
Move Over!

With roads about to get busier during the Civic Holiday long weekend, the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) will have its sights set on drivers who do not slow down and safely move over a lane for roadside emergency vehicles. So far this year, the OPP has laid more than 400 charges against drivers who failed to move over one lane ...

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Ontario Launches Independent Long-Term Care COVID-19 Commission


The Ontario government launched an independent commission into COVID-19 and long-term care. Three commissioners will investigate how COVID-19 spread within long-term care homes, how residents, staff, and families were impacted, and the adequacy of measures taken by the province and other parties to prevent, isolate and contain the virus. The commission will also provide the government with guidance on how ...

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Toronto and Peel Region Move into Stage 3


Additional businesses and public spaces will be reopening as the Ontario government allows the City of Toronto and Peel Region to move into Stage 3 of reopening the province on Friday, July 31 at 12:01 a.m. This decision was made in consultation with the Chief Medical Officer of Health and local medical officers of health. It is based on positive ...

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Toronto et la région de Peel passent à l’étape 3


Le gouvernement de l’Ontario autorise la Ville de Toronto et la région de Peel à passer à la 3e étape du déconfinement de la province à compter du vendredi 31 juillet à minuit une, ce qui permettra à un plus grand nombre d’entreprises et de lieux publics de rouvrir. Cette décision a été prise en consultation avec le médecin hygiéniste ...

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New Long-term Care Home to be built in Ajax Pickering by 2021


The Ontario government announced that a new long-term care home will be built at Lakeridge Health’s Ajax Pickering Hospital site in months, not years. The project is part of the province’s Accelerated Build Pilot Program. By working with Lakeridge Health and Infrastructure Ontario, the province intends to build up to 320 new long-term care beds by 2021 at this site. The ...

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Un nouveau foyer de soins de longue durée sera construit à Ajax Pickering d’ici 2021


Le gouvernement de l’Ontario a annoncé qu’un nouveau foyer de soins de longue durée sera construit à l’emplacement de l’Hôpital d’Ajax et de Pickering (Lakeridge Health) en quelques mois seulement, plutôt qu’en plusieurs années. Ce projet s’inscrit dans le cadre du Programme pilote d’accélération de la construction de la province. En collaboration avec l’organisme Lakeridge Health et Infrastructure Ontario, la ...

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L’Ontario investit dans un nouveau programme de subventions contre le racisme et la haine


Le gouvernement de l’Ontario investit 1,6 million de dollars sur deux ans afin de créer un nouveau programme de subventions pour les activités de lutte contre la haine et le racisme. Cet investissement sera destiné aux initiatives communautaires de lutte contre le racisme ciblant surtout le racisme anti-Noirs, le racisme anti-Autochtones, l’antisémitisme et l’islamophobie. « Le racisme et la haine ...

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Ontario Investing in new Anti-Racism and Anti-Hate Grant program


The Ontario government is investing $1.6 million over two years to create a new Anti-Racism and Anti-Hate Grant program. This funding will support community-based anti-racism initiatives focusing on anti-Black racism, anti-Indigenous racism, anti-Semitism and Islamophobia. “Racism and hate will not be tolerated and our government is doing everything it can to protect people from being victimized because of their race ...

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Historic Agreement Delivers up to $4 Billion to Support Municipalities and Transit


The Ontario government, in partnership with the federal government, is providing up to $4 billion in urgently needed one-time assistance to Ontario’s 444 municipalities. This funding will help local governments maintain the critical services people rely on every day, including public transit, over the next six to eight months. Details on specific allocations will be provided in the coming weeks. ...

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Un accord historique prévoit jusqu’à 4 milliards de dollars pour soutenir les municipalités et le transport en commun


Le gouvernement de l’Ontario, en partenariat avec le gouvernement fédéral, apportera aux 444 municipalités de la province jusqu’à 4 milliards de dollars en aide d’urgence ponctuelle, un soutien dont elles ont besoin d’urgence. Ce financement, qui s’inscrit dans le cadre du plan de l’Ontario pour la croissance, le renouveau et la reprise économique, aidera les administrations locales à assurer la ...

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Ontario Announces Five New Ontario Health Teams


In support of the ongoing fight against COVID-19 and as part of the province’s plan to end hallway health care, the Ontario government is announcing five new Ontario Health Teams and is providing additional funding to better connect care. “Over the past several months, Ontario Health Teams have demonstrated remarkable responsiveness to the COVID-19 outbreak by simplifying the purchase of ...

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L’Ontario annonce cinq nouvelles équipes Santé Ontario


Au soutien de la lutte constante contre la COVID-19 et dans le cadre du plan de la province pour éliminer les soins de santé de couloir, le gouvernement de l’Ontario annonce la création de cinq nouvelles équipes Santé Ontario et offre du financement supplémentaire afin de mieux coordonner les soins. « Au cours des derniers mois, les équipes Santé Ontario ont fait ...

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Les nouveaux changements législatifs de l’Ontario encouragent les règlements négociés entre les locataires et les propriétaires


Le gouvernement de l’Ontario assure la stabilité du marché locatif de l’Ontario en augmentant les amendes relatives aux expulsions illégales et en renforçant la nécessité pour les locateurs d’explorer les ententes de remboursement possibles avant de songer à l’expulsion. Ces mesures sont incluses à la Loi de 2020 visant la protection des locataires et le renforcement du logement communautaire, qui a ...

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New Ontario Legislative changes encourage negotiated settlements between tenants and landlords


The Ontario government is providing stability to Ontario’s rental market by increasing fines for unlawful evictions and reinforcing the necessity for landlords to explore repayment agreements before considering evictions. These measures are included in the Protecting Tenants and Strengthening Community Housing Act which received Royal Assent today. “We know tenants and landlords have struggled during COVID-19, and some households may ...

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Ontario Legislature Adjourns after Significant Sitting in Response to COVID-19


The Ontario Legislature adjourned after an unprecedented session that saw cross-partisan collaboration in the fight against COVID-19. Since reconvening in February, the legislature passed 18 pieces of legislation, including emergency measures needed to protect public health and prepare for economic recovery. The legislature has now risen until September 14, 2020. Premier Doug Ford and Paul Calandra, Government House Leader, thanked ...

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