des vétérans autochtones

Le 8 novembre 2023 Ottawa (Ontario) Le premier ministre Justin Trudeau a fait aujourd’hui la déclaration suivante pour souligner la Journée des vétérans autochtones : « Aujourd’hui, nous saluons, honorons et célébrons les vétérans autochtones qui ont contribué à maintenir la paix, à protéger la démocratie et à défendre la liberté, au Canada comme ailleurs dans le monde. Nous nous souvenons également ...

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Ontario Honours Past and Present Military Service by Indigenous People

Today, Greg Rickford, Minister of Indigenous Affairs issued the following statement in recognition of Indigenous Veterans Day: “Today is a day to remember and show gratitude to the thousands of Indigenous Veterans and those currently serving in the military who have helped keep our country safe in times of war and military conflict. First Nations, Inuit and Métis people have ...

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L’Ontario rend hommage au service militaire passé et actuel des peuples autochtones

Aujourd’hui, Greg Rickford, ministre des Affaires autochtones, a fait la déclaration suivante à l’occasion de la Journée des vétérans autochtones : « Cette journée est une occasion de penser et d’exprimer notre gratitude aux milliers d’Autochtones vétérans et actuellement en service dans l’armée, chargés d’assurer la sécurité de notre nation en temps de guerre et lors de conflits militaires. Les ...

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Statement by the Prime Minister on National Indigenous Veterans Day

November 8, 2023 Ottawa, Ontario The Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, today issued the following statement on National Indigenous Veterans Day: “Today, we recognize, honour, and celebrate Indigenous Veterans who have helped uphold peace, protect democracy, and defend freedom here in Canada and around the world. We also remember the great sacrifices of Indigenous Peoples who have put their lives on ...

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