
Briller par son engagement scolaire et talents en danse

Mya Rilley, élève de la 12e année à l’école secondaire Saint-Joseph (Wawa), se démarque par son dévouement, sa persévérance et sa fiabilité. Par ses habitudes de travail impeccables, Mya a connu plusieurs succès au niveau académique. Elle a également démontré un engagement hors pair quant à sa participation aux équipes sportives.   Engagée à promouvoir son école, elle est à ...

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Student stands out for academic commitment and dancing talent

Mya Rilley, a grade 12 student at École secondaire Saint-Joseph (Wawa), stands out for her commitment, perseverance and reliability. Through her impeccable work habits, Mya has attained a number of academic successes. She has also shown unparalleled commitment in her participation to sports teams.   Committed to promoting her school, she was behind the creation of her school’s Instagram account ...

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Thank You – M.H.S. Graduation 2024

On the evening of Thursday, June 27th, Michipicoten High School graduates walked across the stage to receive their Ontario Secondary School Diploma or Certificate. This achievement was celebrated by families and friends in attendance, while graduates were cheered on in spirit by those who couldn’t make it.   After years of hard work and determination, the Graduates of 2024 walked the ...

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L’école Sacré-Cœur (Chapleau) remporte le Défi des dons scolaires et appuie Autisme Ontario

  Au cours de l’année scolaire 2023-2024, plusieurs écoles du Conseil scolaire catholique Nouvelon ont participé au Défi des dons scolaires afin d’appuyer Autisme Ontario. D’ailleurs, grâce à la mobilisation incroyable de sa communauté scolaire, l’école Sacré-Cœur (Chapleau) a remporté le Défi des dons scolaires et est récompensée d’un dîner pizza d’une valeur de 500$.   Pour y arriver, les ...

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École Sacré-Cœur (Chapleau) wins the School Giving Challenge and supports Autism Ontario

  During the 2023-2024 school year, several Conseil scolaire catholique Nouvelon schools took part in the School Giving Challenge in support of Autism Ontario. In fact, through the incredible mobilization of its school community, École Sacré-Cœur (Chapleau) won the School Giving Challenge and was rewarded with a pizza lunch worth $500.   To achieve this, students and staff at École ...

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Cambrian College Hosts High School Business Case Competition Featuring Wawa

It was mostly work and some play as more than 60 students from nine high schools across Greater Sudbury entered the ‘dragon’s den’ at Cambrian College this week for the 2nd Annual High School Business Case Study Competition.   During the competition, students worked in teams to analyze a complex business case and then problem-solved to develop creative solutions. The ...

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Chi Mino Ozhitoowin and Confederation College Announce Training Partnership for Waasigan Transmission Line Projec

Confederation College and Chi Mino Ozhitoowin signed a new agreement on Monday, May 13, launching a collaborative venture which will offer specialized training programs through the college. The partnership will position members of the area Anishinaabe communities to fill construction jobs and direct involvement in the Waasigan Transmission Line project. The ceremony, held in the college’s boardroom, underscores a shared ...

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Autism Coalition Demands Improvements to Special Education Funding and Staffing Levels Following the Tragic Passing of Landyn Ferris

At a news conference held at Queen’s Park (Tuesday, June 4, 2024), the Ontario Autism Coalition (OAC), joined with MPP Monique Taylor, MPP Chandra Pasma, and Accessibility for Ontarians With Disabilities Act Alliance Chair David Lepofsky, in calling for sweeping changes to Ontario’s Special Education System. The OAC is asking all Ontarians, whether they are parents of special education students ...

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Students discover the ins and outs of Hornepayne’s city hall and fire station

Grade 3 to 5 students at École Saint Nom de Jésus (Hornepayne) were recently able to learn more about municipal government and services during a visit to city hall and the fire station. They had the opportunity to meet various members of the municipal team and learn about their day-to-day responsibilities and tasks. The students thoroughly enjoyed this educational visit.

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À la découverte de l’hôtel de ville et de la caserne de pompiers de Hornepayne

Les élèves de la 3e à la 5e année de l’École Saint Nom de Jésus (Hornepayne) ont tout récemment pu approfondir leurs connaissances du gouvernement municipal et des services municipaux lors d’une visite à l’hôtel de ville ainsi qu’à la caserne de pompiers. Ils ont eu l’occasion de rencontrer divers membres de l’équipe de la municipalité en plus de découvrir ...

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Between the Covers – May 27

The Wawa Public Library, then known as The Michipicoten Public Library opened its doors in May of 1954 in the basement of Sir James Dunn School. Mrs. Ruth Eldridge was appointed as the library’s first Librarian. The Library soon outgrew the space in the school and a place in the new Township of Michipicoten Municipal building was allocated to the ...

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300 young chess masters gather in Wawa to compete in the Franco-Nord-Ouest Chess Tournament

Over 300 young chess masters will meet in Wawa today Thursday, May 23, for the eighth Franco-Nord-Ouest Chess Tournament. The competition, hosted by Wawa’s École Saint-Joseph, will attract francophone students from the following elementary and secondary schools: École Ste-Marie (Azilda), École Sacré-Cœur (Chapleau), ÉSC Trillium (Chapleau), École Alliance St-Joseph (Chelmsford), École St-Joseph (Dubreuilville), École La Renaissance (Espanola), École Notre-Dame (Hamner), ...

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Les élèves de l’école Saint Nom de Jésus apprennent des pratiques gagnantes de survie en forêt

Les élèves de l’École Saint Nom de Jésus (Hornepayne) ont récemment passé une excellente journée en plein air en compagnie de Mylène, guide et aventurière de Follow Her North! Les élèves ont appris plusieurs pratiques gagnantes de survie en forêt ainsi que l’approche sans trace qui fait la promotion des loisirs de plein air responsables par une sensibilisation envers la ...

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