Thank You Cards

Thank You from Mitch Hatfield

  Thank you for voting for me. It will be a privilege to serve all of you.                                            Mitch Hatfield  

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Thank You Wawa Goose Club

The Rotary Club of Wawa wishes to thank the Wawa Goose Club for providing the venue for the END POLIO NOW bake sale held on the afternoon of October 24th.  The club also waived their portion of the proceeds, for which we are very grateful.  Together we raised approximately $600.00.   October 24th was Rotary International’s End Polio Now Day, ...

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Thank you for the Support

I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of the people who supported me in the election. Congratulations to Robert Reece, Mitch Hatfield, Bill Chiasson and Pat Tait remember this: Be Transparent and always do what’s best for our wonderful community. Thanks again for the support, Cathy Cannon

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Thank You for your support!

  I would like to thank all the voters in Wawa and Michipicoten who supported me by voting in the 2018 Wawa Municipal Election. Thank you for placing your faith in me.   I look forward to the challenge of Municipal Councillor, working with my fellow council members,  and the citizens of Wawa/Michipicoten over the next four years. It is my ...

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The Retired Teachers of Wawa and Area Say ‘Thank You’ to Linda Ilola

  On Tuesday, September 4th at 9 a.m. the retired teachers of Wawa and Area gathered at the North of 17 to enjoy a breakfast together. This event has been taking place for the last fourteen years since Linda Ilola retired in June of 2004 and decided to organize this annual event. Every August since then Linda has been busy making ...

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Superior Children’s Centre thanks Wesdome Gold Mines

Superior Children’s Centre would like to send a sincere thank you to Wesdome Gold Mines Inc. for their continued support and generosity. In December of 2015, Don Connelly, Safety Superintendent of Wesdome Gold Mines was approached by staff at Superior Children’s Centre with regards to a fundraising initiative called Fundscrip. “Fundscrip is an established, Canada-wide fundraising program in which supporters ...

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SonRock Kids Camp VBS Provided Fun for All Participants – Thank You

Last week, Calvary Pentecostal and Wawa Baptist Churches combined our efforts to invest into children’s lives of families of Wawa and the surrounding communities with a VBS program called SonRock 2018.  We had a great group of kids and helpers, with a combined total of twenty-four children attending during the week. Held at the Lions’ Club, these children participated in ...

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Thank you from the Kusic Family

We have to express our sincere thanks for the support that has come from the community for our son and family. The emails and texts expressing your support, prayers and good thoughts have helped us immensely. To Dusan’s friends; we have read every message to him and we know he can hear them.   He will continue to fight knowing ...

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MVFFA Thanks Wesdome Gold Mines!

Mar 23, 2018 @ 09:07   The Michipicoten Volunteer Fire Fighters were very pleased to receive a $1000 donation from Wesdome Gold Mines. This was used to purchase a Hurst rescue tool for the fire department. This and other essential pieces of equipment will be on display at the Wawa Fire Department’s Open House later this spring. Tania Case (Wesdome) ...

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MVFFA Thanks Wawa Mustangs!

Mar 15, 2018 @ 10:00   The Michipicoten Volunteer Firefighters Association recognized the efforts of the Wawa Mustangs Monday evening with a ‘big cheque’. This cheque for $500 was in gratitude for the assistance the team game the firefighters in setting up the rink for the Wawa Ice Fishing Derby! It doesn’t sound like much, but each sheet of OSB ...

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Wawa Ice Fishing Derby – Thanks to our volunteers & donors

Mar 14, 2018 @ 20:36 Willing volunteers form the backbone of many successful endeavours, and the 27th annual Wawa ice Fishing Derby is no exception to that rule.  Without volunteers, the Derby simply could not happen! For Thursday night night’s set-up, the Derby Board members were joined by a great team – Mason, Trevor, Alexa, Nikki and Sebastien – who willingly ...

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Thank You – Coco Movie Nights

Feb 22, 2018 @ 09:47 The Grade 7 & 8 class from St. Joseph French Immersion Catholic School would like to thank everyone who attended our Movie Nights featuring Coco! They would also like to thank all those who volunteered in order to make the event a success! Keep an eye out for them around town as they will once ...

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Thank You Rotary Club of Wawa

Jan 25, 2018 @ 10:50 The Staff and Students of St. Joseph French Immersion Catholic School would like to thank the Rotary Club of Wawa for their continued support.  They provided the school with a very generous monetary donation to create kinesthetic learning opportunities. We have been able to purchase classroom furniture that allows students the ability to move and learn such as desk ...

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Rock Island says “Thank You”

Nov 8, 2017 @ 11:43 To everyone who helped make this season’s Rock Island Concert Series successful. Thank you for joining us and we look forward to seeing you all again next year. Also a big thanks for contributions of food for the Wawa Food Bank. We donated about 100 lbs of food and $435 collected during our clean-out-the-freezer event.

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Cupcakes for a Cure – Thank you

Oct 22, 2017 @ 12:27 Thank you, Brenda for the lovely pictures! We had our first cupcake decorating social with past and present breast cancer survivors to decorate these delicious cupcakes! After 3 years with the help of Jeniffer Tremblay, our Cupcakes for a Cure raised $917.00. This money will be donated partially to Breast cancer research but part of ...

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