At Lady Dunn Health Centre, we are in the process of refreshing our strategic plan – a document that summarizes the high-level goals that we will work to achieve over the next four years. We would like to invite your participation in a facilitated one-hour conversation scheduled. If you cannot attend the session when it is scheduled, but would like ...
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2 new confirmed cases of COVID-19 (#395 – #396)
Algoma Public Health (APH) has reported 2 new cases of COVID-19, from Elliot Lake and area. Both cases were tested yesterday, June 8th. One is of unknown exposure and the other is of close contact; both at self-isolating. Through contact tracing, APH notifies all close contacts directly. If you are not contacted by APH you are not considered a ...
Read More »Ontario Easing Restrictions on Long-Term Care
Thanks to high levels of vaccination in long-term care homes and improvements in key public health care indicators, Ontario is allowing long-term care residents to enjoy more social connections with their loved ones. The changes take effect Wednesday, June 9. “Our government puts the safety and well-being of long-term care residents at the heart of everything we do,” said Dr. ...
Read More »L’Ontario assouplit les restrictions relatives aux foyers de soins de longue durée
Grâce aux niveaux élevés de vaccination dans les foyers de soins de longue durée et à l’amélioration des principaux indicateurs de soins de santé publique, l’Ontario permet aux résidents des foyers de soins de longue durée de profiter de plus de contacts sociaux avec leurs proches. Les changements entrent en vigueur le mercredi 9 juin. « Notre gouvernement place la ...
Read More »Federal Conservative Party – Unacceptable delays in implementing national three-digit suicide prevention hotline
Todd Doherty, Conservative Special Advisor for Mental Health and Wellness, and Richard Martel, Conservative Quebec Political Lieutenant, issued the following statement on the proposed national three-digit suicide prevention hotline: “Today, 174 days since Parliament passed a motion to create a national three-digit suicide prevention hotline, the Canadian Radio-Television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) announced that a consultation process has opened and ...
Read More »L’Ontario met à jour les directives concernant la seconde dose d’AstraZeneca
Le gouvernement de l’Ontario, en consultation avec le médecin hygiéniste en chef et d’autres experts de la santé, fournit des directives mises à jour pour les personnes qui ont reçu la première dose du vaccin d’AstraZeneca et qui n’ont pas encore reçu leur seconde dose, afin de permettre la combinaison des vaccins contre la COVID-19, si elles le souhaitent. Cette ...
Read More »Ontario Updating AstraZeneca Second Dose Guidance
The Ontario government, in consultation with the Chief Medical Officer of Health and other health experts, is providing updated guidance for individuals who received the first dose of the AstraZeneca vaccine and who have not yet received their second dose, to allow for the mixing of COVID-19 vaccines if desired. This decision is in alignment with updated guidance from the ...
Read More »PSA: 1 new confirmed case of COVID-19 (#393)
Algoma Public Health (APH) is reporting 1 new case of COVID-19, from Sault Ste. Marie and area. The individual was tested today, is of close contact and is self-isolating.
Read More »Ontario Expanding Mental Health Services for Children and Youth
The Ontario government is providing over $31 million to help improve access to specialized mental health treatment services, reduce waitlists and wait times, and support the mental health and wellbeing of children and youth by addressing the increased demand for services during COVID-19. This funding is part of the government’s commitment to invest $3.8 billion over 10 years to implement ...
Read More »L’Ontario élargit les services de santé mentale pour les enfants et les jeunes
Le gouvernement de l’Ontario fournit plus de 31 millions de dollars pour aider à améliorer l’accès aux services de traitement spécialisés en santé mentale, à réduire les listes d’attente et les délais d’attente, et à soutenir la santé mentale et le bien-être des enfants et des jeunes en répondant à la demande accrue de services dans le contexte de la ...
Read More »L’Ontario rend obligatoires les politiques d’immunisation pour le personnel des foyers de soins de longue durée
L’Ontario prend de nouvelles mesures pour protéger les résidents des foyers de soins de longue durée en devenant la première province du Canada à rendre obligatoire l’adoption par les foyers de politiques d’immunisation contre la COVID-19 pour le personnel et à définir les exigences minimales qui doivent être incluses dans ces politiques. « La vaccination généralisée dans les foyers de ...
Read More »Ontario Mandates Immunization Policies for Long-term Care Homes
Ontario is taking further action to protect long-term care home residents by becoming the first province in Canada to make it mandatory for homes to have COVID-19 immunization policies for staff and to set out the minimum requirements that need to be included in these policies. “Widespread vaccination within long-term care homes is the best way to protect residents, staff ...
Read More »Ford must work with community partners on new centre to tackle addictions, opioid crisis: Mantha
Algoma-Manitoulin NDP MPP Michael Mantha welcomes the relocation of the Residential Withdrawal Management program from its current location within Sault Area Hospital to a new site, and is calling on the Ford government to work with community partners to move the project forward. “This is a step in the right direction for better and broader mental health and addiction services ...
Read More »APH advises of potential high-risk exposure at Mary River Mine site
Algoma Public Health is advising workers of the Baffinland Mary River Mine, located on Baffin Island, Nunavut of a potential high-risk of exposure to COVID-19. Anyone who worked at the Baffinland Mary River Mine since April 30, 2021, is at risk of exposure. Anyone within the Algoma Public Health region who has returned from the Mary River Mine site since ...
Read More »1 new confirmed case of COVID-19 (#392)
Algoma Public Health (APH) has reported 1 new case of COVID-19 from Sault Ste. Marie and area. The individual was tested yesterday, May 26th, 2021, is of unknown exposure, and is self-isolating. Through contact tracing, APH notifies all close contacts directly. If you are not contacted by APH you are not considered a close contact.
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