Le refus du chef conservateur Pierre Poilievre de rencontrer les communautés des Premières Nations du Nord envoie un message très clair. Il s’est rendu à plusieurs reprises dans la région de Timmins, mais il refuse de prendre le temps de visiter les communautés du Nord ou de rencontrer les dirigeants comme les représentants des Cris de Mushkegowuk. Selon le député Charlie Angus, ...
Read More »Editorials, Letters & Political Commentary
Il n’y a pas d’endroit comme la maison.
Que vous soyez médecin, infirmier, chauffeur de taxi, enseignant ou vendeur, nous comprenons tous que, avec les plaisirs et les avantages qui accompagnent notre travail, nous devons accepter les maux de tête et les chagrins. C’est juste la vie. Pour moi, l’un des chagrins récurrents est lorsque je rencontre face à face avec des personnes âgées qui doivent déménager de ...
Read More »“There’s no place like home.”
Whether you are a doctor, nurse, cab driver, teacher or salesperson, we all understand that, along with the pleasures and perks that come with our jobs, we must accept headaches and heartaches. That’s just life. For me, one of the recurring heartaches is when I meet face to face with seniors facing moving from their home into a senior residence ...
Read More »Premier Doug Ford’s Speech at the 2024 ROMA Annual Conference
Premier Ford delivered the following remarks at the 2024 Rural Ontario Municipal Association annual conference. “Well, good morning! Thank you, Jeyan, for that introduction. I’m thrilled to be back here…. For the 2024 ROMA Conference… Alongside my caucus and cabinet colleagues. Before I begin… I want to give a big thank you to the Rural Ontario Municipal Association… Mayor Robin Jones…The ...
Read More »Hughes: Prioritizing trains and rail travel
This time last year, one of the big news stories coming out of the back end of the holiday season was the severe travel delays across Canadian airports. Thankfully, air travel was markedly more consistent this holiday season, and most travellers managed to evade any serious delays. However, the other major federally regulated travel industry, rail, remains plagued with poor ...
Read More »Hughes: Accorder la priorité aux trains de passagers ferait une énorme différence sur le plan des déplacements ferroviaires
À la même période l’année dernière, ce qui a fait les manchettes à la fin de la période des Fêtes, ce sont les graves retards qui ont touché les déplacements dans l’ensemble des aéroports canadiens. Heureusement, cette année, les déplacements aériens ont été considérablement plus stables pendant la période des Fêtes, et la plupart des voyageurs ont pu éviter de ...
Read More »Stiles, NDP propose highway safety solutions
Marit Stiles, Leader of the Official Opposition and Ontario NDP MPP Lise Vaugeois (Thunder Bay—Superior North) held a press conference today exposing the Conservative government’s inaction to prioritize road safety following the senseless fatalities of five Northern Ontarians within the past month. “Nearly every day, we see Highways 11 and 17 closed due to a tragic collision. The situation has ...
Read More »Ford ignoring alarm bell on cancer surgery delays: NDP
Ontario NDP Health critic France Gélinas said Ontario is hearing another alarm bell from the province’s overrun health care system, a new Ontario Health report that shows that just over half of the most aggressive cancers were treated through surgery in the recommended time frame. She is urging the Ford government to act. “This troubling report from Ontario Health makes ...
Read More »NDP demand justice for First Nations amidst tragic pattern of systemic failures
Ontario NDP MPP Lise Vaugeois (Thunder Bay—Superior North), Solicitor General Critic John Vanthof (Timiskaming—Cochrane), and Critic for Indigenous and Treaty Relations Sol Mamakwa (Kiiwetinoong) released a joint statement in response to the tragic death of Jenna Ostberg, a 21-year-old First Nations woman, following revelations that several domestic disturbance calls went unanswered until the situation escalated fatally: “This heartbreaking incident is ...
Read More »New Democrats urge Liberals to push back CEBA deadline for Northern Ontario’s small businesses
With the Canada Emergency Business Account (CEBA) loan repayment deadline less than a month away, Canada’s NDP is urging, once again, Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland and Minister for Small Business Rechie Valdez to extend the repayment deadline and loan forgiveness. While the Liberals are pushing small businesses to repay their loans, they’re handing out $21.6 billion in contracts to ...
Read More »NDP: Beer Store transition shouldn’t come at the expense of good jobs
NDP MPPs are calling for workers to be put first as the provincial government moves to phase out the Beer Store’s Master Agreement – a move set to impact thousands of unionized workers. “With the jobs of thousands of unionized workers on the line, we need to ensure the transition is done in a way that doesn’t leave anyone behind,” ...
Read More »Letter – CARP Urges Government to Protect CPP
The Canadian Association of Retired Persons (CARP) has sent a concerned letter to all federal, provincial and territorial finance ministers on the eve of the December 15th Finance Meeting. The letter, in response to ongoing discussion in Alberta regarding potential withdrawal from the CPP, is calling on the government to step up to protect the national pension plan. Bill VanGorder, CARP’s ...
Read More »Dental care is on its way – NDP promise is becoming a reality
Details of the long-awaited national dental care were announced in Ottawa. Over the course of this coming year senior citizens will be able to get their teeth fixed. The program exists for children and will soon include all working-class individuals, families and people on disability. New Democrats ran in the 2021 election on making this program possible. New Democrats say ...
Read More »Mamakwa responds to First Nations water legislation
Sol Mamakwa (Kiiwetinoong), Deputy Leader of the Ontario NDP and Official Opposition Critic for Indigenous and Treaty Relations issued the following statement in response to the tabling of federal First Nations water legislation: “Yesterday, the federal government tabled the First Nations Clean Water Act respecting water, source water, drinking water, wastewater, and related infrastructure on First Nations lands. Kiiwetinoong has ...
Read More »Face à la hausse du recours des travailleurs aux banques alimentaires, le NPD exhorte le fédéral à lutter sérieusement contre la cupidité des entreprises qui fait grimper les prix des aliments pour les gens du Nord de l’Ontario
Lundi, après des mois de retard de la part des libéraux pour « stabiliser » les prix des aliments, les néo-démocrates ont forcé les PDG de Sobeys et de Loblaws à retourner devant le comité pour s’expliquer sur les prix exorbitants. Cela coïncide avec la publication du rapport de Feed Ontario, qui indique que le recours aux banques alimentaires de l’Ontario a ...
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