Author Archives: Michael Mantha

Les Ontariennes et Ontariens deviennent-ils complaisants en mode crise ?

Je sais que cela va sembler étrange, mais je demande aux lecteurs de supporter avec moi un moment. Personne ne veut avoir de problèmes dans la vie. La plupart des gens seraient d’accord pour dire que les problèmes sont totalement négatifs. Mais je me prie de ne pas être d’accord, du moins dans une certaine mesure. Je peux voir un ...

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Are Ontarians becoming complacent living life in crisis mode?

I know this is going to sound very strange, but I ask readers to bear with me a moment. No one wants to have problems in life. Most everyone would agree that problems are a total negative. But I beg to differ, at least to some degree. I can see a limited upside because problems challenge us to use our ...

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Northerners know what is needed for healthcare solutions, will the Ford government listen? Asks MPP Michael Mantha

Today during Question Period MPP Michael Mantha asked the Minister of Health, Sylvia Jones, whether her ministry is listening to Northerners about the healthcare crisis after conflicting remarks from members of the Progressive Conservative caucus. “Last month, the government caucus voted down my bill to improve the Northern Health Travel Grant.” Mantha said. “During the debate the Parliamentary Assistant to ...

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Premier Ford isn’t just doubling down; he’s tripling down!

To be an effective politician, you can’t be a shrinking violet. You need to demonstrate the willingness and ability to listen, reliability, and the ability to learn and adapt to new information and situations. Of course, one of the most critical traits to convey is a sense of self-confidence. Now, I’m not saying that every politician must exactly exude self-confidence. ...

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Premier Ford ne se contente pas de doubler ; il triple la

Pour être un politicien efficace, vous ne pouvez pas être une violette qui rétrécit. Vous devez démontrer la volonté et la capacité d’écouter, la fiabilité et la capacité d’apprendre et de s’adapter à de nouvelles informations et situations. Bien sûr, l’un des traits les plus critiques à transmettre est un sentiment de confiance en soi. Maintenant, je ne dis pas ...

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Git-R-Dun : Joue maintenant à Queen’s Park

On pourrait penser que puisque je passe tellement de temps à Toronto semaine après semaine, je profiterais des nombreuses formes de divertissement disponibles : musique, films, spectacles d’humour, stand-up, sports et spectacles en direct. Mais la vérité est que je m’aventure rarement dans de tels lieux. Le soir, avec les chaînes de nouvelles et de sports en arrière-plan, je me tourne ...

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Git-r-Done : Now playing in Queen’s Park

One might think that since I spend so much time in Toronto week after week, I’d take advantage of the many forms of entertainment available: music, movies, stand-up comedy shows, sports and live entertainment. But the truth is I seldom venture out to such venues. In the evenings, with the news and sports channels on in the background, I turn ...

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“Northern Hospitals are poised for catastrophe” says MPP Michael Mantha

Today during Question Period in the legislature, Algoma-Manitoulin MPP Michael Mantha pressed the Premier on the financial pressures facing public hospitals in the North. Following a worrying report by Ontario’s Auditor General in the fall and a letter sent by the CEOs of 25 Northern Hospitals, MPP Mantha said it is beyond time for the government to act on hospital’s ...

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MPP Michael Mantha moving bill to fix Northern Health Travel Grant

Today Michael Mantha, MPP for Algoma-Manitoulin, was joined by Donna Stewart (CAO of the Manitoulin-Sudbury District Services Board) to call on the government of Ontario to pass Bill 13, The Northern Health Travel Grant Advisory Committee Act.   The Northern Health Travel Grant (NHTG) is a program administered by the government of Ontario meant to assist patients living in Northern ...

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Ouverture de nouveaux centres chirurgicaux : Trompez-moi une fois…

Comme le dit le proverbe intemporel : « Trompez-moi une fois, honte à vous ; trompez-moi deux fois, honte à moi. » Pendant les vacances d’hiver, en écoutant les gens de toute la circonscription, j’entends des inquiétudes croissantes au sujet de la privatisation des soins de santé par le gouvernement Ford. Dernièrement, l’accent semble être mis sur l’empressement du premier ministre Ford à jeter ...

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Opening new surgical centres – Fool me once…

As the timeless proverb goes, “Fool me once, shame on you; Fool me twice, shame on me.” Over the winter break, listening to people across the riding, I hear growing concern about the Ford government’s privatization of healthcare. Lately, the focus seems to be on Premier Ford’s eagerness to throw out the welcome mat for for-profit surgical clinics. Next to ...

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Ontario’s Public Health Services: Creeping to the brink of collapse

I am getting a bit concerned about Ontario Premier Doug Ford’s welfare. Seeing him across the aisle when the House sits, he looks fine. But I have noticed something that maybe he and others close to him just are not aware of at the moment. Yet, the problem seems quite apparent to many Ontarians. I am starting to think that ...

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