Editorials, Letters & Political Commentary

Northern Ontario Party Announces Candidate for Algoma-Manitoulin Riding

Apr 18, 2018 @ 11:07 On June 7th, 2018 the riding of Algoma-Manitoulin will not only have a person they can vote for on the ballot but a local family man. The option is finally here for the constituents of this Northern Ontario riding who want a stronger voice for their riding and Northern Ontario.   The Northern Ontario Party ...

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Bridges, aging infrastructure and how to manage costs and responsibility

It is an election year, both municipal and provincial in Ontario. Promises will be made to make things better… One of the promises surely to be made is to increase funding the repair of/or rebuild aging infrastructure. The Nipigon River Bridge is being replaced, however, it failed after only 42 days. One side had been opened, while the old bridge ...

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The Proof is in the Pudding

Apr 9, 2018 @ 08:22 As regular readers of this column know, I always encourage people to contact my office about the column or any provincial matters of concern. I can tell you with certainty that many constituents take me up on this offer. My office is always busy assisting constituents with a multitude of issues and I am pleased ...

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Vote-Grabbing Hype

Apr 2, 2018 @ 08:18 Well, in terms of putting on a great show with lots of sparkle and dazzle, the Wynne Liberals came through, if you look at it from a salesmanship angle.  But in terms of having any meaningful impact on improving the lives of Ontarians, Wynne’s final budget is a disappointing, last-ditch pitch for votes – with ...

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Statement from Ontario NDP Leader Andrea Horwath on Easter Sunday

On behalf of Ontario’s New Democrats, I would like to extend greetings and best wishes to all Ontarians observing Good Friday and celebrating Easter this weekend.   Easter, and the holy week that leads to it, is a time to remember the sacrifices that have been made for each of us, and it is a reminder to be mindful of ...

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There is a choice

Mar 26, 2018 @ 08:11 The other night I was watching one of the Mike (Make it Right) Holmes television shows in which Holmes was helping a couple who had purchased a home that they believed was in good repair, assured by the seller it would be free from major problems. As you can imagine, the couple were hornswoggled. Too ...

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Hughes – Taxes shouldn’t be any harder to file

Mar 21, 2018 @ 18:50 Tax season is upon us and for people who aren’t connected to the internet or comfortable using it as a method of filing their forms the process has become increasingly difficult.  Even getting paper forms has become more of a chore.  This year, Revenue Canada only sent a small number of forms to outlets that ...

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What are governments supposed to do for us?

One of the real perks for me in this job is visiting with students in our school system. Many would be surprised to learn that my visits don’t just focus on secondary school civics classes. I make it a point to visit classrooms from primary grades through to college. If we want our youth to be engaged and have an ...

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To my Wawa Patients:

To my Wawa Patients:   I wish to inform you that I will be closing my practice effective May 1, 2018.  My husband and I will be moving to Southern Ontario to be closer to our families.   At this time, the Wawa Family Health Team is actively recruiting for a physician to replace me.  Please be reassured that you ...

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Health Care & Overcrowding

Mar 5, 2018 @ 16:25 The recent school shooting down in Florida sent collective shivers down the spine of parents and grandparents around the world. Few leaders would disagree that among the very highest trusts bestowed upon elected leaders is the protection of our children. Long ago I recall a grandmother saying to me, “The most precious jewels that a ...

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Carillion & MPAC

Feb 26, 2018 @ 08:27 Well, we all know that Toronto has been described by some as ‘Hollywood North’ because of the popularity it has gained as a preferred site for movie and television productions. As well it has always been a hotbed for theatre and shows. But this week it seems Toronto is now known as the location of ...

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Back to Work

Feb 19, 2018 @ 08:12 This week MPPs will return to Queen’s Park for the last leg of this session before the anticipated election that will be called for early June. I for one am ready to get back into the Legislature and Queen’s Park office; eager to tackle the multitude of issues that have been brought to my attention ...

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Northern Ontario Part – Seeking Medical Care Should Not Be Hazardous

Feb 14, 2018 @ 09:07 The Northern Ontario Party would like to extend their condolences to the young family who lost their lives traveling back from Sick Kids Hospital last week. This heartbreaking event is just another example of the tragedies Northerners face when seeking medical care for their children. A number of families across Northern Ontario face similar treks; ...

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Winter Road Maintenance & Carillion

Feb 12, 2018 @ 08:18 Like many Northerners, I’m definitely a 4-season person. That is to say, I love something about each of our seasons. In fact, this is one of the best things about Algoma-Manitoulin. Winter, spring, summer, and fall, with our hills, forests, lakes and rivers there is a plethora of things to do for outdoor enthusiasts. And for ...

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