
Wawa’s Staff vs. Students Charity Hockey Game

  It was a full house at the Michipicoten Memorial Community Center just before March Break. Students from all five of Wawa’s schools – Ecole St. Joseph (ESJ), Escalade, Michipicoten High School (MHS), Sir James Dunn, and St. Augustine — packed the stands in support of the Wawa Community Food Bank.   Whether cheering on high school students from ESJ ...

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Les élèves de l’ÉSC Trillium célèbrent la journée internationale de la francophonie

La semaine dernière, les élèves et les membres du personnel de l’école secondaire catholique Trillium (Chapleau) ont souligné la Journée internationale de la francophonie! En plus d’afficher fièrement leurs vêtements verts et blancs, les élèves ont eu l’occasion de prendre part à diverses activités interactives pour tester leurs connaissances de la francophonie mondiale et canadienne. La Journée internationale de la ...

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ÉSC Trillium students celebrate International Francophonie Day

Last week, students and staff at École secondaire catholique Trillium in Chapleau celebrated International Francophonie Day! In addition to proudly displaying their green and white clothes, the students had the opportunity to take part in various fun interactive activities to test their knowledge of the world and Canadian Francophonie.   Created in 1988, the International Francophonie Day (Journée internationale de ...

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Confederation College Unveils Vehicle Extrication Trainer for Paramedic Program

Confederation College announced the introduction of a new Vehicle Extrication Trainer, an instructional tool designed to enhance the hands-on learning experience for students of the Paramedic program. The simulation device, built by the faculty of the College’s Welding program, addresses the need for an indoor, practical learning environment, particularly during the colder months when outdoor training is less feasible. Program ...

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Wawa Youth Curling Program 2023 – 2024

The Youth Curling Season wrapped up on March 6, 2024.  The final game was close with students showing great improvement in all aspects of the game – rock delivery, sweeping, and game strategy. The original registered group ended up with about a dozen active curlers.  Thank you to the Wawa Curling League for supporting the Program and to volunteers – ...

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Local Bridge Builders compete in Sault College’s Bridge Building Competition

Sault College, in collaboration with Professional Engineers Ontario (PEO) and the Ontario Association of Engineering Technicians and Technologists (OACETT), held its annual Bridge Building Competition offering an experiential learning opportunity in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM). This year’s competition drew over 300 balsa wood bridges from students from grades 4-12, as well as younger and older entries through the ...

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Ontario Marks Significant Milestone by Reaching Tentative Agreement with English Catholic Teachers

Today, Stephen Lecce, Minister of Education, issued the following statement: “I am pleased to announce that we have reached a tentative central agreement with the Ontario English Catholic Teachers’ Association (OECTA), that, if ratified, ensures no province-wide teacher job action or strikes in all English-language Catholic publicly funded schools for the next three years. For the first time in nearly ...

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L’Ontario franchit une étape importante en concluant un accord de principe central avec le personnel enseignant des écoles catholiques de langue anglaise

Aujourd’hui, Stephen Lecce, le ministre de l’Éducation, a fait la déclaration suivante : « Je suis heureux d’annoncer que nous avons conclu un accord de principe central avec la Ontario English Catholic Teachers’ Association (OECTA) qui, s’il est ratifié, veillera à ce qu’il n’y ait pas de moyens de pression ou de grèves par le personnel enseignant à l’échelle de ...

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Les Coyotes de l’ÉSC Trillium brillent au championnat de la Rive Nord

  Encore une fois, les Coyotes de l’École secondaire catholique Trillium (Chapleau) se sont démarqués au niveau des sports! Étant hôtes des finales de l’Association athlétique de la Rive Nord (NSSSAA) les 13 et 14 février, les trois équipes sportives de l’ÉSC Trillium ont bien représenté l’école lors de la compétition par leur jeu d’équipe et passion sportive. Au volleyball, ...

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ÉSC Trillium stands tall at NSSSAA finals

  The Coyotes from École secondaire catholique Trillium (Chapleau) have outdone themselves once again! Proud hosts of the North Shore Secondary Schools Athletics Association (NSSSAA) championship finals on February 13 and 14, the school’s three sports teams played with a great deal of passion and demonstrated exceptional teamwork. During the volleyball competition, the Senior girls from ÉSC Trillium claimed the ...

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Un tournoi qui mobilise la communauté scolaire de l’ÉSC Trillium (Chapleau)

  Les 13 et 14 février, l’ÉSC Trillium (Chapleau) fut l’hôte des tournois de volleyball et de basketball de l’Association athlétique des écoles secondaires de la Rive Nord. Pour l’occasion, l’école a accueilli plusieurs écoles du Nord de l’Ontario.   Les élèves et membres du personnel de Trillium ont uni leurs forces afin d’organiser l’accueil de toutes ces équipes sportives ...

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ÉSC Trillium (Chapleau) shines as host of regional secondary school sports tournament

  On February 13 and 14, École secondaire catholique Trillium (Chapleau) hosted the North Shore High School Athletic Association’s volleyball and basketball tournaments. For the occasion, the school welcomed several schools from Northern Ontario.   ÉSC Trillium students and staff joined forces to organize the hosting of all these sports teams, starting with the decorations, timetables, menus, live broadcasts on ...

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