Le gouvernement de l’Ontario fournit 307 millions de dollars supplémentaires pour aider les municipalités et les partenaires des communautés autochtones à fournir des services essentiels, créer des solutions de logement à plus long terme et sécuriser les personnes vulnérables. Cet investissement s’ajoute aux 765 millions de dollars du Fonds de secours pour les services sociaux annoncés en 2020-2021, pour un ...
Read More »Author Archives: Ontario Government
Government Providing Emergency Support for Northwestern Ontario Farmers
The Ontario government is taking action to support farmers in northwestern Ontario by providing up to $2 million to assist with emergency measures for feed, water and basic livestock needs because of the ongoing drought conditions in the region. The Northwestern Livestock Emergency Assistance Initiative will help livestock farms in northwestern Ontario by addressing critical urgent needs identified by area ...
Read More »Ontario Connects will achieve 100% connectivity to High-Speed Internet for All by end of 2025
Ontario is moving forward with its ambitious plan to bring high-speed internet to all communities across the province. Ontario announced in March its bold commitment of nearly $4 billion to connect every region to high-speed internet by the end of 2025. This is the largest single investment in high-speed internet, in any province, by any government in Canadian history. It ...
Read More »Ontario Updates Testing Requirements at Long-Term Care Homes
Ontario will be removing the requirement that fully-immunized and asymptomatic staff, caregivers and visitors be tested before entering long-term care homes. This update to testing requirements was made in consultation with Dr. Kieran Moore, the Chief Medical Officer of Health, and is based on the latest scientific evidence and expert advice. Updated guidance to retirement homes will also recommend exempting ...
Read More »L’Ontario met à jour les exigences en matière de dépistage dans les foyers de soins de longue durée
L’Ontario lèvera l’exigence selon laquelle le personnel, les fournisseurs de soins et les visiteurs entièrement immunisés et asymptomatiques doivent subir un test de dépistage avant d’entrer dans les foyers de soins de longue durée. Cette mise à jour des exigences en matière de dépistage a été effectuée en consultation avec le Dr Kieran Moore, médecin hygiéniste en chef, et repose ...
Read More »109 Businesses in Sault Ste. Marie Adapt to COVID-19 with assistance from Northern Ontario Recovery Program (NORP)
The Ontario government is providing more than $1.8 million to help 109 Sault Ste. Marie businesses adapt to COVID-19 public health guidelines and protect employees and customers. The funding is being delivered by the Northern Ontario Recovery Program (NORP) and will support the purchase of personal protective equipment (PPE), installation of safety equipment, renovations, and new construction. “We appreciate how ...
Read More »‘PAWS’ and Think Twice Before Leaving Your Pet in a Hot Car
The Ontario government is urging everyone to take the necessary precautions to keep their pets safe and protected during the hot summer months. Temperatures inside a vehicle can quickly become hotter than the temperature outside even if windows are left slightly open. Pets can be put at risk of serious illness and possibly death due to heat exposure as a ...
Read More »Réfléchissez à deux fois avant de laisser un animal dans une voiture chaude ou vous pourriez avoir affaire à la loi
Le gouvernement de l’Ontario exhorte tout le monde à prendre les précautions nécessaires pour assurer la sécurité et la protection de leurs animaux de compagnie pendant les grosses chaleurs de l’été. La température à l’intérieur d’un véhicule peut rapidement dépasser la température extérieure, même si les fenêtres restent légèrement ouvertes. Les animaux de compagnie peuvent courir des risques graves, voire ...
Read More »Training will prepare workers for construction and mining jobs in Greenstone
The Ontario government is investing $3.6 million to help 150 Indigenous people receive training to start careers building and running the new Greenstone Gold Mine in Geraldton. They will learn the skills they need to become construction craft workers, heavy equipment operators, truck drivers, crane operators, welders and millwrights. Details were provided today by Monte McNaughton, Minister of Labour, Training ...
Read More »La formation préparera les travailleurs aux emplois de la construction et de l’exploitation minière à Greenstone
Le gouvernement de l’Ontario investit 3,6 millions de dollars pour aider 150 Autochtones à recevoir une formation qui leur permettra d’entamer une carrière dans la construction et l’exploitation de la nouvelle mine d’or Greenstone à Geraldton. Ils pourront acquérir les compétences nécessaires pour devenir des ouvriers de la construction, des conductrices d’équipement lourd, des conducteurs de camion, des grutières, des ...
Read More »Ontario Adding Mental Health Beds for Northern York Region and Southern Simcoe County (6.5 Million Investment)
As part of its comprehensive plan to build a connected mental health and addictions system centred around the needs of patients, the Ontario government is investing over $6.5 million to support the expansion of Southlake Regional Health Centre’s Adult Inpatient Mental Health Unit. The expansion will add 12 new mental health beds and support spaces, increasing the total inpatient mental ...
Read More »Ontario Supporting the Identification and Commemoration of Indian Residential School Burial Sites
The Ontario government is providing $10 million to help support the identification, investigation, protection and commemoration of Indian Residential School burial sites across the province. The funding will also ensure that culturally appropriate, trauma-informed mental health supports are available for Indian Residential School survivors, their families and Indigenous communities. “Like all Ontarians, I was heartbroken by the news of a ...
Read More »L’Ontario soutient l’identification et la commémoration des lieux de sépulture des pensionnats autochtones
Le gouvernement de l’Ontario accorde 10 millions de dollars pour contribuer à l’identification, à l’enquête, à la protection et à la commémoration des lieux de sépulture des pensionnats autochtones dans la province. Ce financement permettra également de veiller à ce que les survivants des pensionnats autochtones, leurs familles et les communautés autochtones aient accès à des services de santé mentale ...
Read More »Ontario Awards Contract for Highway 17B Improvements
Caroline Mulroney, Minister of Transportation, and Chief Andy Rickard, Garden River First Nation, announced that a contract has been awarded to KSMM 2020 for work on Highway 17B through the province’s Aboriginal Procurement Program. KSMM 2020 is a partnership between Garden River First Nation, Shwe Miikaan Corporation and Miller Paving Limited. This work builds on the Ontario government’s efforts to ...
Read More »L’Ontario attribue un contrat pour l’amélioration de la route 17B
Caroline Mulroney, ministre des Transports, et le chef Andy Rickard, de la Première Nation de Garden River, ont annoncé qu’un contrat avait été accordé à KSMM 2020 pour des travaux sur la route 17B dans le cadre du Programme d’approvisionnement auprès des entreprises autochtones de la province. KSMM 2020 est un partenariat entre la Première Nation de Garden River, la ...
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