
La fête du Travail nous rappelle que les grands efforts sont récompensés

Combien de fois avez-vous entendu une personne dire qu’elle en avait assez de la politique ou encore que rien ne changeait jamais? À l’approche de la fête du Travail, nous devons nous rappeler qu’un grand nombre des privilèges dont nous jouissons aujourd’hui ont été durement gagnés et qu’ils n’auraient jamais été obtenus si les gens avaient succombé à cette façon ...

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Labour Day reminds us that hard work is rewarded

How often have you heard someone say they are tired of politics, or that it is all the same and nothing ever changes?  As we approach Labour Day we should remember that so many of the gains we enjoy were hard-fought for and would never have come about if people succumbed to those sentiments.  While people may not consider the ...

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Happenings at First United Church – August 30

Aug 30, 2017 @ 08:06 The Congregation welcomes everyone to worship at First United Church. Services are held on Sundays at 11 a.m. If anyone has a question or concern please leave a message on the answering machine at the Church 705 – 856 – 2926. We have enjoyed sharing Morning Worship with  the Congregation of St. Paul’s during the months of July ...

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News from the Park – August 28

Aug 28, 2017 @ 08:08 Well folks, in the last few days I have found some parents looking longingly at the calendar and I know I hear faint whispers of, “Yes! We’re almost there…” You can see them tasting the anticipated freedom on their lips. We all know what freedom they are dreaming of. The kids head back to school ...

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Au Canada, nous devons tout faire pour éviter la politique raciale amère

Une voiture qui fonce sur des contre-manifestants antiracistes dans un rassemblement de militants pour la suprématie blanche à Charlottesville, en Caroline du Nord, montre bien à quel point les tensions raciales s’intensifient au sud de la frontière. La réaction du président Trump — qui a blâmé les deux côtés — n’a rien fait pour apaiser la situation. Les propos du ...

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Canada should do all we can to avoid bitter racial politics

The car attack on counter-protesters at a white supremacist rally in Charlottesville, North Carolina highlights the rising temperature in race relations that is taking place south of the border.  The response from President Trump – assigning blame to both sides – did little to calm the situation.  Instead, the President only ratchetted up the idea that America is increasingly divided ...

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Dream Vacation Lottery

  The Lady Dunn Health Centre Foundation will be in the community promoting its Annual Dream Vacation Lottery.  Tickets are available at local businesses and hospital admitting.  Watch for volunteers selling tickets at local businesses and community events. With only 2000 tickets printed your odds for winning are great.   By purchasing a ticket today you are helping to fund ...

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Happenings at Wawa First United Church – August 23

The Congregation welcomes everyone to worship at First United Church. Services are held on Sundays at 11 a.m. If anyone has a question or concern please leave a message on the answering machine at the Church 705 – 856 – 2926. We have enjoyed sharing Morning Worship with  the Congregation of St. Paul’s during the months of July & August. Only one more ...

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Wawa Community Food Bank Update – August 2017

  The Wawa Community Food Bank once again wishes to acknowledge the many expressions of support we have received over the summer months. First of all, we recognise the many individuals who have provided gift cards, food or clothing items. Thank you to Lorna Chiupka, Emma Desgagne, Gordon Draper, Regis Kenny, Dave and Carol Robertson and the many anonymous donors ...

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Happenings at First United Church – August 16

Aug 16, 2017 @ 08:17 The Congregation welcomes everyone to worship at First United Church. Services are held on Sundays at 11 a.m. If anyone has a question or concern please leave a message on the answering machine at the Church 705 – 856 – 2926. We extend a warm welcome to the Congregation of St. Paul’s who are joining us for Morning ...

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News from the Park – August 16

Aug 16, 2017 @ 08:15 Even though the Legislature is not currently sitting in Queen’s Park, I am proud to say that my NDP colleagues and I continue to work hard for all Ontarians. Just a quick look at the headlines will show you that summer recess is not all about festivals, fairs and other events. Those are just a ...

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Federal Gas Tax Funding to benefit local communities

In July, the Government of Canada delivered the first of two annual $391 million federal Gas Tax Fund (GTF) installments to Ontario. In total, Ontario’smunicipal governments will be provided with over $782.1 million this year through the fund. The funding, which flows through the Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO) is now available to support community infrastructure projects. GTF funding supports hundreds ...

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Happenings At First United Church – August 9

The Congregation welcomes everyone to worship at First United Church. Services are held on Sunday at 11:00 a.m. If anyone has a question or concern please leave a message on the answering  machine at the Church  705-856-2926. We extend a warm welcome to the Congregation of St. Paul’s to join us for Morning Worship at 11:00 a.m. during the month of August. We ...

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News from the Park – August 9

It certainly has been an outstanding summer here in Algoma-Manitoulin. I have truly enjoyed getting out to so many events all across the riding and meeting up with constituents, many of whom I look forward to seeing frequently and lots of new faces as well. One series of events that I have been a part of that I am extremely ...

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Council Meeting tonight – August 8

Council will hold a regular Council Meeting tonight at 6 p.m. in Council Chambers. Agenda (1) CALL TO ORDER & NOTE MEMBERS PRESENT (2) PRESENTATIONS 2.1 Ms. Marnie-Jo LaFleur-Beach, Wawa Figure Skating Club (3) REVIEW OF ADDENDUM & APPROVAL OF AGENDA 3.1 Approval of the Agenda (resolution) (4) ANNOUNCEMENTS, GIVING OF NOTICE AND SCHEDULE OF MEETINGS 4.1 Wawa Energy Plan ...

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