
Celebrating Seniors in Ontario

Raymond Cho, Minister for Seniors and Accessibility, released the following statement: “As we take this opportunity to mark Seniors’ Month, we recognize that these are very challenging times for seniors as they continue to self-isolate due to the risk of COVID-19. Now more than ever, it is important that we come together to support our seniors and recognize and honour ...

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Ontario Taking Action to Better Protect Indigenous Women


The Ontario government is establishing a new Indigenous Women’s Advisory Council that will provide culturally-relevant advice on violence prevention. The Council will help confront and eliminate the root causes of violence so that Indigenous women and girls today, and for generations to come, will be able to live their lives feeling safe and secure. Today’s announcement is being made on ...

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L’Ontario agit pour mieux protéger les femmes autochtones


Le gouvernement de l’Ontario crée un nouveau Conseil consultatif des femmes autochtones qui sera chargé de prodiguer des conseils culturellement pertinents sur la prévention de la violence. Le Conseil s’attaquera aux causes de la violence et aura pour objectif de les éliminer afin que les femmes et les filles autochtones d’aujourd’hui et des générations futures puissent vivre en sécurité. L’annonce ...

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Ontario Supports Those Struggling with Electricity Bills during COVID-19


The Ontario government announced that it will continue to support provincial electricity consumers by providing stability and greater customer choice, while helping those struggling to pay their energy bills as a result of the COVID-19 outbreak. Details of the new programs were provided by Premier Doug Ford, Christine Elliott, Deputy Premier and Minister of Health, Greg Rickford, Minister of Energy, ...

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L’Ontario soutient les consommateurs qui ont de la difficulté à payer leurs factures d’électricité en raison de la COVID-19


Le gouvernement de l’Ontario a annoncé qu’il continuera à soutenir les consommateurs d’électricité de la province en leur offrant plus de stabilité et de choix tout en aidant celles et ceux qui ont de la difficulté à payer leurs factures d’énergie en raison de la pandémie de COVID-19. Le premier ministre Doug Ford était accompagné aujourd’hui de la vice-première ministre ...

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Province must take over second Sienna long-term care home in Woodbridge: NDP

After another disastrous outbreak of COVID-19 at Vista Care Community, a Sienna-owned home in Woodbridge, the NDP is joining the frontline staff in calling for the government to take over management of the home immediately. Staff represented by SEIU Healthcare says staffing levels at the home are so dangerously low that the private manager can’t properly oversee the crisis and ...

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Ontario Celebrates National Indigenous History Month

Today Greg Rickford, Minister of Indigenous Affairs, issued the following statement on National Indigenous History Month: “National Indigenous History Month provides an opportunity for all Ontarians to celebrate Indigenous heritage, diversity and culture while acknowledging and reflecting on the achievements of First Nations, Métis and Inuit people. This month is an ideal time to learn more about the rich history ...

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L’Ontario célèbre le Mois national de l’histoire autochtone

Aujourd’hui, Greg Rickford, ministre des Affaires autochtones, a fait la déclaration suivante au sujet du Mois national de l’histoire autochtone : « Le Mois national de l’histoire autochtone est une occasion pour tous les Ontariens et toutes les Ontariennes de célébrer l’héritage, la diversité et la culture autochtones tout en reconnaissant et en contemplant les réalisations des Premières Nations, des Métis ...

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Ontario Extending Infectious Disease Emergency Leave for Workers during COVID-19


The Ontario government is taking steps to help ensure that as the economy gradually and safely reopens workers will have jobs to return to and businesses will be protected from incurring unsustainable termination costs. Today, the government announced that it has enacted a new regulatory amendment that will put non-unionized employees on Infectious Disease Emergency Leave during the COVID-19 outbreak ...

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L’Ontario élargit le congé spécial en raison d’une maladie infectieuse pour les travailleurs en période de COVID-19


Alors qu’il procède à la relance graduelle et sécuritaire de l’économie, le gouvernement de l’Ontario prend des mesures pour s’assurer que les travailleuses et travailleurs ont un emploi à réintégrer et que les entreprises sont protégées contre l’engagement de frais prohibitifs en matière de licenciement. Le gouvernement a aujourd’hui annoncé qu’il a adopté de nouvelles modifications réglementaires qui mettront les ...

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Ontario Provides Consumers with Greater Stability and Predictability with Their Electricity Bills

Greg Rickford, Minister of Energy, Northern Development and Mines, issued the following statement on electricity rate relief measures during the COVID-19 outbreak. “Our government is committed to supporting families and business-owners as we plan for the safe and gradual reopening of the province. Since March 24, 2020, we have invested just over $175 million to deliver emergency rate relief to ...

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L’Ontario offre aux consommateurs une meilleure stabilité et une plus grande prévisibilité en ce qui a trait aux factures d’électricité

Greg Rickford, ministre de l’Énergie, du Développement du Nord et des Mines, a fait la déclaration suivante au sujet des mesures d’allègement des tarifs d’électricité durant la pandémie de COVID-19. « Notre gouvernement s’engage à soutenir les familles et les propriétaires de petites entreprises alors que la province planifie sa réouverture graduelle et sécuritaire. Depuis le 24 mars 2020, nous avons investi un peu ...

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Creating an Ontario that is Accessible and Inclusive for Everyone


The Minister for Seniors and Accessibility, Raymond Cho, issued the following statement to recognize National AccessAbility Week: “Our government is proud to work towards creating a society and economy that is accessible and inclusive for all Ontarians. I would like to thank all of the individuals, groups and partners who have been working towards creating a barrier-free Ontario. This year, ...

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Créer un Ontario accessible et inclusif pour tous


Raymond Cho, ministre des Services aux aînés et de l’Accessibilité, a émis la déclaration suivante pour souligner la Semaine nationale de l’accessibilité : « Notre gouvernement est fier de travailler à la création d’une société et d’une économie accessibles et inclusives pour toute la population de l’Ontario. Je désire remercier tous les particuliers, groupes et partenaires qui travaillent ensemble pour créer un ...

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Ontario Takes Additional Steps to Protect Seniors in Retirement Homes during COVID-19


Today, the Ontario government made amendments to the Retirement Homes Act, 2010 regulation, enabling the Retirement Homes Regulatory Authority (RHRA) to better support seniors living in retirement homes during the COVID-19 outbreak. The regulation change increases the emergency payment the RHRA can pay to eligible retirement home residents from $2,000 to $3,500. In the event of an emergency, such as an outbreak, this ...

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