Local & Area News

From the Branch – September 23

Seventy six years ago this week, Operation Market Garden was fought. In the summer of 1944, the Allies launched a daring airborne operation to secure the River Rhine crossings and advance into northern Germany. Although it ultimately failed to achieve its objectives, the determination and courage shown by the airborne troops and the units that assisted them made Market Garden ...

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Happenings at Wawa First United Church – 17th Sunday after Pentecost

Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost. Creation Time 3 in the Season of Pentecost Although we cannot meet for Worship together you may like to read the Scriptures for September 27, 2020. Exodus 17: 1-17      Water flows from the rock for thirsty people. Psalm 78  Parts One and Two    God did marvellous things for our ancestors. Philippians 2: 1-13  Let the same mind ...

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From the Park – Prévisible

N’est-il pas drôle de voir comment moins certains mots peuvent provoquer des émotions ou des réactions incroyablement fortes chez les gens? Par exemple, pouvez-vous penser à de petits mots qui peuvent apporter de beaux sourires et des larmes de joie? Bien sûr, ces petits mots sont: « Je t’aime ». Des petits mots puissants. Adolescent, j’ai découvert un mot (qui ...

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From the Park – Predictable

Isn’t it funny how less than a handful of words can bring about incredibly strong emotions or reactions in people? For example, can you think of three little words that can bring on beautiful smiles and literal tears of joy? Of course those words are, “I love you.” Powerful little words. As a teenager I learned a single two letter ...

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Morning News – September 23

Weather – A mix of sun and cloud. Fog patches dissipating this morning. High 20. UV index 5 or moderate. Tonight – Mainly cloudy. Low 9. Fog Advisory – for Montreal River to St. Joseph Island. Issued at 5:48, Environment Canada warns that near zero visibility in fog is expected or occurring over some areas. Dense fog patches have developed ...

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Ontario Set to Launch Largest Flu Immunization Campaign in Province’s History


The Ontario government is implementing the largest flu immunization campaign in Ontario’s history. The campaign is part of the province’s comprehensive plan to prepare the health system for a second wave of COVID-19. The plan, entitled Keeping Ontarians Safe: Preparing for Future Waves of COVID-19, sets out a series of steps to prevent, identify and respond to any outbreak scenario this fall. ...

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L’Ontario s’apprête à lancer la plus vaste campagne de vaccination contre la grippe de son histoire


Le gouvernement de l’Ontario s’apprête à lancer la plus vaste campagne de vaccination contre la grippe de l’histoire de la province. Cette campagne s’inscrit dans le cadre de son plan global visant à préparer le système de santé provincial à une deuxième vague de COVID-19. Intitulé Protéger les Ontariens : Se préparer à de futures vagues de COVID-19, le plan définit ...

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Connecting People in Central Algoma with the Mental Health and Addictions Supports

Through collaborative partnerships among community and regional agencies, the Central Algoma Mental Health and Addictions System Table is working to ensure people living with mental health and addiction issues have greater access to resources and supports they may need. Earlier today, during a virtual knowledge exchange forum, Central Algoma health care providers spoke to new programs and services that are ...

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Date set for Judicial Review of Ontario government’s refusal to conduct an EA for Northern Ontario FMP’s

This legal action is being advanced by three Ontario First Nations. It focuses on the refusal by the Ontario Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks to order an Environmental Assessment (EA) or impose conditions on the Gordon Cosens Forest Management Plan (FMP). At issue is whether conditions for sustainability are met and consultation with First Nations has been done properly ...

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Morning News – September 22

Weather – A mix of sun and cloud. Wind southwest 20 km/h becoming light early this morning. High 18. UV index 5 or moderate. Tonight – A few clouds. Fog patches developing near midnight. Low 8. Statistics from Algoma Public Health: Tested (1) 34,044 Positive 31 Negative 32,823 Deceased 0 Resolved (2) 30   Updated: September 21, 2020 (1) That Algoma ...

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East Algoma OPP – Arrest Driver found unconscious behind the wheel in parking lot

On September 20, 2020, at approximately 7:43 p.m., members of the East Algoma Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) were called to Spruce Beach parking lot Elliot Lake regarding an unconscious person in the driver’s seat of a vehicle.   Police and Algoma Paramedic Services attended the location. Police recognized the driver and knew they were already wanted for a previous mischief and ...

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Ontario Presses Ottawa to Increase Share of Health Funding


Premier Doug Ford is pressing the federal government to immediately lay out a plan to fund provincial priorities, including responding to future waves and surges of COVID-19, strengthening health and long-term care, increasing testing and quarantine enforcement at the border, and making strategic investments in infrastructure projects to spur long-term recovery. The Premier was joined today by Christine Elliott, Deputy ...

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L’Ontario exhorte Ottawa à augmenter sa part de financement en santé


Le premier ministre Doug Ford exhorte le gouvernement fédéral à formuler immédiatement un plan pour financer les priorités de la province, notamment afin que l’Ontario soit en mesure de faire face à de futures vagues et flambées de COVID-19, de renforcer son système de santé et de soins de longue durée, d’intensifier le dépistage à la frontière, de garantir que ...

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