
Wawa’s Superheroes 

The Kindergarten class at Sir James Dunn Public School got to meet some real life superheroes last week.  We know that if we call 911 with an emergency one or more of these superheroes will help us out. Constable Nickle showed us the tools that police officers need to help people and keep themselves safe.   Fire Chief Sabourin showed ...

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Vivre une expérience artistique inoubliable

Les élèves de l’école secondaire Saint-Joseph (Wawa) inscrits au cours d’Arts visuels 11e année ont vécu une première expérience artistique dans le processus de fabrication en argile. Lors de cette activité, Mme Cynthia Jozin, propriétaire de Green Cabin Pottery, a décrit son parcours artistique et a expliqué les étapes du processus de création ainsi que les techniques utilisées dans la ...

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An unforgettable artistic experience offered to students

Students École secondaire Saint-Joseph High School (Wawa) registered in the grade 11 visual arts course had their first artistic experience in the clay manufacturing process. During this activity, Ms. Cynthia Jozin, owner of Green Cabin Pottery, described her artistic journey and explained the stages of the creative process as well as the techniques used in the manufacture of her works. ...

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Algoma District School Board Re-Affirms Commitment to Human Rights, Equity and Reconciliation

The Algoma District School Board is engaged in collaboration with students, staff, families and community partners to develop, implement and monitor a plan to uphold and promote human rights and equity for all school community members and to support Reconciliation. At its regular Board Meeting Tuesday night, Trustees were provided an overview of the work currently underway, which included a ...

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Les élèves de Dubreuilville sont de jeunes citoyens écoresponsables

À l’école St-Joseph (Dubreuilville), les élèves de la 1re, 2e et 3e année ont uni leurs forces pour nettoyer leur belle cour d’école. Cette initiative est un excellent moyen de sensibiliser les élèves aux effets négatifs des déchets sur l’environnement et de les encourager à passer à l’action afin de veiller au bien-être de leur collectivité. Continuez d’être de jeunes ...

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Dubreuilville students are eco-responsible citizens!

At École St-Joseph, grade 1, 2 and 3 students joined forces to clean up their beautiful schoolyard. This initiative was a great way to educate students about the negative effects of waste on the environment and encourage them to take action to ensure the well-being of their community. Continue to be young eco-responsible citizens!

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Un gros merci des élèves de l’école Saint Nom de Jésus

Vendredi dernier, les élèves de l’École Saint Nom de Jésus (Hornepayne) ont préparé et envoyé de belles cartes à divers commerces, regroupements et membres de la communauté afin de leur dire un gros MERCI pour leur travail. Quelle belle activité pour propager la joie et la gratitude ainsi que renforcer les liens communautaires.  

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École Saint Nom de Jésus students say Merci!

  Last Friday, students from École Saint Nom de Jésus in Hornepayne prepared and sent beautiful cards to various businesses, groups and members of the community to say a big THANK YOU for their work. What a great activity to spread joy and gratitude as well as strengthen community bonds.

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Confederation College to Offer Embark, Indigenous STEM Education Program for Another Year

Confederation College is pleased to announce it will continue to offer a one-year certificate program focusing on teaching science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) to Indigenous women and youth. The Embark, Indigenous STEM Education program was introduced in the 2021 school year and aims to remove barriers and ground students in cultural knowledge while helping them excel in STEM fields. ...

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École Saint-Joseph students discover new fun board games!

Grade 7 and 8 students at École Saint-Joseph in Wawa stand out as true leaders. During a two-week period, under the direction of teacher Ms. Ashley Hunt-Robinson, students invested a great deal of energy in their classroom project to create board games. As part of this school project, they used the material at their disposal, added attractive colours, took the ...

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New Indigenous Trustee Settles into Role

The newest member of the Board of Trustees of the Huron-Superior Catholic District School Board (HSCDSB) is settling into his new role. Ogimaa Brent Bissaillion has replaced Debbie Mayer as the board’s new First Nations trustee. Bissaillion shared that he is a two-spirit cis, queer man and that he is currently serving second term as Chief of the Serpent River ...

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NOSM University medical students create impactful video about cannabis use by teens

Northern Ontario has the highest rates of cannabis dependence in high-school students across the province, according to the study Drug use among Ontario Students, published by the Canadian Mental Health Association in 2020. When a group of fourth-year medical students at NOSM University learned these statistics, they felt compelled to educate preteens and teenagers ages 12-18 as part of their unique advocacy curriculum. ...

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Promouvoir la guérison et le bien-être par le partage des arts et de la culture des Premières Nations, Métis et Inuit

Dans le cadre de ses efforts à encourager et assurer l’équité, le respect et l’inclusion dans ses communautés scolaires, le Conseil scolaire catholique Nouvelon, en collaboration avec le Comité de participation des parents du Conseil, produira une série de quatre capsules vidéo ayant pour but de sensibiliser ses communautés scolaires et d’offrir une meilleure appréciation des différentes cultures qui les ...

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