Students at École secondaire catholique Trillium (Chapleau) were delighted to welcome LeFLOFRANCO and DJ Skorpyon in their school for a musical event on November 20. In their company, they were offered a memorable Francophone cultural and identity-building experience and got to know these Franco-Ontarian artists better. Thank you LeFLOFRANCO and DJ Skorpyon for getting them moving and singing along! ...
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St. Augustine French Immersion Thanks Alamos Gold, Island Gold Mine
In 2022, the Huron-Superior Catholic District School Board built an additional play area for our Kindergarten students. With the generosity of Alamos Gold, Island Gold Mine, St. Augustine French Immersion invested in exploratory toys and tools to spark the interest and curiosity of our youngest learners, while enjoying the outdoors. They will be able to develop their knowledge and ...
Read More ȃcole St-Joseph volleyball squad shines in volleyball tournament
Members of the École St-Joseph team: Back row, from left: Mr. Philippe Lacroix, Arielle Lajoie, Nickless Désormeaux, Kael Dechamplain, Joshua Lajoie, Cohen Blanchette, Alia Lévesque and Brooke Tremblay. Front row: Olivia Bonnieul, Blake Bélanger, Maude Bouchard, Clara Sigouin, and Mme Chanelle-Lise Charron. The co-ed team from École St-Joseph (Dubreuilville) traveled to École Saint-Joseph (Wawa) on November 21 to compete ...
Read More »Les Ours de l’école St-Joseph brillent au ballon-volant
L’équipe des Ours de l’école St-Joseph : Rangée arrière, de la gauche : M. Philippe Lacroix, Arielle Lajoie, Nickless Désormeaux, Kael Dechamplain, Joshua Lajoie, Cohen Blanchette, Alia Lévesque et Brooke Tremblay. En avant : Olivia Bonnieul, Blake Bélanger, Maude Bouchard, Clara Sigouin, et Mme Chanelle-Lise Charron. L’équipe mixte de l’école St-Joseph (Dubreuilville) s’est déplacé à l’école Saint-Joseph (Wawa) le 21 ...
Read More »Ontario Expanding Rapid Training Programs
The Ontario government is investing $5 million through the Micro-credentials Challenge Fund, to help more Ontarians quickly upgrade their skills for good-paying jobs in health care, auto, advanced manufacturing and other in-demand sectors. “Our government is bridging the gap between postsecondary education and the labour market to equip learners with the specific skills employers are looking for,” said Jill Dunlop, ...
Read More »Colleges Call for Immediate Provincial Investments and Five Percent Tuition Increase
Ontario’s colleges are calling for an immediate end to the province’s tuition freeze, a modest five percent tuition increase and enhanced investments in Ontario’s public college students. “It’s essential to invest in the success of our students,” said Confederation College President, Kathleen Lynch. “Colleges need the financial support to ensure their future sustainability. The investments we make today will ensure ...
Read More »Un Trunk or Treat qui fait rayonner l’école Saint Nom de Jésus!
Alors que les petits comme les grands peuvent se costumer lors de l’Halloween, c’est aussi un bon moment de faire la promotion de notre belle école. Grâce au travail de Mme Samantha, l’école Saint Nom de Jésus (Hornepayne) était bien représentée au Trunk or Treat de Hornepayne. La thématique de « Stitch et Chester » offrait aux enfants une expérience visuellement stimulante ...
Read More »École Saint Nom de Jésus shines at Trunk or Treat event
While children and adults alike can dress up for Halloween, it is also a good time to promote our lovely school. Thanks to the support of Ms. Samantha École Saint Nom de Jésus (Hornepayne) was well represented at the Hornepayne Trunk or Treat event. The “Stitch and Chester” theme offered children a visually stimulating experience and enabled the school to ...
Read More »The HSCDSB Board of Trustees acclaims Gary Trembinski as Chairperson and elects John Bruno as Vice-Chairperson
The Huron-Superior Catholic District School Board (HSCDSB) has elected its leadership for the Board of Trustees. During the monthly meeting of the Board of Trustees on Wednesday, November 15, 2023, held at the Mount St. Joseph Catholic Education Centre in Sault Ste. Marie, Gary Trembinski was acclaimed as the Chairperson, while John Bruno was elected as the Vice-Chairperson. “I ...
Read More »Ontario Receives Report to Support Financial Sustainability of Postsecondary Education System
Today, Jill Dunlop, Minister of Colleges and Universities, issued the following statement in response to receipt of the blue-ribbon panel’s report: “Our government created the blue-ribbon panel of experts to provide advice and recommendations for keeping the postsecondary education sector financially stable and focused on providing the best student experience possible. Over the past few months, the panel conducted research ...
Read More »Réception par l’Ontario d’un rapport visant à favoriser la viabilité financière du système d’éducation postsecondaire
Aujourd’hui, la ministre des Collèges et Universités, Jill Dunlop, a publié la déclaration suivante après avoir reçu le rapport du Groupe d’experts : « Notre gouvernement a créé un Groupe d’experts chargé de fournir des conseils et de formuler des recommandations pour assurer la stabilité financière du secteur de l’enseignement postsecondaire et faire en sorte que ce dernier offre la ...
Read More »Investment of $930,000 approved by the Ontario Government for St. Kateri Outdoor Learning Centre
During the November 15 Board of Trustees meeting, Director of Education, Danny Viotto shared that the provincial government has given its approval to utilize $930,000 to renovate and expand the current infrastructure of one of the board’s innovative experiential learning hubs. The renovation plans include an additional classroom in the current building, upgrades to the washroom facilities and ventilation system, ...
Read More »Newly appointed Indigenous Trustee joins the Huron-Superior Catholic District School Board
Kerri Commanda has been appointed by the North Shore Tribal Council as the new Indigenous Trustee for the Huron-Superior Catholic District School Board (HSCDSB), replacing former Serpent River First Nation Chief Brent Bissaillion. Kerri is a member and councillor of Serpent River First Nation. She is currently working for the North Shore Tribal Council as the Special Projects Facilitator at ...
Read More »SJD Scares Hunger
For the month of October, the staff and students of SJD took on the challenge with Northern Lights Ford to Scare Hunger from Wawa, and provide the Wawa Foodbank with non-perishable food items. The goal was to hide our WE Scare Hunger sign and the students and staff achieved their goal. SJD The Place To Be!
Read More »Students’ father shares his military journey during Remembrance Day ceremony at École Saint Nom de Jésus
During the Remembrance Day ceremony at school, students at École Saint Nom de Jésus (Hornepayne) had the privilege of welcoming Mr. Anthony Bin, the father of their classmates Aria and Larry. Mr Bin, who attained the rank of Master Bombardier during his time with the 49th Field Regiment, shared his military journey with the students and staff. Among other ...
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