Alors que la province se remet en marche de manière progressive et sécuritaire, le gouvernement investit 3 millions de dollars afin d’offrir gratuitement, et ce pour la première fois, une formation en ligne sur la santé et la sécurité au travail. Ces cours virtuels permettront aux demandeurs d’emploi et aux travailleurs et travailleuses d’acquérir plus facilement des compétences essentielles tout ...
Read More »Education
ADSB Summer Learning
As in previous years, Algoma District School Board (ADSB) will provide summer learning to support our students, though this summer, it will be done virtually. There has been an incredible response to the summer learning opportunities ADSB is offering with over 275 elementary students and over 300 secondary students taking part from across the district. Thirty-five educators will be supporting ...
Read More »Acknowledging Algoma District School Board’s Graduates of 2020
The extended school closures announced in mid-May and the importance of following physical distancing and crowd limit guidelines meant that Algoma District School Board had to make difficult decisions on operational items, including elementary and secondary graduation activities. In consultation with the District Public Health Units and coterminous Boards, it was determined that face-to-face events, like graduations, would not be ...
Read More »Algoma District School Board Approves 2020-21 Balanced Budget
At the Board Meeting held on Monday, June 29th the Algoma District School Board (ADSB) approved a total budget for expenditures and revenue brought forward by the Operations and Budget Committee of the Board, for the 2020-21 budget year in the amount of $164,827,245. The Committee consists of Board staff and the following Trustees: Chair of the Operations and Budget ...
Read More »MHS Graduation 2020
On Thursday, June 25th and Friday, June 26th, Michipicoten High School graduates celebrated their accomplishments. While the year did not end with a formal graduation ceremony, each Graduate was celebrated individually by a group of staff members. Once again, the community support for our graduates was incredible. Included in the hand-delivered grad package was a very special surprise for each graduate; a ...
Read More »CSC Nouvelon students honoured with Bishop Alexander Carter Foundation Scholarship
This year, 16 Conseil scolaire catholique Nouvelon students were awarded a Bishop Alexander Carter Foundation Scholarship. The Foundations’s Performance Excellence Scholarship, valued at $1,000, was awarded to graduates of Catholic secondary schools in the Diocese of Sault Ste. Marie who distinguished themselves as: enlightened believer, effective communicator, thoughtful thinker, independent learner, collaborator, considerate person and responsible citizen. The Foundation’s Excellence ...
Read More »Outstanding graduating students awarded the CSC Nouvelon Vision Scholarship
This year, the Conseil scolaire catholique Nouvelon awards its Vision Scholarships to outstanding graduating class students who have fulfilled the requirements of their Ontario Secondary School Diploma. Valued at $500, the scholarship is awarded annually to two students from each CSC Nouvelon secondary school and one from Carrefour Options+. Laureates, selected by the principal of their school, must reflect the CSC ...
Read More »Congratulations to the MHS Graduating Class of 2020!
Michipicoten High School (MHS) would like to send out a huge congratulations to the Graduating Class of 2020. On June 25th and June 26th, MHS staff will be delivering certificates and memorabilia to graduates around the region. Included in this delivery will be a lawn sign that graduates are encouraged to put on their front lawn. Mrs. Trish Bernath, Principal ...
Read More »Ontario Introduces New Math Curriculum for Elementary Students
The Ontario government released the province’s new elementary math curriculum to better prepare students for work in a rapidly changing world, strengthen math competence and improve grades. The curriculum was developed over two years in consultation with parents, math educators, academics and math education experts, and is designed to reverse a decade of declining math scores. It will be available ...
Read More »L’Ontario adopte un nouveau programme-cadre de mathématiques pour les élèves des écoles élémentaires
Le gouvernement de l’Ontario a publié le nouveau programme-cadre de mathématiques des écoles élémentaires de la province, conçu pour mieux préparer les élèves à une carrière dans un monde en rapide évolution, renforcer leurs compétences en mathématiques et améliorer leurs résultats. Le programme-cadre a été élaboré sur une période de deux ans, en consultation avec des parents, des éducateurs en ...
Read More »Confederation College Makes Difficult Decisions Regarding Fall 2020 Intake for Four Programs Due to COVID-19
Confederation College has been regularly assessing the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic situation and has been following direction given by government and health authorities. The health and safety of the College community remains its primary concern. After much consideration, and as a result of the ongoing pandemic and continued restrictions, the College has made some very difficult decisions regarding the fall ...
Read More »Outstanding student leaves in his mark at ÉS Saint-Joseph
Nicolas Lafrenière, a grade 12 student at École secondaire Saint-Joseph (Wawa), is a true role model for his peers. Hardworking, cooperative, flexible, reliable and very responsible, Nicolas is respected by all. Admired for his remarkable sense of organization, Nicolas is willing to invest the time, effort and energy that is required to carry out all the projects he undertakes. ...
Read More »Un élève de l’ÉS Saint-Joseph se démarque par son leadership et engagement
Nicolas Lafrenière, élève de 12e année à l’école secondaire Saint-Joseph (Wawa), est un véritable modèle pour ses pairs. Assidu, coopératif, flexible, fiable et très responsable, Nicolas est respecté par tous. Son sens de l’organisation est impeccable et il n’a pas peur d’investir le temps, les efforts et les énergies nécessaires afin de mener à bien tous les projets qu’il ...
Read More »Ontario Makes Major Investment in Mental Health and Technology to Support Students
The Ontario Minister of Education, Stephen Lecce, announced $15 million to purchase thousands of classroom computers, and $10 million to hire additional mental health workers. These new resources will help ensure students can return to school with the confidence and the tools they need to succeed. This funding represents the highest amount the Ministry of Education has ever dedicated to ...
Read More »L’Ontario fait d’importants investissements dans la santé mentale et la technologie pour soutenir les élèves
Le ministre de l’Éducation de l’Ontario, Stephen Lecce, a annoncé deux nouveaux investissements : l’un de 15 millions de dollars pour l’achat de milliers d’ordinateurs de classe, et l’autre de 10 millions de dollars pour l’embauche de travailleurs en santé mentale supplémentaires. Ces nouvelles ressources permettront de veiller à ce que les élèves puissent retourner à l’école avec la confiance et les outils ...
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