Editorials, Letters & Political Commentary

News from the Park – July 7

Jul 7, 2017 @ 18:42 I’ve always believed that some of the most crucial rules that we must learn in our lives primarily emanate from our Moms and Dads. The thing is, sometimes we hear them so casually and frequently such as when we are walking out the door doing our “thing”, we don’t truly understand the sage nature of ...

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News from the Park – June 26

Jun 26, 2017 @ 09:48 I’m pretty sure that I would be safe in saying most of us would agree with author Augusten Burroughs quote, “When you have your health, you have everything. When you do not have your health, nothing else matters at all.” Our public healthcare system has long been the pride of Canadians. Tommy Douglas, noted to ...

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Thank you Dorothy!

Jun 22, 2017 @ 09:41 The Wawa Economic Development Office would like to thank Dorothy Egan for her hard work and kind heart. Dorothy offered to weed the EDC garden in front of the office, which is no small feat. The garden looks beautiful and we couldn’t be happier! Our building looks fantastic and is sure to attract new business ...

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$21 Million – What Was Learned from the Algo Mall Inquiry?

Now that the criminal charges relating to the collapse of the Algo Mall have been dealt with, (a proper acquittal), critical aspects of the collapse and response to the collapse remain outstanding. The Ontario people spent over $21 million on a public inquiry, a sum that would have replaced the facility and adequately compensated everyone affected, with money to spare. ...

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Lettre – Merci et Chi-Miigwetch

Jun 12, 2017 @ 14:35 Chers résidents du Nord,   Chose certaine, ces sept dernières années au RLISS du Nord-Est n’ont jamais été ennuyeuses!   Car, disons-le, pour planifier, intégrer et financer des services de santé pour une population en déclin et vieillissante de plus de 565 000 habitants sur un immense territoire, il faut beaucoup de temps et un ...

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News from the Park – Northern Ontario Focus, FAO Report

May 29, 2017 @ 08:05 Those of you who follow my News from the Park column weekly or tune into the televised proceedings of the Ontario Legislature will know how frequently I raise the issue that we Northerners sometimes feel slighted or forgotten by the government and their policy makers. You know the old line of reminding southerners that life ...

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News from the Park – Aboriginal Youth in Care, Healthcare & Hydro Rates

May 23, 2017 @ 08:06 Few would argue the notion that Ontario has been blessed with an abundance of priceless resources. We enjoy access to a vast number of beautiful lakes and the fresh water of the Great Lakes, valuable mineral and ore deposits, fertile agricultural land and many thousands of square kilometres of trees. But without any doubt I ...

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Northern Ontario Party Presents their Party Platform

May 10, 2017 @ 09:06 The Northern Ontario Party is happy to announce that our platform which came out of the desire of our members to create a strong, independent, and prosperous Northern Ontario for all northerners. After a members’ vote and some polishing by our executive board, we are excited to present to the public, what the Northern Ontario ...

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News from the Park – Sault By-election & Pharmacare

To simply say the last few weeks have been jam packed here in Queen’s Park would truly be an understatement if ever there was one. And just to add to this excitement, I’m sure you are well aware Kathleen Wynne finally called for a long awaited by-election in Sault Ste. Marie after their MPP resigned before Christmas. May 8, 2017 ...

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NDP Leader Andrea Horwath Statement on Nursing Week 2017

May 8, 2017 @ 12:44 To mark the beginning of Nursing Week 2017, Ontario NDP Leader Andrea Horwath issued the following statement calling for a moratorium on nursing cuts and any further layoffs of health care workers: “Ontario’s nurses are healthcare champions. New Democrats and all Ontarians owe a debt of gratitude to nurses for their concern and care, advocacy, and professionalism. ...

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NOP – The North, Still the Neglected Child

May 1, 2017 @ 10:46 Wynne’s government announces a new budget and yet again she ignores the North. There are going to be new hospitals in Windsor and Niagara, new renovations to the current hospitals in Mississauga and Hamilton. Unfortunately, the cupboard must be bare after spending tax payers’ money on the Golden Horse Shoe facilities, because the Northerners continue ...

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Being prepared for Winter Travelling – Are you prepared?

Apr 27, 2017 @ 07:54 With yesterday’s road closure of Highway 17 (Wawa to White River) for 13 hours, many people were very upset. It is hard at times for non-locals to understand how it can look fine here, but the weather has made safe travel near impossible only a few kilometres away. As the OPP are questioned by irate ...

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Letter – Oh leaders, why have you forsaken our Parliament?

Dear Editor,   A couple of months ago the Federal Governing Party withdrew from changing our voting system. That despite that it being one of their major policies platforms of the last election.   The current leader’s father was of a different breed. Whether you agree with Pierre Trudeau, he led. When he repatriated the Constitution, which had been talked ...

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