Author Archives: Michael Mantha

MPP Michael Mantha calls on Ford government to prevent Northern emergency room closures

Today during Question Period Michael Mantha, MPP for Algoma-Manitoulin, called on Health Minister Sylvia Jones to address potential closures of emergency rooms (ER) in Northern Ontario.   Last week, Manitoulin Health Centre announced that they may have to close one of their ERs for days throughout the month of October due to a shortage of doctors. Other hospitals in Algoma-Manitoulin, ...

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MPP Mantha responds to news that Domtar will indefinitely idle Espanola Mill

MPP Michael Mantha (Algoma-Manitoulin) issued the following statement in light of the news that the Domtar Corporation will be idling operations at its Espanola, Ontario facility indefinitely: “It is devastating to hear that Domtar will be idling operations by early November this year. It is heavy news for the workers, their families and the community who will be impacted by ...

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How will Northern Public Health Units merging make service better?

Love it or hate it, we need government. Before 500 BC, the purpose of government was to serve the interests of the rulers of the day, whether they were monarchs, dictators, aristocrats or some privileged ruling class. We have the Greeks to thank for redirecting the target of governing interests. The Greeks first proposed the concept that a land should ...

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Comment la fusion des bureaux de santé publique du Nord améliorera-t-elle le service ?

Aimez-le ou détestez-le, nous avons besoin du gouvernement. Avant 500 av. J.-C., le but du gouvernement était de servir les intérêts des dirigeants de l’époque, qu’ils soient des monarques, des dictateurs, des aristocrates ou une classe dirigeante privilégiée. Nous avons les Grecs à remercier d’avoir réorienté la cible des intérêts gouvernants. Les Grecs ont proposé le concept qu’une terre devrait ...

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MPP Mantha responds to Minister Jones announcement of one-time funding for Public Health Unit mergers

MPP Michael Mantha (Algoma-Manitoulin) responded to Health Minister Sylvia Jones’ announcement that the government will provide a one-time funding increase to Public Health Units (PHU) who voluntarily merge. “In the North PHUs provide services to vast areas spanning dozens of communities with unique needs and circumstances,” said Mantha. “The realities faced by Northern PHUs are different from those in urban ...

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Greenbelt Debacle: Willful omission, unrepentant and no remorse

Regular readers of this column are accustomed to me relating events and issues at Queen’s Park to everyday experiences that I find myself in, be they personal or professional. I think, in a way, the writing style compliments the way I approach my job. It is one of the things I do to stay focused, grounded and in touch with ...

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MPP Michael Mantha calls on government to accept Auditor General Recommendations and recall Legislature

Following the release of the Auditor General’s “Special Report on the Changes to the Greenbelt“, Michael Mantha (MPP for Algoma-Manitoulin) is calling on the Premier to immediately recall the legislature and reverse the removal of land from the Greenbelt that happened last fall. MPP Mantha issued the following statement: “Today the Auditor General made it clear that the ‘exercise’ undertaken ...

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Le premier ministre Ford dit qu’il n’y a pas assez d’intérêt ou de besoin pour justifier une université française à Sudbury

Les lecteurs de cette chronique savent à quel point je suis fier d’être un habitant du Nord né et élevé. J’ai grandi à Gogama, où le français était la langue maternelle dans presque tous les foyers. Les gens parlaient français dans les églises, les écoles et les entreprises. Dans l’esprit de mes frères et sœurs et de mes amis, notre ...

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Doug Ford likes playing peek-a-boo with Ontario voters

One of the greatest perks that many Northern families enjoy is being able to go to camp to be surrounded by natural beauty and solitude, just minutes from home. Some of us can even go there daily after work. I know a family who frequently enjoys having their kids come to camp with little ones. When I stopped to chat ...

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Doug Ford aime jouer au coup d’œil avec les électeurs de l’Ontario

L’un des plus grands avantages que les nombreuses familles du Nord apprécient est de pouvoir aller au camp et être entourées de beauté naturelle. Certains d’entre nous peuvent même y aller tous les jours après le travail. Je connais une famille qui aime que leur petit-enfant vienne camper avec eux. Quand je me suis arrêté pour discuter avec un voisin, ...

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Chronique de Queen’s Park – La santé reste une priorité

Alors que je réfléchissais à des sujets pour la chronique de cette semaine, compilant une liste dans mon esprit, il m’est venu à la connaissance que j’ai écrite sur les questions de santé à plusieurs reprises au cours des derniers mois. J’étais sur le point de dépasser le sujet quand j’ai senti une étincelle électrique claquer dans ma conscience. Bien ...

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News from the Park – Healthcare remains a priority

As I was mulling over topics for this week’s column, compiling a list in my mind, it occurred to me that I’ve written about healthcare issues several times in recent months. I was about to toss out the topic when I felt an electric spark snap in my mind. Of course! It’s a major issue that is hurting many thousands ...

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