Last week, Loblaw Cos. Ltd., as well as its parent company, George Weston Ltd., agreed to pay $500 million to settle a class-action lawsuit for their part in a 14-year industry-wide bread price-fixing scheme. It’s alleged that Loblaws, along with other large grocery chains such as Metro, Sobeys, Walmart Canada, and Giant Tiger, were all involved in a conspiracy to ...
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Jagmeet Singh annonce un plan pour bannir les rénovictions et rendre les loyers abordables
Ce jeudi, le chef du NPD du Canada, Jagmeet Singh, a dévoilé un plan ambitieux visant à interdire les rénovictions pour rendre les loyers plus abordables à travers le pays. Le plan de M. Singh propose des incitations fédérales pour obliger les municipalités à légiférer contre les rénovictions. Hamilton a été la première ville en Ontario à adopter cette interdiction, et ...
Read More »Canada Needs to be Proactive on EVs, not Reactive
Last month, the Finance Minister began a 30-day consultation period to examine Beijing’s trade practices in the electric vehicle (EV) sector, with the goal of determining whether Canada should follow suit with the U.S. and the EU in applying trade tariffs on Chinese imported EVs. This comes as the U.S. has recently applied a 100 percent tariff, and the European ...
Read More »Phoenix Pay System Slowly Coming to an End, with an Additional $1 Billion Price Tag
For a decade, we’ve been hearing, with almost comical absurdity, problems with the Government of Canada’s beleaguered payroll system, Phoenix. It’s been responsible for thousands of people being underpaid, overpaid, or worse, not paid at all. Just as problematic, it’s been responsible for massive cost overruns that have ballooned over the years to fix catastrophic problems with its design. According ...
Read More »Canada Disability Benefit Needs to be More Accessible and Cover Essential Costs
When the federal budget was presented in April, many people with disabilities and organizations who assist them were looking forward to announcements surrounding the Canada Disability Benefit. The legislation that set the framework for the Canada Disability Benefit, C-22, passed with unanimous support in the House of Commons a year and a half ago, and received Royal Assent a year ...
Read More »NDP pushes Trudeau to commit to James Bay hospital
On Tuesday, NDP MP Charlie Angus (Timmins-James Bay) called on the Liberal government respect their promise to fund the Weeneebayko Health Authority project in Moosonee. In response Minister Hajdu stated that the prime minister is confirming funding for the project, despite seeming to walk away from it earlier this spring. “After weeks of pushing, the NDP secured a commitment from ...
Read More »Le NPD fait pression sur Trudeau pour qu’il s’engage à financer l’hôpital de la Baie James
Mardi, le député néo-démocrate Charlie Angus (Timmins–Baie James) a exhorté le gouvernement libéral à tenir sa promesse de financer le projet de l’Autorité sanitaire de la région de Weeneebayko à Moosonee. La ministre Hajdu a répondu que le premier ministre confirmait le financement du projet, bien qu’il ait semblé s’en éloigner plus tôt ce printemps. « Après des semaines de pression, ...
Read More »NDP MP Angus calls on Liberal government to clean up Wabigoon River
On Thursday, NDP MP Charlie Angus (Timmins – James Bay) spoke up in Parliament to call on the Liberal government to take action to clean the Wabigoon River and help the people of Grassy Narrows First Nation. For over 50 years, residents in Grassy Narrows have been dealing with toxic mercury poisoning in the Wabigoon River as a result of ...
Read More »Proposed Federal Pharmacare Legislation, Bill C-64, Risks Being Rushed Ahead to the Detriment of Seniors and their Families
The Canadian Association of Retired Persons (CARP) supports universal drug coverage for seniors but as the largest seniors and older Canadians advocacy group in Canada, we have concerns that Bill C-64 is not designed for the coverage many of our 225,000 members and their family’s need to cover effective and world class care in 2024. We also have concerns that ...
Read More »Functional rail service requires more than clever catch phrases and good intentions
Two steps forward, one step back. That’s how I’d describe the process of getting the Northlander once more on track. For nearly six years, the Ford government repeatedly stated they’re bringing back passenger rail to north-eastern Ontario. Political promises aplenty, the Tories haven’t exactly gotten the job done during their first term. Metrolinx and Ontario Northland (ONTC) eventually completed initial ...
Read More »Le régime de soins dentaires du NPD changera la vie des aîné·es du Nord
Près de 2 millions d’aîné·es bénéficieront du régime de soins dentaires du NPD. Les aîné·es canadiens n’auront plus à éviter d’aller chez le dentiste parce que ça coûte trop cher. Alors que Pierre Poilievre fait campagne sur la suppression des soins dentaires, les néo-démocrates sont déterminés à obtenir des résultats qui amélioreront considérablement la vie des Canadiennes et Canadiens. « Je suis ...
Read More »The NDP’s dental care plan will be life-changing for seniors in the North
Nearly 2 million seniors can benefit from the NDP’s dental care plan. Canadian seniors won’t have to avoid going to the dentist because it is too expensive. While Pierre Poilievre is campaigning on removing dental care, New Democrats are steadfast in their commitment to deliver results that will significantly improve the lives of Canadians. “I’m proud that New Democrats have ...
Read More »Michipicoten High School 70th Reunion Needs Your Registration
May 1, 2024 at 14:11 The 70th Reunion for Michipicoten High School scheduled for July 5th, 6th, and 7th, 2024 is now facing cancellation due to a lack of registered participants. With the deadline looming, May 15th, there is now an urgent request for all those wishing to attend to register before the deadline. Many have professed their intention to ...
Read More »NDP MP Charlie Angus calls out Liberal government on homeless crisis in Northern Ontario
NDP MP Charlie Angus (Timmins – James Bay) is calling on the Liberals to explain their cuts in homeless funding for Northern Ontario. Angus delivered a statement in Parliament asking why the government is telling municipalities to get set for dramatic cuts in the Reaching Home program. At the same time, Budget 2024 is bragging about more investments for homelessness. ...
Read More »Charlie Angus interpelle le gouvernement libéral sur la crise de l’itinérance dans le Nord de l’Ontario
Le député néo-démocrate Charlie Angus (Timmins–Baie James) demande aux libéraux de s’expliquer au sujet de leurs coupes sombres dans le financement de la lutte contre l’itinérance dans le Nord de l’Ontario. M. Angus a fait une déclaration au Parlement pour demander pourquoi le gouvernement dit aux municipalités de se préparer à des coupes sombres dans le programme Vers un chez-soi. En même temps, ...
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