Oct 6, 2019 @ 22:18 Today, Premier Doug Ford issued the following statement on the tentative agreement between the Government of Ontario, the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE), and the school board trustee associations: “Throughout this process our goal has been to establish agreements that respect taxpayers, students and families, while also recognizing the important contributions of our front-line ...
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Statement by Stephen Lecce, Minister of Education, on Reaching an Agreement with CUPE
Oct 6, 2019 @ 22:15 Today, Stephen Lecce, Minister of Education, issued the following regarding a tentative agreement with CUPE: “Parents can rest easy knowing that the Government worked tirelessly to ensure their children remain in the classroom, where they belong. That is why I am pleased to announce that a tentative agreement has been reached between the Crown, the ...
Read More »Letter to Parents – All Schools in the HSCDSB will be open Monday
Oct 6, 2019 @ 22:14 October 6, 2019 Dear Parents, We have just learned that this weekend’s central negotiations between the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE), the Ontario Catholic School Trustees’ Association (OCSTA), and the Crown have ended successfully and that a tentative agreement has been reached. As a result, we are pleased to announce that all schools in the Huron-Superior ...
Read More »CUPE and OSBCU continue to Negotiate
Representatives of Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) and CUPE’s Ontario School Board Council of Unions (OSBCU) have confirmed that there will be no further communications from the union this evening regarding bargaining talks with the province and the Council of Trustees’ Associations. The parties continue to negotiate. The talks between the parties are aimed at ending education workers’ current ...
Read More »On croit au service communautaire à Saint-Joseph (Wawa)!
Quelle belle façon de commencer une année scolaire! Félicitations à tous les élèves de la 12e de l’École secondaire Saint-Joseph (Wawa) qui ont déjà completé leurs 40 heures de service communautaire. Afin de souligner cet accomplissement, Mme Valérie Lévesque, enseignante EED, Mme Stephanie McGregor, enseignante ÉRÉ, et M. Mark Szekely, titulaire de la classe 12e année, ont invité tous ...
Read More »Celebrating volunteering in the community
What a great way to kick off the 2019-2020 school year! Congratulations to all grade 12 students from École secondaire Saint-Joseph (Wawa) who already completed their 40 hours of community volunteer hours. In celebration of this accomplishment, the teachers Ms. Valérie Lévesque, Ms. Stephanie McGregor and Mr. Mark Szekely invited the students to a lunch-conference! Well fed, the students ...
Cette année, l’école élémentaire et secondaire Saint-Joseph (Wawa) a appuyé fièrement la Fondation Terry Fox! Le 24 septembre, les élèves, les membres du personnel, les parents et amis de l’école ont participé à la marche Terry Fox qui fut organisée par M. Mark Szekely, M. Michel Lemoyne et M. Brandon Vachon-Case avec l’appui stratégique des élèves du cours d’éducation ...
Read More »Remembering Terry Fox!
This year, elementary and secondary students from Wawa’s École Saint-Joseph Wawa took great pride in supporting the Terry Fox Foundation! On September 24, students, staff and friends took part in the walk organized by Mr. Mark Szekely, Mr. Michel Lemoyne and Mr. Brandon Vachon-Case with the key support of grade 11 and 12 physical education students. Mother Nature collaborated ...
Read More »Huron-Superior Catholic District School Board to Close all Schools if CUPE Strikes
As you may know, on Oct. 2, 2019, the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) provided five (5) days’ notice to begin a strike involving workers in Ontario’s education sector. This means that CUPE workers will be on strike beginning Monday, Oct. 7, 2019, unless an agreement is reached at the provincial bargaining table beforehand. All parties have agreed to continue bargaining ...
Read More »Update from The Algoma District School Board Regarding the Impending CUPE Withdrawal of Services Monday, October 7
The Algoma District School Board advises parents that if the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) engage in a full withdrawal of services beginning Monday, October 7, 2019, to please note the following: all schools will remain open/operational; there will be no food services available at White Pines, Superior Heights and Korah secondary schools; all daycares and before & after school ...
Read More »Outstanding student graduates awarded the CSC Nouvelon Vision Scholarship
Every year, the Conseil scolaire catholique Nouvelon awards its Vision Scholarships to outstanding graduating class students who have fulfilled the requirements of their Ontario Secondary School Diploma. Valued at $500, the scholarship is awarded annually to two students from each CSC Nouvelon secondary school and one from Carrefour Options+. Laureates, selected by the principal of their school, must reflect the CSC ...
Read More »Des finissants remarquables remportent la bourse Vision du CSC Nouvelon
Chaque année, le Conseil scolaire catholique Nouvelon récompense l’excellence des élèves qui complètent leur Diplôme d’études secondaires de l’Ontario avec la remise de la bourse « Vision ». D’une valeur de 500 $, celle-ci est remise annuellement à deux finissants de chacune de nos écoles secondaires et à un diplômé du Carrefour Options+. Sélectionnés par la direction de leur école, ...
Read More »Les élèves de Saint-Joseph, de nouveaux maîtres du canot
Tous les élèves de la 9e à la 12e année de l’école secondaire Saint-Joseph (Wawa) ont tout récemment complété une formation de base de Pagaie Canada pour opérer un canot en tandem. Les sessions de certification se sont déroulées sur une période de deux ans! Les élèves ainsi que les enseignants sont maintenant prêts à descendre les rivières et les ...
Read More »Sault College Receives the Largest Scholarship Donation to Date
Yesterday, September 25th, 2019 was a significant day for the College as we accepted the largest donation to our Scholarship, Bursaries and Awards program to date. Dr. Bijan and Dr. Simin Payandeh have graciously chosen to invest in the education of Sault College students through a new scholarship valued at $230,000. Representatives from Sault College were joined by Dr. Bijan ...
Read More »Algoma District School Board Experiences Enrolment Growth
Algoma District School Board (ADSB) senior staff shared a very positive update and overview of opening enrolment numbers at Algoma District School Board’s first Regular Board meeting held on Tuesday, September 24, 2019. Elementary The September 7th, 2019 JK to Grade 8 enrolment has increased by 272 students from the projected numbers as contained in the April 2, 2019 Director’s ...
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