Editorials, Letters & Political Commentary

Open letter from Mike Mantha to Premier Wynne on the Huron Central Railway

Nov 6, 2017 @ 15:35 On Monday, Algoma-Manitoulin NDP MPP Michael Mantha issued the following open letter calling on Premier Kathleen Wynne to immediately commit to investing in the Huron Central Railway:   Nov. 6 2017 Hon. Kathleen Wynne Premier of Ontario Room 281, Main Legislative Building, Queen’s Park Toronto, Ontario. M7A 1A1   Dear Premier, The Huron Central Railway ...

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News from the Park – October 30

Oct 30, 2017 @ 08:12 In the Legislature and on the news you continually hear politicians referring to their “strategies.” Ask the average person what a strategy is and chances are they’ll tell you it just means a plan to do something.  In fact, however, a strategy is more complex than that. Strategy development is the art and science of ...

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Letter – Is there any point?

  Oct 27, 2017 @ 08:11 Five years after the provincial government canned the Northlander passenger train without so much as a single public hearing, is there any point in launching a new campaign to revive it?   A more appropriate question might be whether Ontarians are all entitled to transportation that is as safe, reliable, comfortable and affordable as ...

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Letter to Trudeau & Ministers – Open Tender for Gordie Howe Bridge to Conventional Bridge Designs

Oct 11, 2017 @ 08:08 Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, Minister of Infrastructure & Communities – Amarjeet Sohi Minister of Transport – Marc Garneau Good Morning Gentlemen, I have received the following Open Letter for publication. These two well-respected engineers have some valid concerns about the skyrocketing costs of ‘Signature’ or Cable-Stayed Bridges. (emailed link to letter) As a tax payer, ...

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Who is killing Canada’s passenger trains? 

Sep 27, 2017 @ 08:15 Who is killing Canada’s passenger trains?  It can’t be our prime minister. Since he was a babe in his mother’s arms, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has been exposed to the virtues of train travel.  That’s thanks to his father, Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau, who had a genuine affection and respect for passenger trains.  He travelled ...

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La vente de biens publics n’offre pas d’avantages à long terme

Plus les Canadiens examinent l’engagement des libéraux d’investir dans l’infrastructure publique, plus ils se rendent à l’évidence que le plan libéral consiste principalement à transférer de l’argent des contribuables et des biens publics au secteur privé. Il n’a jamais été question de ce modèle d’investissement à but lucratif pendant la campagne électorale, vraisemblablement parce qu’il n’aurait jamais obtenu beaucoup d’appuis ...

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Selling public assets has no long term benefit

The more time Canadians have to unpack the Liberal commitment to invest in public infrastructure, the more it becomes obvious the plan is largely about turning tax dollars and public assets over to the private sector.  This for-profit investment model was never fleshed out during the election, most likely because it never would have received much in the way of ...

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Letter – Why do I do it?

Dear Brenda and Wawa-news readers:   Why do I do it? Expend prodigious amounts of research time, travel to the North Shore and push for the preservation and resurrection of VIA Rail’s Canadian, that is.   Three good reasons:  past glories, present potential and people.   I grew up in a family of railroaders who embedded in me a deep ...

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End of Summer, Back to Work

And so … it begins again… Despite the fact that Labour Day marks the “unofficial” end of summer, I am truly excited about going back to Queen’s Park soon. This coming week I’ll be joining NDP Leader Andrea Horwath and my NDP colleagues for our annual caucus retreat in which we plan and prepare for the fall session of the ...

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La fête du Travail nous rappelle que les grands efforts sont récompensés

Combien de fois avez-vous entendu une personne dire qu’elle en avait assez de la politique ou encore que rien ne changeait jamais? À l’approche de la fête du Travail, nous devons nous rappeler qu’un grand nombre des privilèges dont nous jouissons aujourd’hui ont été durement gagnés et qu’ils n’auraient jamais été obtenus si les gens avaient succombé à cette façon ...

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Labour Day reminds us that hard work is rewarded

How often have you heard someone say they are tired of politics, or that it is all the same and nothing ever changes?  As we approach Labour Day we should remember that so many of the gains we enjoy were hard-fought for and would never have come about if people succumbed to those sentiments.  While people may not consider the ...

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News from the Park – August 28

Aug 28, 2017 @ 08:08 Well folks, in the last few days I have found some parents looking longingly at the calendar and I know I hear faint whispers of, “Yes! We’re almost there…” You can see them tasting the anticipated freedom on their lips. We all know what freedom they are dreaming of. The kids head back to school ...

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Au Canada, nous devons tout faire pour éviter la politique raciale amère

Une voiture qui fonce sur des contre-manifestants antiracistes dans un rassemblement de militants pour la suprématie blanche à Charlottesville, en Caroline du Nord, montre bien à quel point les tensions raciales s’intensifient au sud de la frontière. La réaction du président Trump — qui a blâmé les deux côtés — n’a rien fait pour apaiser la situation. Les propos du ...

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Canada should do all we can to avoid bitter racial politics

The car attack on counter-protesters at a white supremacist rally in Charlottesville, North Carolina highlights the rising temperature in race relations that is taking place south of the border.  The response from President Trump – assigning blame to both sides – did little to calm the situation.  Instead, the President only ratchetted up the idea that America is increasingly divided ...

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News from the Park – August 16

Aug 16, 2017 @ 08:15 Even though the Legislature is not currently sitting in Queen’s Park, I am proud to say that my NDP colleagues and I continue to work hard for all Ontarians. Just a quick look at the headlines will show you that summer recess is not all about festivals, fairs and other events. Those are just a ...

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