
CCPA Celebrates National Indigenous Peoples Day

June 21, 2021, is the national 25th anniversary of celebrating First Nations, Inuit, and Métis heritage, diverse cultures, and outstanding achievements. The Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association (CCPA) is committed to ensuring equitable access to counselors and psychotherapists for Indigenous People as a step toward reconciliation. “Decolonization is possible when Indigenous Peoples and Communities are uplifted, invited to engage, when ...

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NDP calls on Liberals to reverse $800 cut to the CRB

The NDP have renewed its call on Justin Trudeau’s Liberals to reverse their decision to cut the CRB for people who need it to survive during this pandemic. While pandemic lockdowns are still in place in several provinces, many Canadians still don’t have jobs to return to. The Liberals are trying to force through the Budget Implementation Act (BIA, Bill ...

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Le NPD demande aux libéraux de renoncer à la réduction de 800 $ de la PCRE

Les néo-démocrates ont de nouveau demandé aux libéraux de Justin Trudeau de revenir sur leur décision de réduire de 800 $ par mois la PCRE pour les personnes qui en dépendent pour surmonter la pandémie. Alors que des mesures de confinement liées à la pandémie sont toujours en place dans plusieurs provinces, beaucoup de gens sont toujours sans emploi. Les ...

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Canada Wide Warrant Issued in Connection with 2015 Homicide

  The Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) has now obtained a Canada Wide Warrant for the arrest of an eastern Ontario resident more than five years after the murder of Frederick “John” HATCH. Frederick “John” HATCH was last seen alive on the afternoon of December 16, 2015 in the area of West Hunt Club Road and Merivale Road in Nepean. His ...

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Déclaration de l’administratrice en chef de la santé publique du Canada – le jour du recensement

Le mardi 11 mai, c’est le jour du recensement. Tous les cinq ans, les Canadiens sont invités à participer au recensement et à fournir des renseignements qui seront utilisés pour planifier les programmes et les services comme les garderies, les écoles, les hôpitaux, le transport public et les services d’urgence. Cette année, les données sont plus importantes que jamais. Les ...

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Statement from the Chief Public Health Officer of Canada – Census Day

Tuesday May 11th is Census Day. Every five years, Canadians are invited to participate in the census and provide information that will be used to plan programs and services like daycare, schools, hospitals, public transportation and emergency services. This year, the data are more important than ever. Information gathered from Canadians will help to assess how COVID-19 has affected communities ...

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Statement from the Chief Public Health Officer of Canada on April 20, 2021

On this difficult stretch through the COVID-19 crisis, we can gain strength from good news and focussing on the things we’re grateful for. Over the course of National Volunteer Week, I have been reflecting on the many ways Canadians are helping to support their community. In Saskatchewan, the Regina Community Fridge is aimed at supporting neighbours, by providing free, fresh ...

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Singh to Trudeau: Consider the Emergencies Act in Ontario

With the escalating third wave of COVID-19, NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh said the following in a letter to Prime Minister Trudeau: “I know you share my deep concern at the escalating third wave of COVID-19. Health care workers and others are sounding the alarm bell – warning us that as ICUs fill up, the ability of our health care system ...

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Statement by the Prime Minister celebrating the life of The Duke of Edinburgh

The Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, today issued the following statement celebrating the life of His Royal Highness The Duke of Edinburgh: “Canadians were deeply saddened to hear last week of the passing of The Duke of Edinburgh. Our thoughts continue to be with Her Majesty and the members of the Royal Family as they mourn the loss of a beloved ...

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Work at home or live at work: The complexities of new working arrangements

As millions of Canadians embark on a second year of working from home in the pandemic, a new Environics Institute survey reveals that the advantages it offers are spread unevenly throughout the workforce. A majority report a mostly positive view of remote work but many grapple with the stress of juggling work and family life or worry that working from home will ...

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June 21 set as new tentative date for restarting flights by Porter Airlines

Porter Airlines is resetting its tentative date for resuming flights to June 21. “In recent weeks, there has been open discussion by government officials about easing travel restrictions based on expectations that vaccination programs will be well advanced in the U.S. and Canada by early summer,” said Michael Deluce, president and CEO of Porter Airlines. “We recognize that short-term public ...

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Déclaration de l’administratrice en chef de la santé publique du Canada, le 11 avril 2021

Alors que la COVID-19 continue de se propager au Canada, nous surveillons un ensemble d’indicateurs épidémiologiques pour déterminer où la transmission de la maladie est la plus forte, où elle se propage ainsi que ses répercussions sur la santé des Canadiens et la capacité des services de santé publique, des laboratoires et du système de santé. Parallèlement, l’Agence de la ...

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Statement from the Chief Public Health Officer of Canada on April 11, 2021

As COVID-19 activity continues in Canada, we are tracking a range of epidemiological indicators to monitor where the disease is most active, where it is spreading and how it is impacting the health of Canadians and public health, laboratory and healthcare capacity. At the same time, the Public Health Agency of Canada is providing Canadians with regular updates on COVID-19 ...

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Poor roads cost Canadians $3 billion annually: CAA study

Canadians are paying $3 billion every year in higher vehicle operating costs due to poor road infrastructure, says a new study by the Canadian Automobile Association (CAA). “Canada’s roads are vital for commuters, business and connecting communities,” says Ian Jack, vice-president of public affairs, CAA National. “This study shows for the first time the hidden cost to drivers of below-average ...

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Ontario’s doctors: “It’s time for one step back”

Ontario’s doctors are calling for every region in the province to go back one stage in the government’s colour-coded pandemic framework to stop the worrying increase in COVID-19. The Ontario Medical Association expressed concern about the spread of COVID and the increase in hospitalizations, especially to intensive care units. Yet at the same time, more people are traveling, including to ...

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