Archbishop Marcel Damphousse (Ottawa-Cornwall) has apologized for the Catholic Church’s role in Canada’s residential school system and has called on Pope Francis to follow suit. (transcribed by Wawa-news) Monday, June 21st is the National Indigenous People’s Day. This year the celebration is marred by the discovery of the remains of 215 children and youth at the residential school in ...
Read More »Local & Area News
Confederation College Takes Important Next Step on Decolonization Journey
Confederation College took an important next step in its decolonization journey with the release of its Decolonization Report on National Indigenous Peoples Day. The report details how the College will address the recommendations from its Systemic Racism Review, and includes a work plan for implementation. “This Report is a result of considerable effort by a dedicated team known as ...
Read More »Sault College Commemorates National Indigenous Peoples Day
Today, in keeping with COVID-19 restrictions, a small group gathered at Sault College for a flag-raising ceremony in honour of National Indigenous Peoples Day. Through inspirational speeches, jingle dress dancing, and flag-raising, the group commemorated this important day and the outstanding contributions of the First Nations, Inuit and Métis peoples of Canada. As part of today’s special ceremony, the College ...
Read More »Statement by the Prime Minister on National Indigenous Peoples Day
The Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, today issued the following statement on National Indigenous Peoples Day: “Today, on National Indigenous Peoples Day, we invite all Canadians to learn and celebrate the vibrant and diverse cultures, languages, and beautiful traditions of First Nations, Inuit, and Métis peoples. We also recognize the important contributions Indigenous peoples have made, and continue to make, to ...
Read More »Déclaration du premier ministre à l’occasion de la Journée nationale des peuples autochtones
Le premier ministre Justin Trudeau a fait aujourd’hui la déclaration suivante à l’occasion de la Journée nationale des peuples autochtones : « Aujourd’hui, à l’occasion de la Journée nationale des peuples autochtones, nous invitons tous les Canadiens à découvrir et à célébrer les cultures, les langues et les belles traditions dynamiques et diverses des Premières Nations, des Inuits et des Métis. ...
Read More »Government of Canada’s first phase to easing border measures for travellers entering Canada
The Government of Canada is taking a responsible, precautionary approach at the border by continually monitoring available data and scientific evidence to protect the health and safety of Canadians. Today, the Government of Canada is announcing the details of the first phase of its approach to easing border measures for travellers entering Canada. These cautious adjustments are now possible because ...
Read More »Première phase de l’assouplissement des mesures frontalières par le gouvernement du Canada pour les voyageurs qui entrent au Canada
Le gouvernement du Canada adopte une approche responsable et prudente à l’égard des mesures frontalières en surveillant continuellement les données et les preuves scientifiques disponibles pour protéger la santé et la sécurité des Canadiens. Aujourd’hui, le gouvernement du Canada annonce les détails de la première phase de sa démarche d’assouplissement des mesures frontalières pour les voyageurs qui entrent au Canada. ...
Read More »Blustery Winds on Wawa Lake – Possible Waterspout at Montreal River?
The wind is really blustery today. So blustery in fact, that the weather gauges at recorded a gust of 38.9km/h at 8:10 this morning. The wind also changed direction, it was running west, and is now northeast. The gusts may have blown one of the new benches out into Wawa Lake. The first reports were that it was ...
Read More »News from the Park – Summer notwithstanding?
Well, as of June 21st, with the onset of the summer solstice, we can finally say that summer is officially here. My colleagues in Queen’s Park said they thought it had already set in, but then Premier Ford announced an emergency recall of MPPs to attend to what he said was an urgent matter. So urgent, in fact, that the ...
Read More »News from the Park – l’été nonobstant?
Eh bien, depuis le 21 juin, avec le début du solstice d’été, nous pouvons enfin dire que l’été est officiellement là. Mes collègues de Queen’s Park ont dit qu’ils pensaient que cela s’était déjà commencé, mais le premier ministre Ford a ensuite annoncé un rappel d’urgence des députés pour s’occuper de ce qu’il a dit être une affaire urgente. Si ...
Read More »Morning News – June 21st
Today is the national 25th anniversary of celebrating the heritage, diverse cultures and outstanding achievements of First Nations, Inuit and Métis peoples. Happy Indigenous Peoples Day! Weather Periods of rain ending near noon then cloudy with 60 percent chance of showers. Wind north 30 km/h gusting to 60. High 11. UV index 3 or moderate. Tonight – Mainly cloudy. 40 ...
Read More »‘PAWS’ and Think Twice Before Leaving Your Pet in a Hot Car
The Ontario government is urging everyone to take the necessary precautions to keep their pets safe and protected during the hot summer months. Temperatures inside a vehicle can quickly become hotter than the temperature outside even if windows are left slightly open. Pets can be put at risk of serious illness and possibly death due to heat exposure as a ...
Read More »Réfléchissez à deux fois avant de laisser un animal dans une voiture chaude ou vous pourriez avoir affaire à la loi
Le gouvernement de l’Ontario exhorte tout le monde à prendre les précautions nécessaires pour assurer la sécurité et la protection de leurs animaux de compagnie pendant les grosses chaleurs de l’été. La température à l’intérieur d’un véhicule peut rapidement dépasser la température extérieure, même si les fenêtres restent légèrement ouvertes. Les animaux de compagnie peuvent courir des risques graves, voire ...
Read More »Men’s Night Golf – June 17
(123 Players) 1st FLIGHT: Francis Dechamplain, Jessy Dechamplain, Joey Dechamplain – 5 under par 31 2nd FLIGHT: Peter Russ, Tim Lesarge, Mike Hogan – 2 under par 34 3rd FLIGHT: Mike Belanger, Danny Mathias, Antonio Alexopoulos – 1 under par 35 4th FLIGHT: Dan Guay, Guy Lachapelle, Roger Gamache – Even par 36 5th FLIGHT: Ray Chevrier, Cory Purcell, Nick ...
Read More »Morning News – June 20th
Happy Father’s Day! Weather A mix of sun and cloud. 40 percent chance of showers this afternoon. Fog patches dissipating this morning. High 15. UV index 8 or very high. Tonight – Periods of rain. Low 11. Status of cases in Algoma Tested (1) Confirmed cases (2) Active cases Currently hospitalized Resolved cases (3) Deceased Cases Screened Positive for VOC ...
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