Editorials, Letters & Political Commentary

Ontario NDP calls on Ford to protect access to justice in Ontario

NDP MPPs Kristyn Wong-Tam (Toronto Centre) and Jessica Bell (University–Rosedale) called on Doug Ford to protect Ontarians’ access to justice by implementing reforms before the Ombudsman Report into Landlord Tenant Board (LTB) delays is released. “Ontarians need to be ready to fight like hell for access to justice. The LTB has been plagued by delays for years, with a backlog ...

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Railroaded: A National Train Wreck

When Transport Minister Omar Alghabra appeared before the House of Commons Standing Committee on Transport, Infrastructure and Communities on January 12, he said he wasn’t hiding from the multiple meltdowns of Canada’s airlines and VIA Rail over the Christmas holidays.  But he was.   Alghabra and his government are hiding from an inevitable confrontation with more than a century of ...

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NDP MP Charlie Angus lays out his party’s priorities for the budget

On Monday, NDP MP Charlie Angus (Timmins – James Bay) says he expects to see help for families in Northern Ontario struggling to access quality health-care services, manage the high cost of living and have good, sustainable jobs in the upcoming budget. “Families all over Northern Ontario need some assurances that the government is going to help them meet the ...

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Le NPD définit ses priorités pour le budget afin d’aider les familles du Nord de l’Ontario

Lundi, le député néo-démocrate Charlie Angus (Timmins–Baie James) dit qu’il s’attend à ce que le prochain budget aide les familles du Nord de l’Ontario qui en arrachent pour avoir accès à des services de santé de qualité, gérer le coût élevé de la vie et avoir de bons emplois durables. « Les familles de tout le Nord de l’Ontario ont besoin de l’assurance ...

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Ontario healthcare privatization Will further devastate current system

Since Doug Ford was elected Premier of Ontario in 2018, Ontarians quickly became accustomed to a government that tends to lead with its chin. That is to say that Mr. Ford chooses to lead aggressively without caution to achieve the goals of Conservative thinking as opposed to what is best for the people of Ontario. As a result, it is ...

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MPP Lise Vaugeois stands opposed to Doug Ford’s health care privatization plan

Thunder Bay – Superior North MPP Lise Vaugeois joins her NDP colleagues in the Ontario legislature in decrying Doug Ford’s move to privatize 50 per cent of the province’s health care system by moving patients to private, for-profit clinics. This move will result in a decline in the quality of care as for-profit enterprises poach health care workers from the ...

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Northlander train set order: A time to celebrate or remain vigilant?

The Government of Ontario may have finally taken its first real tangible step forward to make passenger rail service in the northeast a reality.   The Associate Minister of Transportation, Stan Cho, and his ministerial colleagues — Victor Fedeli (MPP for Nipissing), George Pirie (Timmins) and Graydon Smith (Parry Sound-Muskoka) — were among those who announced an investment of $139.5 ...

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London NDP MPPs call for a provincial commitment to end homelessness in Ontario

In the wake of a tragedy in London, Peggy Sattler (London West), Terence Kernaghan (London North Centre), and Teresa Armstrong (London-Fanshawe) sent a letter to Doug Ford, urging him to commit to a provincial plan to address homelessness in London and across Ontario.   Doug Ford, Premier of Ontario Legislative Building, Queen’s Park Toronto ON M7A 1A1 January 11, 2023 ...

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NDP MPPs in Kenora fighting for faster winter road maintenance

While in town as part of the government’s 2023 pre-budget consultations, Ontario NDP Finance critic Catherine Fife (Waterloo), Economic Development critic Terence Kernaghan (London North Centre), and deputy leader Sol Mamakwa ( Kiiwentinoong) held a press conference on January 9th, 2023 calling on the Ford government to implement better winter maintenance standards for Highways 11 and 17. “Northern Ontarians are ...

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Sudbury MPP urges government to lower exposure cap on diesel particulate in mines

Sudbury MPP Jamie West, the NDP critic for Labour, issued the following statement in response to a campaign from Sudbury mine workers to reduce workers’ exposure to dangerous levels of Diesel Particulate Matter (DPM): “Ontarians are indebted to the miners who wake up every day and go to work in challenging environments. Our mining industry provides the raw materials, minerals ...

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Return to the legislature to fix the health care crisis: NDP to Ford

The Official Opposition NDP’s Interim Leader Peter Tabuns and Health critic France Gélinas say Doug Ford should be in the legislature taking action to fix the health care crisis, not packing it in until February while respiratory season rages. According to Ontario’s air ambulance and medical transport service, Ornge, it’s seen a sharp rise in the number of transportations of ...

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Vaugeois stands up for Alstom workers as Ford gives away Ontario Line contract

Lise Vaugeois, NDP MPP for Thunder Bay-Superior North, is demanding answers after Ford broke his promise to Thunder Bay’s Alstom workers that anything bought in Ontario should be produced in Ontario. The Ontario NDP had previously called on Ford to ensure Ontario Line subway cars would be built in Thunder Bay, after Ford secretly lowered the Canadian content rules for ...

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NFTP – Un nouveau régime automobile

Récemment, je me suis retrouvé chez un concessionnaire automobile en attendant que mes pneus soient changés sur mon véhicule. Étant donné mes allers-retours constants entre Queen’s Park et mon bureau de circonscription à Elliot Lake, j’étais chanceux de ne pas avoir rencontré de difficultés sur la route. J’étais en retard changer mes pneus . Alors que j’étais dans la salle ...

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NFTP – A new car scheme

Recently I found myself at a car dealership waiting to have my snow tires put on my vehicle. Admittedly, I was very late and fortunate not to have run into difficulties on the road, given my constant trekking back and forth between Queen’s Park and my constituency office in Elliot Lake. I know better. As I sat in the waiting ...

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