Thank You Cards

Rock Island says “Thank You”

Nov 8, 2017 @ 11:43 To everyone who helped make this season’s Rock Island Concert Series successful. Thank you for joining us and we look forward to seeing you all again next year. Also a big thanks for contributions of food for the Wawa Food Bank. We donated about 100 lbs of food and $435 collected during our clean-out-the-freezer event.

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Cupcakes for a Cure – Thank you

Oct 22, 2017 @ 12:27 Thank you, Brenda for the lovely pictures! We had our first cupcake decorating social with past and present breast cancer survivors to decorate these delicious cupcakes! After 3 years with the help of Jeniffer Tremblay, our Cupcakes for a Cure raised $917.00. This money will be donated partially to Breast cancer research but part of ...

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Thank you – Wheatley Family

May 1, 2017 @ 13:06 Garth, Merv, Mardie and their families wish to extend their deepest appreciation to every one for your prayers, phone calls, cards, flowers, food, support and kindness, following the loss of a loving wife, mother and grandmother, Lois Wheatley (08/08/1933 – 03-30-2017). A special thank you to Dr. Stamler and Dr. Weinstein, the nurses and staff ...

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Thanks – Ladies Curling League

Apr 14, 2017 @ 13:28 The Wawa Ladies Curling League would like to thank all of our sponsors for their generous donations to this years 65th Ladies Curling Bonspiel which took place March 31-April 2 2017. • AJ’s Pizza • Algoma Highlands Wild Blueberry Farm & Winery • Avon • Canadian Tire – Wawa • Charm Diamond Centres • Fenlon’s ...

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Thank You for the Surprise!

With sincere thanks.   Thank you to my family who traveled from out of town, my friends, and co-workers who attended my surprise 5oth birthday party.  Thank you for the gifts and cards received. To those who were unable to attend that you also for the cards, gifts, facebook messages and text messages.   The luncheon that was provided by ...

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